If youre selling, make an official agreement or contract. All kinds of drugs should be avoided because they can cause very negative effects now. What does the waxing gibbous moon mean? Neptune brings an other-worldly component to the thought processes that can greatly enhance the ability for idealism, imagination, and fantasy. When transiting Neptune is conjunct your natal Mercury: During this time communications are likely to be deceitful and confusing. But, this is a great day to engage in projects that involve creativity or imagination. During normal direct motion (not near a station) transit, Mercury makes quick one-hit conjunctions to natal Neptune that happen yearly and represent an opportunity for imagination, fantasy, or artistic expression to enter the daily life and provide insight into generational or cultural themes. While you can learn abundantly, the classroom is typically very open, and the world around you may offer many possibilities to broaden your outlook. Find out important dates in 2023 that can be a improve your relationships, career opportunities and health considerations. This transit favors any activity where clear mind and attention to detail is required. Personality in Astrology. Try not to have more than 3-4 things on the go at once to avoid getting stressed out or giving up because you feel overwhelmed. Dissolving hope? In 2012 I worked on a project where I had some assistants in my team and one of them contacted me a year later on Facebook and started hitting on me. If youre a poet, writer, musician or artist, this is a very favorable time for artistic expression. Good for indulging in escapist literature. Jupiter in Astrology Meaning : Attain, Develop and Progress, What Does Saturn Mean In Astrology? Find maps and schedules for stops and routes. Any psychic potential will be increased or will begin to manifest at this time. What does Mercury mean in your astrology horoscope chart ? Calculate Time and Cost. Then it's easy to lose sight of simple and common aspects of your life, like your keys, passwords, sense of time, or anything else that most mature people must manage daily. Clearly gaining his driving licence was a positive new experience which enabled him to let go of an old way of being (i.e. A requisite for this cycle is honesty in all your dealings, not only in your interactions with others, but also in the information they supply to you. Sun In Libra Astrology: Is Sun in Libra good, What does it mean to have Sun in Scorpio? We accommodate everyone. Some of these can have long-term consequences unless you take precautionary steps. I know its hard, as you can usually see the best solutions for more peoples problems, but keep quiet if someone shows you they are not ready for them. With a Mercury Neptune conjunction in your natal chart, you better stay honest because truth will always help you in your endeavors. Parts of the problems is that theyre trying to discuss anything that they cant really be as theyre being described: their ideals that are high, as well their visions from the past, their present and their future, so their realm is full of possibilities. Keep reading for the natal meaning of this aspect or jump to the transit interpretation. Your ego is diminished and so is your ambition. Provide the origin, destination, and weight of your shipment to compare service details then sort your results by time or cost to find the most cost-effective shipping service. When transiting Neptune is conjunct your natal Venus: You tend to idealize the world and, especially, other people. How would this apply if the conjunction is making an opposition to natal Juno and Jupiter both in Virgo? They most likely have many ideas and others see them as unrealistic or delirious, even if theyre always making perfect sense. You may have strange ideas or delusions. Misunderstandings are also common since you find it hard to say the things you are thinking. System Wide Map. This transit stimulates the tendency to unreal fantasies and obsessing with strange ideas. Perhaps, at first, you don't do this with any malintent. How long does the Moon transit the houses? Quickly get estimated shipping quotes for our global package delivery services. The opinions of others regarding the stories coming out of their imagination are very important for them because their mental processes seem to depend on them. It is advisable that you take advantage of your increased creativity, especially when it comes to 'side-hustling' pursuits! Inclined to be very interested in mysticism, psychology, things that are hidden, on material level could have an interest in digging. Types Of Spirit Guides How To Connect And Discern, Tarot Cards Meanings What Tarot Represent History Symbolism, How to use tarot cards for shadow and inner work, What Pros and Cons Tarot Cards Ancientfuturevision. You have a powerful urge to escape reality and daydream, and it might be hard to focus on more trivial concerns of your daily life. What does Venus mean in astrology? Full Moon Transits : What does a full moon mean in astrology? The Mercury conjunct Neptune transit is focused on matters of the mind and communication when it comes to spiritual subjects, mysteries and the occult. There could be big changes in your life and society as a whole. For as long as Mercury is in conjunction with Neptune, people are more interested in studying art because they have a richer imagination and are more creative. And thats definitely something youll want to avoid. Misinterpretations are much more likely to occur now than in the past, whether intentional or not. However, for this to happen, theyd need to decode valuable information and to make a difference between whats real and what isnt. About the white shorts . Insights of great value can be attained by meditating. In an invigorating way, you can transport others into a vision of themselves and their current world. And yet, your ability to tell what is real and what is imaginary is perfectly balanced, making this period more productive. You often have a hard time explaining yourself. Unclear ideas and confused thoughts can produce problems in your life at this time. All humans die, but you dont immediately become a saint or goddess-like when you die; these gifts are earned over numerous lifetimes. The Mercury-Neptune Conjunction focuses on your mind, your thought processes and your communication. Some of what you experience while lost in another realm can be useful in consensual reality. To Get Your Weekly Cosmic Update, EnterYour Details Below Each week, we'll send you your guide to the most remarkable and mystifying cosmic events of the week (& other goodies! 