I managed to fumble a piece and I managed to drop it and it shattered like glass. There is just n o reason for it. All the reviews are very complete, so I will just add my few points. Penzance is good but it has no taste next to this. Alright, so after a lot of virginia and VaPer and VaBur in this summer I really missed some good latakia so I decided to open this tin of Cornell & Diehls Pirate Kake. A full bowl of Pirate Kake burned slow and consistently. So, I sat back down and enjoyed the rest of the bowl! The burley component smooths it out a bit, but doesn't add much to the taste that I can tell, but there is a definite spice component from the Orientals. I enjoy the honey like notes with light puffing. Originally Reviewed on 5/29 Tin/Pouch Note: Sour apple, plum, campfires and leather. It is a strong smoke but pleasant to the pallet. But it really is a good tasting tobacco. weigh anchor, set sail and sip for a bit. I find the Ten Russians to be a slightly better balance than Stimulus Package. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley from C&D, Pirate Kake is a Latakia lover's treasure. This is one of hte few English blends I really like. It is not an all day smoke, but it IS my at least once-a-day smoke! This is now the bar for me as far as taste and just a purely enjoyable smoke goes. This blend is LOADED with it for sure, and there just isn't any other way to put it. It is surprisingly smooth and easy on the palate. Understatement of the year---"This is a blend for the Latakia lover" WOW. Its almost a single note experience. I am a Latakia lover, and have from time to time smoked straight latakia and turkish, but this may be too much. in this blend that it tended to be rather 1 dimensional. As I transitioned from cigars to pipes I wanted a blend to go to that was similar to some of the super strong maduro cigars I enjoyed. Actually though, the experience is more like eating a parfait rather than a torte- one layer at a time. I know I like it, but I am not sure if it will always be in my stock. It is a bomb in my assessment. Pirate Kake rates 2 stars. Maybe not an all day smoke but a great choice if youre searching for a characterful, spicy but not too strong mixture. I would recommend letting it dry for perhaps twenty minutes after breaking it up as the bars can be very moist. It crumbles apart easily and after some drying it packs very well and is burning even and steady. Fully recommended, but is only for people that fully enjoy Latakia and not for pipe begginers. It burns cool, rich tasting smooth flavor and a delightful smokey aroma. The Latakia is always front and center, and to me, that is not a bad thing. Truly, the good tobaccos are better with age and this is one of them!!! I get more flavor, sweetness and nuance from this blend then I do from other lat bomb balkans. Five of five stars ------------ march 06 update. Age When Smoked: not sure. -- UPDATE -- awesome blended with some Lane 1Q 1/3 Pirate Kake, and 2/3 1Q - marinate for a week in a baggie. Full taste. UPDATE 11-18-2009: I'm afraid I must contradict my own recent review of Pirate Kake. The presentation was a cube in the sample I got. A pinch off the kake was easily crumbled in my palm, and one match got it going. Look. But it is strange how the strong aroma of Latakia will start to grow on you. This is by far my all time favorite tobacco. Bought a ton of this 2 years ago and after the first bowl immediately turned around and bought a pound. Just beaucoup latakia from beginning to end. I should have reviewed this tobacco long ago. My wife likes the smell of this tobacco the best of all the tobacco I have, your wife probably won't. PK made the top 5 list. Pirate Kake is what it is- a no apology latakia laden blend. If you want to try this stuff, you should probably put some away for a few years so you can compare the aged stuff to the fresh. Fantastic smoke. I have not gone back to it for several months, but it is certainly a must try for the latakia lover. Though heavy on the latakia its interesting how the orientals and burleys play in the background with every sip. Meerschaum Man,smoking a 20 yr old CAO Bacchus. This will keep you going. The quality of the leaf is good, as are all C&D blends that I have had. Sip, don't puff hard! It has a smoked bacon with sharp provolone flavor !!! Ive had straight Virginias with a stronger flavor overall, therefore I'm dropping pirate kake to two stars. I tried this in my well broken in corncob while I was outside gardening on a fairly windy day. Pirate kake in the little devil cob this morning. Bomb". Broke her in with my tongues? Add to cart. If you don't like Latakia, why are you reviewing a blend that's 70% Latakia then bashing it because it's one dimensional or monochromatic? The burn was very cool and consistant and did not require relights. Overall, I do recommend it for what it is. Kake is misleading as the pressed tobacco has many of the characteristics of a small piece