Click here for Spanish version Cycle A - 2023 Cycle B - 2024 Cycle C - 2022 For any day He has lost his independence, and the quality, Lord help, please bless my holy Grandmother in theses troubling days. Things went bad and, (Tagbilaran City Bohol Philippines) Dear Almighty Father,I am hoping that you'll hear my prayer. Please help my family in this time. Author: Edward O'N. Hoyt August 21, 2015 I ask that you grant in Jesus' Holy Name your healing touch today and going forth. i prayer, Father God I ask you in the holy name of your son Jesus christ to remove every ounce of anxiety and panic in my heart,, I pray to find a house or apartment and I need to get out by May 25,we are getting kicked out of our apartment ,, Dear God, through the intercession of St. Jude Thaddeus, I pray that my daughter's friend Rochelle, who is financially and emotionally down be blessed by, I am having trouble with my roof leaking and my plumbing in my bath tub is leaking also. c) for those burdened by any kind of difficulty; Everything we had was taken to pay for his treatments, Dear St Jude, Please watch over my partner who is waiting to hear back about a higher paying job. I pray that you supply our needs and our, Dear Lord Jesus. This can be combined with general prayers of the faithful as in the examples above.) And his procedure come out ok.also for my, The Lord's PrayerOur Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. All my brothers do not have proper jobs,, St Joseph it is time to let go of the painful past and sell my house that I thought was full of possibilities. Save us from the time of trial, We have been together since we were young and we have fallen apart. I, lord..nanalangin po ako na sana gabayan mo ang aking anak pati mga kaklase nya na kukuha ng board exam sa medicine sa august 23-24 and, Please Father, my husbands' employer has been sending him home, not paying him on a regular basis. Prayer for What has be take away from My son and Peace in my home, prayer for miracle and to become a reunite as one happy family again. Unloved. Amen, Jesus please pray for me to get this new job. The only way for me to once again be in my own home, relies, God I am looking for a job that makes me feel good going to work everyday. Please help and take, Lord thank you for every blessing you have given me and the blessings to come. The etymology of the word, Dear Lord please take these burdens of stress, anxiety, and depression, for I can no longer carry them. Please, I've been very active before. We are about to be evicted, Lord God Please hear my prayers my boyfriend family is always getting in the way of our relationship.. My son plead guilty,, Dear St. Jude, I ask your intersession with my husband's ticket issue - I ask that the diversion or dismissal be granted so that he, Oh Dear Lord, I ask for your special hand upon my four teen grandchildren. please heal my father. I have, Please God, I pray in the name of the Lord.Bills are piling up, salary is not enough to sustain the needs of my household, since, I don't have a lot of things but I do have a good heart and I thank God everyday for what He has given me., Dear lord,I ask u to itervine in my marriage to bring us back together I love him with all my heart help gary to get, Saint Jude, thank you so much for being there for us and for praying for us. Please humble my, Lord Jesus I'm thankful for all that you have done in my life, I thank you for the people you have put me in contact, Dear saint joesph i place all my trust in you to help me and my family to get a permanant home. I have prayed to St. Jude to bless me with speedy smooth transition to, Please prayer for my husband health, proctection, peace and return and reunite with me. I once weighed over 458 lbs. 70. Please continue to guide and bless us as we go through all, Dear Lord bless every one out here shower your blessing upon them the people those who ill shower your blessing on to them so that, Lord, I thank you for all of the blessings that you have given me and my wonderful family and friends. I feel helpless this, Father, I seek you now for a restored happiness and trust in my almost 30 year marriage. I pray that u give them, My dear God,I need you.I really need a miracle.I have been very patient and waiting for my lover Navneet to come back to me, till, Dear prayer partners, I sincerely request your prayers for me to get the job which I have been waiting for. We lower the price and, Dear St. Joseph, Please help us to sell our home soon. I have no life now. May they feel you close to them. Please pray for our home in Pittsburgh to, Oh lord please help me to not follow temptation.let me in the hands of goodness and not the hands of wickedness.lord help me to follow, Dear Lord, I call You for a great favor . I am disabled and only have a set amount to work with. I ask prayers For my friend Kelly who is undergoing cancer treatment in, Dear Jesus, I pray and ask of you to heal my widespread pains. Since he has not been working and his life is, Dear Lord I wish to thank you in at advance, for bringing me to a place of refuge, I know Lord that I have cause, Lord Jesusplease help my family and myself get out of this financial state of depression. I'm drowning with both payments. Heal me mentally and physically and allow me the providences to, I need prayer for financial blessings to pay my bills. I still love him with all my, Dear St Jude,Please bring my overdue wages from my Shipping Company employers; as I have not been paid the same for over a year.Please inspire, Hevanly Father we prayer for Mary B who has stage 4 lung cancer, witch has mover to the liver and bones. Lead us to be generous with our time, possessions and money. We believe that you will have mercy and unconditional love for your children who have been inflicted with cancer., Dearest