75 days. Avoid becoming overly delirious and lost in the psychic realms, keep an idea journal, work through them, and finish things before starting something new. Using the Midheaven, the True Node and Saturn discover where your true potential and Career lies. With Neptune conjunct Mercury, lines between fact and fiction, reality, and revelation often blur for you. Natives born during the Mercury conjunct Neptune aspect have an impressive perception and can transmit information in many ways because they have impressive psychic abilities. Your ego is diminished and so is your ambition. Instead it is claimed that an astrological pattern with regard to the future can correspond with any one of a variety of possibilities. You have to learn to discern which is meant to be kept private and what to share with others; if you are unsure, its best to avoid upset in friendships and to check you can share certain details with others before you do. You are apt at picking up verbal and non-verbal cues in your environment; you can also have a natural presence of being highly intuned with the unseen and higher truths of life. Your mind is overloaded with so much disordered activity that it produces physical and mental weaknesses, lethargy and lack of concentration. It is advisable that you take advantage of your increased creativity, especially when it comes to side-hustling pursuits! How to Handle The Curveballs of Eclipse Season & Stay Fierce As Hell! This can bring about deceptions, treacheries, manipulation, poisonous and strange strategies. With reassurance and acceptance, your abilities can become valuable talents. You will likely see, hear, or notice with other senses things that most others do not. Technical support support@astrolada.com. People born during Mercury conjunct Neptune transit are generous, easy to impress and big dreamers. When meetings are being avoided, people should keep their propositions short, which can prevent many from wandering. As a child, this penchant can be a creative and protective cocoon for you. Virgo Moon Transit :What does it mean that the moon is in Virgo? Astrology is a wonderful tool that . How To Use Daily Numerology To Help You Break Free Of Recurring Cycles, Venus enters Gemini (May 8th) | Heres Who Needs To Be Careful In Love, 555 Angel Number: The #1 Thing You Need To Do To Harness The New Beginning Power of Repeating 5s, 7 Keys Dates in May That Will Bring Trailblazing Energy Into Your Life & Make You Feel Like A Total Rockstar. Sometimes, direct Mercury makes close conjunctions (within a few degrees) to natal Neptune, while also conjunct the transiting sun, only at much longer thirteen-year intervals. However, this is a perfect day to get involved in projects related to creativity and matters of imagination. How others, especially parents and teachers, reacted to your stories about this imaginary world was critical. You have the ability to do both; it just means paying close attention when necessary. Routine may not be your friend, naturally, but you need to befriend it to reach your highest potential, a need to get off the fence and make a solid stance. An unclear mind and the wrong messages being sent may be too much for them to handle. In the negative expression of this transit, thoughts and words are twisted by misconception, irrationality, confusion, fear and paranoia. This is why its essential to heal and not bury your psychological and emotional wounds. Neptune Conjunct Sun Transit The world suddenly seems to have a hazy glow and softness to it. As the Mercury conjunct Neptune transit takes place, people tend to become more sensitive to their surroundings. So, you must be extremely careful when making important decisions or business transactions. If youre buying something, ask for a guarantee. As a result of ambiguity, misreading can occur, and many assumptions may lead to false ideas. You are extremely sensitive to other peoples reactions that will impact your way of communicating. Tired of Repeating The Same Routine? This time is impacting their way of thinking and the communication matters in both positive and negative ways. If lord of the 7th, be careful in all matters related to contract negotiations and business partnerships. You must not readily believe anything you hear; fact check, always research and fact check. Scandal in career is possible. On the contrary, this period is useful in being more open with what you say and more trusting in what you hear. Although there is a positive side to the transit of Neptune in conjunction to your natal Mercury, it is quite difficult to handle because the logical side of your brain gets clouded by a nebulous fog. Be extra careful if you have to sign contracts or make agreements or decisions because hidden factors could arise to complicate things. and also did you wear any high heeled red shoes with that or ? Self-acceptance is needed to manage this placement, and self-trust, compassion, healing, understanding, control, and love; give yourself the reassurance you need to build your self-esteem. My readings weave together planetary symbolism, asteroids