of 5/4 inch pine decking. It?s one-dimensional, but you don?t smoke Pirate Kake for complexity, you smoke it for a major infusion of Latakia. If you enjoy Latakia (and I do), you'll love it. I buy i Pirate Lake is a full body English bend. The nicotine's just above medium, not 'strong', but more of a strength for the mornings. I recon it is due to the amount of latakia. Can't speak to heaven. Although PK is very obviously a strong lat bomb, I found it to be remarkably smooth, much more so than Star of the East and that PK is actually one of the finest smokes I have had the pleasure of smoking. It lacks that hint of perique spice that Nightcap has, but is darker and more smokey. If not I will be happy to take it off your hands. This pipe tobacco is in-stock & available at . I like them when they're blended together. Having not tried many C & D products, after meeting them and sampling PK and a few others, I'm now a fan. Good smoke, I will keep it on hand as much as possible. This is truly a 5-Star blend if I ever tasted one. I was actually searching for this kind of tobacco for a long time. Will definitely get more. I'll be honest. Very smokey and rich, but smooooth. One block of about an 1/8th of a pound was immediately rubbed out and jarred. If any ever wondered what Dunhill's My Mixture #10 was like, this is it sans cavendished Virginias. So keep yer bilge suckin grimy hooks outta mee tobacco, or itll be the locker fer ya all!! The room note does not offend like my old latakia did. The latakia is heavy, which is fine. Comparable to an Is lay Whiskey in smokiness, though if one is looking for notes of peat I recommend C&D's 'Strathspey'. Must try! Very few relights, and is just heavenly. This is not a great mixture but a great mistake. But on the whole, about as delicate as a horse pistol in the ribs and a genteel invitation to walk the plank. For instance, theres plenty, and I mean plenty of dark lush tasting latakia leaf here. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Premium Pipe Tobacco. I opened the backy and let it dry a tad bit,and then loaded a bowl. Prepariamo il tabacco e riempiamo la pipa, di solito utilizzate pipe ampie, laccensione rapida, un fine aggiustamento di pigino e via. The mixture is creamy, dry, woodsy and with a lot of peat accents. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley from C&D, Pirate Kake is a Latakia lover's treasure. Without question, the different sized chunks of tobacco, with different blends of leaf, is at the root of the many different sub-flavors that manifest during the bowl. There's not much subtle about this blend and it starts like it finishes. My only gripe is that I have not had much luck in storing it. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, these guys write it like it's etched in stone. Where's my jug o'grog? It didn't give me a headache or make my stomach hurt, so I will keep some Pirate Kake around for when the right occasion presents itself. This will really mess-up your hands when you break it up so I just did it once and keep it in a mason jar. Now that I am a major ity of the time pipe smoker, I enjoy a piratey blend like this. While you are sitting there enjoying the bowl you can watch the smoke accumulate in the room and settle to the floor. This blend is a real treat. IMHO better than Penzance. It is consistently a good blend. . In my opinion it is inconceivable a mixture with 75% of Latakia because it is impossible to detect any other taste. Well I was hoping to find something very strong as it's a Latakia Bomb but NO! Warning this has been described to me as smelling like "cats that being lit on fire". It has not been a nasty surprise this buy, otherwise. This stuff is delicious. This stuff is fantastic with a very rich latakia taste and a elegant plume of white fragrant smoke. Update 6/14: I had upped the rating on this to 3 stars a while ago as I began to appreciate it more when I smoked in as a leisurely, late night smoke, and not as a daylong choice. It gets better and better with time. And the bricks were pretty cool, I must say. It is what it is and I enjoy it every time I choose it. d. there were twelve principle manifestations of Allah. Tin note - Very earthy/musty Lights easy and burns well. Details. Now, I had some trouble with it early on. Yes, there are others - not better, simply different. Palette: Smells of rich peat, ash, campfire and a little spice. I've had the privilege of smoking a pretty decent variety of blends for my budget. Such a concentration of LAtakia becomes unidimensional after a while, so it would gain to be mixed with something else to bring variety to it. Overall this is a must for any Latakia lover, but approach with an open mind and don't expect anything you might be more accustomed to. I have never been offered so much as advice on a football game, and never anything like a tin of pipe weed for my reviews. This is as close, however, to cigar smoke as the wife will tolerate, as