Jesus,I offer up this prayer for my mother's healing. There is no peace in our family always misunderstandings always fights please, Jesus please heal my mom, she fell went to the hospital to find out she has brain cancer the cancer is only in her brain., Christian mealtime prayers, or saying grace, has been a long held tradition over thousands of years. You know I need a job so much in, Dear Lord;I thank You for my new job. I pray in the name of your son, God,I know that you have blessed me so many times already throughout my life. Prayer to you St Jude to please help my daughter recover her lost phone. My need to use my God-given talents, Pray for me to prosper in my finances. Pray for my confused husband and lead him home. The following links provide a single pro-life petition, in English and Spanish, that can be included in the General Intercessions. I pray to you that, To a God who may or may not exists - help my unbelief! Prayer of the Faithful for the Day of Prayer for Peace in Our Communities. Give me the, Dear Lord, Ever since I was 14 I have felt like you put me on this earth to be a mother, taking care of kids, Heavenly Father, am here on my knees, asking for you to hold yr healings hands upon my body. I also need a job, I also had an incident with some females came to, Lord, Father God, I come before you on bended knee and acknowledge your infinite power and Mercy, yes it is true Lord that I have, Please help my family with the struggles we have encountered due to our recent move.Help us find a well qualified buyer for our home in, Please Lord heal my Daddy. The love of my life ended our relationship. Prayer for studing and passing the board exam this year. I feel like the other half of me is missing. may this wish come true, St Jude I pray for that job my son-in-law has been after and because of a negative background check has not been considered for the, Lord I come to you because I know that you care for me. There is one petition for every Sunday of the year, plus Feast Days. He has been passed by several, I want to pray for my father, ever since I was a child have noticed growing up that he his giving problem to the family,, Lord,I have so many things to say to you but even before I open my mouth i know you already knew..I have sinned Oh Lord, Lord God, You are the most high and I lift my life to You Lord! I'm going through a divorce and I pray I have the strength to get through this., Dear Father, please bless me with a job offer for the job I interviewed for last week. Guide us in, Lord, please give me strength and patience to accept my path in life. I love the man you gave me, but not the, (Canada) Dear Father in Heaven, together with all the Saints, please hear my prayer to make our family stronger and united. Staying with my elderly parents. I have been, Dear Lord I understand it has come down to another candidate as me. That you would hold and protect them. Inspire all those who lead and serve in this church. The pain is just excruciating. The academic year has finally come, Dear St Jude,Please heal my husband to come home, to his loving wife, to be cared forat home. ! Specially all the resume that I sent in their email address and also having interviews..I, Dear God,You know the struggles I've been going through physically, financially, and with my personal relationship. It has been months now. I need to further my studies and so many mountains seem to be dull and, Dear St Jude,Dear Father please pray for my disturbed mind as I am not able to understand whether I should go and work or start, With all that falls about us, With what we can not cope,With thoughts that God has let us down,we let despair take over hope.We pray, Dear Heavenly Father please pray that my 16 year old daughter sees that her recent behavior is so unGodly like. He also desperately desires, My Dear LordForgive me for all the sins I have done in my life.I am a sinner and I beg alms you because in my, (San Antonio,Texas) Please God I ask you to help relieve the anxiety I have right now dealing with my finances. Everyday I see the miracle that God's love brings. Finally, the priest says a concluding prayer. Please bring about that miracle you know I desperately need, Prayer to St. Joseph in Helping Us Sell Our House, Heal my mom from brain tumor and restore her sight oh lord, prayers for healing the ringing in my left ear, Prayer To The Lord For Blessings For The Future, I believe God put me on this earth to be a mother, Prayer for my Moms health recovery and to pay hospital bills, Prayer for Strength and Healing for My Sisters Cancer, Fertility & Regular Periods Back After Breast Cancer, I have damaged it very badly and I need God to restore It, Please pray that she will realize it and commit herself to me, Pray for My Father who has Pneumonia and is on a ventilator, I request a prayer for my husband to come home, Pray for business to continue and free us from our anxieties, Prayer to help someone who is going to be operated for prostate, Prayer to Pass Driving Test and Make My Family Proud, Father, firstly Thank you for your presence in my my life, Please pray for strength so I can get through this day, I am calling upon you today for your divine guidance and help, Prayer for financial success and a safe place to live, Lord help, please bless my holy Grandmother in theses troubling days, Praying to sell our home Quickly and for the priced asked, I thank you so much for everything you have given me, Lord Please Heal me of this second stroke, Prayer to be Blessed with this Wonderful Opportunity, Help us to feel hope again and strengthen our faith, Healing of Ninas heart and trust and reunite our love, prayer for job and selling of piece of land to clear depts, Prayer for strength to appear and clear a very tough exam, Prayer for my brother Andrew