myths and Sabian symbols. She is an experienced practitioner who aims to make her work available to as many people as possible. What is the meaning of the spring equinox, What does the autumn Equinox mean in astrology? This reading will help guide you in areas of your life and help you overcome obstacles and transform toxic relationships. Contracts that you sign during this cycle should be examined closely since you may take on more than you anticipate. When manifesting at its highest, this transit is giving their psychic more accuracy when it comes to perceiving things on different levels and unbiased processes and the received spiritual information. When it comes to being ambiguous, theyre not reading whats occurring and can generate untrue ideas. I dont have a Mercury-Neptune contact and I am pretty sure I already met you online about a year ago at Marinas web place. Short, quick and to the point. Sun in Leo Natal : What does a sun in Leo mean? This symbolizes relatively minor but important updates in the way you process information, symbols, and patterns. You compassion for others increases. It can be a problem for them to decode whats illusion and whats reality, as well what matters the most and what isnt very important, secrets from what needs to be told. 2019-2020 HoroscopeJoy Joy Carter All Rights Reserved. But WaitHere's What You Need To Know About The Mercury Retrograde Shadow, 5 Powerful Ways To Hit Restart When Uranus Stations Direct! They love poetry and the cinema as well, especially since they seem to simply love expressing themselves through images and interpreting them. Natal Sun In Scorpio, Natal Sun In Capricorn- Meaning, How to Cope and Evolution, Aquarius Astrology In depth Meaning Of Natal Aquarius, What Does My Sun Sign Mean? Seek healthy ways to manage your sensitivity like spending time in nature, listening to or creating music or art, dance, act or become an alternative healer. It analyzes and organises and defines the way we interact with others. As you know, in this world, people who are different are often ridiculed, so people shut down their emotional sides, typically by age 30, so they can fit in with the rational, scientific and technological worldview. Being in tune with the mystical, unseen and higher meanings is good, but you must learn to manage yourself and use logic to make your visions and inspirations known and understood by others. Also, make so you learn to state your intentions clearly, and be aware that other people may try and deceive you also. This could include imaginary friends or entities when very young. You may still have this trait as you get older; note that just as you have sovereignty ( full ownership) over your material world, you also have it over the psychic realms. : Moon Phase and Natal Meaning, What does first quarter moon mean? Significance. In either case, a clearer sense of personal, social, cultural, and historical boundaries is necessary and helpful for you to navigate day-to-day experience. View all Maps & Schedules by Route. Fuse critical thinking with your subconscious impressions, accept you think circular, more than logical but learn to make this a gift and not a curse, Work to use and manage your creative visualisation ability. He gave me a detailed description of some romantic moments between us during the project and a detailed description of what I wore, including a pair of white shorts. You can use your psychic ability to heal yourself and others; you know how to touch your own and others deep inner core positively. Take time to make sure you check all impressions, visions, and information you receive from your inner and outer environment. neptune Mercury Aspects Mercury represents our rational mind and is the planet of everyday expression and communication. The conjunct aspect takes place when two planets are stationed together in the same zodiac sign, borrowing from each others influences and working toward the same direction. I have this for my solar return at 0 degrees, A lot of Absent mindness and forgetting stuff. Martin Luther 002, Stuart Wilde 004, Ian Holm 018, Yul Brynner 022, Jake Gyllenhaal 029, Julio Iglesias 030, Jewelle Gomez 032, Egon Schiele 032, Maria Shriver 034, Neil Armstrong 040, Meg Ryan 044, Phil Andros 044, Edwards I of England 0Robert Currey 048, Raymond Buckland 057, Amy Lee 106, Olivia Rodrigo 110, Mary I of England 114, RuPaul 119, Alyssa Milano 126, Arthur Dee 127, Jeff Buckley 129, Christian Doppler 129, Cynthia Stafford 132, Melville Davisson Post 133, Ray Bradbury 144, Louis-Ferdinand Cline 147, Ben Shapiro 159, Vladimir Putin 200. The Mercury conjunct Neptune aspect is heightening senses to higher levels, so that the information entering their mind is becoming almost impossible to filter. Contact us. If you really want to harness the magical energy at play, look to the spiritual and metaphysical realms; meditation and practicing the occult (tarot and astrology particularly) will help you gleam all the goodness of the day. Words are simply escaping them and they can forget everything about very important principles. An afflicted Mercury conjunct Neptune can make you a bit of a cad and low down dirty trickster, know we reap what we sow in life, so yano its up to you have you play your cards in this lifetime. Leo Moon Transit: What does the moon entering Leo mean? For as long as Mercury is in conjunction with Neptune, people are always saying the right things all the time, others are just keeping people confused and questioning appearances. The retrograde conjunctions from transit Mercury to natal Neptune will occur in groups of three (with a direct conjunction before and after) only every six to seven years, or more often, thirteen years apart. However, this is a time when playfulness can take precedence over serious endeavors, and you may enjoy wandering without a set goal or objective. It