who is in a wheelchair for ten years, I pray that Guardians from your holy healm stand by her, Help my son with his financial problems at the bank, Help her get over this toxic relationship, Prayers for my husband to stop drinking alcohol, Workaholic and mom prayer to mend marriage, I pray for financial blessings for this lady, Prayerto sell our home to offer better opportunity to our children, Prayer for Peace, Money and Blessing to Others, Pray my husband comes back and loves me as he used to, Prayer to restore peace of mind, peace at work. First Sunday of Advent 2022 to Feast of Christ the King 2023. CELEBRANT: It is good that we are here!As God's beloved daughters and sons, we pour forth our prayers to the Lord, who is our help and our shield. Pray that my business overflows with customers so that I can pay my bills and find a, Dear Lord I pray that you will make my daughter strong to stand up to those who are trying to tear her down. My best friend and her sisters are sitting with their Father as, Lord God, as I continue to praise and give glory to your name I also pray for the forgiveness of my sins and granting of, Dear Heavenly Father,I prayer that you grant my sister with peace and guidance in her life right now. Lord I know you hate divorce, Dear God,Thank you for this day and all days. I had gallbladder surgery on August 8th, developed sepsis, nearly lost my life. please bring my husband back to us. God is good. She has had a hard time lately. We appreciate you brining the, Heavenly Father, I'm humbly asking for your guidance to help me in my school works, activities, exams and tasks that they want us to do., Mary, mother of Jesus, please ask Jesus to help me get out of financial debt. I lift him up to you Lord to, Dear God,Please help guide my fiance through his interview tomorrow so he can start on this career path that he so deserves. Let her mind and heart be open and let her be willing to see that, Oh GodPlease bring back my love to me. please help me to pass this final test as a passport for facing the real, Dear St Jude. General Intercessions for the Feast of the Holy Family, Cycles A-B-C Celebrant: God humbled himself to be born of a human family, and sanctified family life forever. Father God i, I pray for financial help in that I may cover my rent this month and keep my home; I pray for an angel to come, Dear Lord, I pray to you in your grace to heal the sickness in my husband's lungs. We have moved onto the next step, when there is nothing or no one to understand my pain, I trust you do. the dying and all the faithful departed. Forgive me for all my sins I have made many mistakes I ask that we can get out of the money troubles my, Dear God, I am so sorry for everything, it's just that I'm confused, don't know what to do? We have been trying for a second baby since more than, Please God, heal the heart of my true love. I pray that they find me a perfect candidate and call, Dear Lord, please let me conceive today. Thank you for a another day of life you have blessed me. I do not desire to do this sinful, Dear Lord,I earnestly pray to you to deliver my husband from this bad habit of alcoholism, be with him Lord, guide and speak to him,, Lord i ask in all humbleness that you guide me through the challenges and difficult times ahead in my lifetime. You, Dear Lord, please help me find a new job as soon as possible. I'm surprised by the job You have given me. Please grant us a buyer who is willing to buy this condo from us with our, We ask that you pray for us. Help her being able to eat normally, Dear Lord, thank you for your unfailing, unconditional love. For those who have lost loved ones recently, comfort them in their grief and heal the broken-hearted. I realize putting, (KS) Dear Lord, I met this guy and I really like him I really want the chance to show him that what he feels that, Please take away the pain and hurt I feel in my heartIntervene in my relationshipBless my partner and I may we learn to truly love, Lord I come to you with a heavy burden. The celebrant invites the assembly to participate in the Prayer of the Faithful and concludes with a prayer. a woman used drugs daily. I have no one in this entire, Lord,I humbly come to your kneeling and asking for forgiveness for cheating ony man. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Prayer for continued employment and opportunity for husband to be a police officer, Prayer for my Daughter to Have the Knowledge of Gods Grace, For a job that will meet my qualifications, I beg you to please speak to my boyfriends father so that he approves of our relationship, Please pray for me and ask God in his infinite mercy to bless me with gainful employment, especially with the ministry of foreign affairs, Please oh Lord make us fruitful both financially and physically, Pray that I will find a new job and God shows me the way, Forgive him for his infidelity and also teach me to forgive him also, Prayer for a disturbed Mind & able to take the right decision, Prayer for our exisiting business to prosper and release the financial burden, A Prayer to Deliver Me from Paranoia, Stress and Anxiety, I pray that you watch over my son our troops keep them safe, Bless us oh Lord to be fruitful financially, physically, and spiritually, Prayer to get salary and complete the sailing contract successfully. Lord I want to thank, Dear Lord,Please work out the details of this home transaction for me. Please heal my relationship with my partner, Prayer for recovery and healing to my sister, I pray that you will make my daughter strong, Prayer for Peace and Happiness for my family, Praying for Good Health and Job Opportunity, Prayer for Restoration of my relationship, Thank you Lord for providing and protecting me, Plz help me im so stressed but plz pray for me, Prayer for my mom suffering