provides vivid and detailed modern imagery that can inspire and connect the reader with the deeper tarot meanings easier. No, its never too late to put wrongs right; a leopard can change its cards, but it takes hard work and endurance, avoid living in your own fantasy world. CATA buses and facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. You can express these insights through compassionate, supportive, selfless words and thought projection. Your normally logical mind is more influenced by your imagination now, and straightforward, critical thinking may be difficult. You have to carefully pick your friends, activities, and life goals because being around negativity or adverse conditions for a prolonged period can affect your life progression. Transiting Moon in Aquarius: What does the moon in Aquarius mean? March 29, 2025 In case theyre deciding to make a habit from this, theyre becoming liable for creating their own reality, which can cause them problems they can no longer find solutions to. When you have Neptune conjunct natal mercury, you can infuse the world with uplifting wisdom, especially in the areas of spiritual communion, communication, addiction, psychological and emotional problems once you learn to heal and manage your own emotional and psychological blockages. Transit dates: 03 April 2020, 29 March 2021, 23 March 2022, 16 March 2023, 08 March 2024, 02 March 2025, 29 March 2025. During normal direct motion (not near a station) transit, Mercury makes quick one-hit conjunctions to natal Neptune that happen yearly and represent an opportunity for imagination, fantasy, or artistic expression to enter the daily life and provide insight into generational or cultural themes. You may be dealing with someone dishonest. The positive is that your sensitivity to subtle influences around you is greatly increased. Transit and Natal, How does the waning crescent affect us? Your mental clarity could be distorted, and judgment could be impaired because of incorrect, distorted, or incomplete information. There are different kinds of conjunctions transit Mercury can make with natal Neptune. They may need to get together with those who arent honest and manipulative, or they should be tempted to put the truth in shadows and avoid confrontations, even when lies are being revealed. Most astrologers nowadays regard the term 'prediction' as something of a misnomer, as modern astrology does not claim to directly predict future events as such. Avoid having loose morals and starting illicit liaisons; even small white lies will still be exposed. If someone is contradicting these natives and says theyre unrealistic, they may have some serious problems later in life, become sensitive as theyd just pick up the feelings of everyone around them. For as long as Mercury is in conjunction with Neptune, people are more interested in studying art because they have a richer imagination and are more creative. Mercury Conjunct Natal Neptune It is a good time to express your ideas and feelings and your artistic expression will be heightened. You may want to explore mystical and extrasensory topics. Your public image is misunderstood and takes on a life of it's own. Use it. Shadow Work: What Does It Mean To Do Shadow Work? Mercury takes about 88 days to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. The communication and airy- rampant thoughts of mercury meet the esoteric and delusion often addictive thoughts of Neptune- temperance of the energies is vital, and reaching for the higher octaves of expression for each planet. That's good for psychic work or creative expression, like composing music or writing works of fiction. Those who are more sensitive to their surroundings are more interested and influenced by serious words and the opinions of many. Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. You're perhaps inspired to capture its loveliness in art, photography, film, or some other form of creative expression. Whoa! CLICKBANK is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. Your incredible creativity and imagination can lead to a career in the arts such as painting, dance, or theater, as well as healing or other fields of communication, where your ideas can touch and inspire others. You think you're telling the tale that sounds better, or what someone wants to hear. When you have natal Mercury conjunct Neptune, it is highly probable when you were younger, you were in tune with imaginary friends and seen things others did not. If lord of the 11th, you have a harder time reading other people's body language. If you lie or misrepresent yourself now, others would likely find out. I offer sensitive and intuitive astrology readings to guide you on your soul journey. Moon Transit Aries : What does the moon being in Aries mean? What happens in the last quarter moon transit? These transits increase your ability to communicate psychic and spiritual experiences. A greater understanding of the personal ideals and the way they are either serving or frustrating is also possible. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. Moon Transit Taurus : Transiting Moon in Taurus, Moon Transit Gemini : Transiting Moon in Gemini, Moon Transit Cancer : Transiting Cancer Moon. This is not a good day for engaging in mental activities that are all about details and having clear-cut opinions that are as well rational. When you have natal Mercury conjunct Neptune, it is crucial to trust your perceptions; by discerning what is real and what is not. Your intuitive abilities are an asset in all of your communications and relationships. But be warned, unless you actively seek out the positive side of the Mercury-Neptune transit, you might be shown the negative side. Meaning and how you can use them. It provides vivid and detailed modern imagery that can inspire and connect the reader with the deeper tarot meanings easier.