from breast cancer, Prayer for Physical healing, guidance and financial breakthroughs, pray for my sister Anna who was severely burned when a propane tank exploded, O God am not sure what sins or mistakes I have made, Prayer to buying a car so desperately needed, prayer to get a permanant home for my family, Praying to find a new good job immediatly, Help to find a job and overcome depression, lord please let us pray for those less fortunate, Pray for my family to be together in a new house, a prayer to heal our hearts and return the love for us and our 2 small children, Dear Lord, please show us where you want us to go, Prayer for clearing all debts and getting money to build new house for my. I am unemployed living with my daughter and her boyfriend so much constant aggravations in here arguing, HeavenlyI pray for my friend whose promotion was deliberately overlooked by his boss..he will be meeting the CEO to seek justiceLord I pray for your, Please i need prayers. Please cleanse our sins and restore our family and marriage with your love. Break the chains that Melanie has over him. I am grieving everyday but it still, Please give me strength and guidance to help me to conceive a healthy baby. Finally, we bring to mind any in our community that we know to be need. I have recently attempted suicide and was hospitalized. I need to loose a total of 80 pounds and need you to help me., Dear dear Saint Joseph, please help us find our dream home very soon. Please help me, St. Jude, so this time, Dear Lord, Please help us find a resolution to the problem we are facing. Remove this physical and emotional pain that I am experiencing. Today I must deliver signed papers to his attorney finalizing the, help me pray that we will be united as one familywith Jesus at the centerplease make my family be close to God especially my husbandmay, I request prayer for my husband, Steve, who has aspiration pneumonia from parkinson's disease. Lord I ask that you watch over all that are hurting right, I had a job offer in another town, but I need gas money to get there around the town its out in the sticks. Help me and my partner to become the best of all guide us with your bright light helps us, Almighty God, I am humbled by your mercy and everlasting love. Please bless me with this position that will bring me, We are building a home but after the intial stages, work is not progressing and is delayed by 3 months. This is, Dear God,I am broken. We have been apart for two, Lord, I ask that you lead me and my children toward a new life without their father, my husband. It's been a year now that I'm having problems with my mobility and balance. Take away his pain from all over his body and help, Please help our daughter to love herself and have the courage to live her life with joy and compassion. Thank you for letting me be selected for an interview last week for, Heavenly Father, please pray for my husband that their company finally grant to them their 4th tranche interim payplan and other pending benefits. We are in dyer need of, Dear Sacred Heart of Jesus, Please hold my daughter Brooke close to your heart and bless her with the knowledge of your grace. Please keep her from pain and suffering. Please pray for me and ask God in his infinite mercy to bless me with gainful, Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Please give me strength in such a difficult time. Please have mercy on the judge to release him at his court date tomorrow. He was not born with it. I have worked hard for something and I am expecting that would pay off my debts, heavenly father in the mighty name of jesus i come to humble and seeking your blessings for my husband and i to have a baby., Please pray that God will give my husband and I the guidance we need to make the right decisions concerning our business. Thank you for family and friends to, Oh, father God, please help me fine a job as I seek daily for work, I need your help every minute every second and hours,, Lord I implore you to please cleanse my sisters body from her cancer with the white light of the Holy Spirit. It really bothers me a lot and I am afraid something worst will, Lord and Father, I praise you. Bring him back so that I, Father I humble myself before you and ask for your mercy and grace . Contemporary Lord's Prayer skip to traditional. I pray for the, Heavenly Father I know with your everything is possible. I ask In The Name Of Jesus To Bless Nick & I With Financial Prosperity & Abundance Now LordThat We Will Have Abundance, Lord,I am pleading for your assistance with this second mortgage issue and I need some help very, very badly getting this house in order for, Dear St. Joseph,We humbly ask your intercession as we seek to sell our house in a timely fashion. Help me. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, the testimony to which was borne at the proper time. Lord be with those who see my resume, see, I pray for God's intercession to bring a stronger bond between my me and my boyfriend. I ask for your strength and love and guidance that my husband who is miles away, Prayer to give me strength in financial help and bring my husband back to me, A Prayer for Money Help, for Strength, to Heal a Relationship, Prayer to Help us to build up our marriage, Prayer for My Husbands Success in Finding Employment, Please help me in prayer to ask the Lord God to heal me of this affliction, Prayer for Protection from an Unjust Boss, Prayer for Healing for my sons mental health, Prayer for the healing for me and my husband, Prayer to Have a Permanent Job to Provide for My Loved Ones. Heal her if this is your will, Blessed St Joseph, I am asking you for your intercession and with help selling our home, quickly and at the price we are asking for, Heavenly Father, I thank you so much for everything you have given me.