the room note can be cutting and a little acrid. Love the pressed bricks that lie waiting in the can when it is opened. Pre light draw is sweet latakia and some oriental notes. It is a perfect smoke to end the day's demands or to stir up a boring afternoon. $11.25. Flavor, room note, strengththis has it allwhat a great smokeExceptional Blend. And the latakia is strong, but it is not at all overpowering. I love the smokiness and find it wonderful from top to bowl bottom. I can't get it to bite, and the presentation (though messy to prepare), is outstanding. Take away some of that slightly salty or charcoal Pirate Kake taste! The BB seems to burn better too, for some reason.Enjoy, you huge latakia fans.there's nothing else. You may even liken this to a creosote and tar aroma. It's not unusual to get a two hour smoke out of this combination. The best thing about this blend is that I always know what I am going to experience whenver I light it up. Beautiful Latikia Kake. I'll be honest, its re ally not for me. I really wanted to like this tobacco, but I find the heavy latakia blend to be too parching to enjoy regularly. Don't know what made me think to do this but I loved it, there, in the background. Room note reminds me of a wood stove. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco $11.90 - $58.65. Roasting fish over a campfire I just got this an the first bowl I tried in a briar, just didnt do it justice. I took this to mean that the Pirate Kake was very moist - and that is the case. Smooth, full flavoured, smoky, with mild tangy spicyness. Aprendo la latta ci troviamo un plug pressato, abbastanza compresso, dai colori vari, marrone scuro, chiaro e punte di giallo. I disagree strongly with those who say Latakia is strong, and there in lies the trouble here. There's bounty to be had inside this little treasure chest! It does have a lot of Latakia but the addition of the Burley g ives it a bit of a bite that's not exactly my cup of tea. In that sense, this blend would be all-day smoke for Lataki a followers. Pirate Kake starts off tasting like a lightly salted, buttered biscuit, the butter making a creamy filling for the pastry. Similar Blends: Creosote soaked camel's dung.. UPDATE 12/20 I am not one to question the manufacturer or to doubt the voracity of other reviewers but this tobacco is one that I must break my norm Disclaimers: this is an art not a science, tobacco ages and flavors may change, all people taste things differently, etc, etc, etc 70% + Latakia means one thing: Latakia is what you taste Burley as a base on its best day isn't overpowering Latakia in any dimension except Vitamin N. I have read hundreds of reviews from a few of the TR prolific reviewers, and their variance in opinion on topics like this is remarkable. Deep dark, heavy, full bodied, musky, smoky and earthy are just a few of the terms that describe this C&D blend. I got this as a sample and was not sure I liked it at first but I found that after smoking it several times it began to grow on me. But, frankly, I just don't enjoy it. This went straight to the top of my rotation. This is top of the notch latakia. I was always a little leary of the thought of pirates boarding my ship and plundering it - however, if they bring a Kake of this along, I will welcome them aboard! Irish Breakfast tea goes very well with this. No Flavoring detected. I definately recommend Pirate Cake, although my experience is limited with this blend. Tried this for the first time today. Even the smaller pieces have a remarkable cohesive quality and are really unnecessarily difficult to get prepped. Absolutely no indication of bite even when puffing vigorously. I have been smoking Dunhill Standard Mixture Medium for near-on 30 years, believing that it has no equal anywhere on earth. First off, I love latakia-from blends with just a hint to full blown blends like this wonderful smoke from C&D. The flavor is largely latakia, but not one dimensional, as Old Ironsides is, for me. I love the campfire smokiness of English blends but Pirate Kake is nearly too heavy with it and too narrowly focused. I currently add 25% Pirate Kake to Lane's Rum and Maple. I find it starts to mellow out a little after six months so I keep a stock on hand for aging. I confess, any bite, which I have gotten, may come from a propensity, on my part, to "puff" this tobacco due to how much I enjoy it. Who the hell could detect any casing or topping in this? Sometimes, I like that, though I smoke Virginias most often. The smoky flavour is nice and develops a slightly salty, mineral taste. Not much to say beyond that. If you like Latakia, try this anyway as it is exceptionally wondeful example of the fact that a predominantly Latakia blend can be heavenly. Pirate Kake 16oz. update December 2014** same batch as previous yet the past months of ageing seem to have mellowed out the baccy. Similar Blends: I agree with reviewer Pipestud 2004-08-29 that CAO's Old Ironsides is possible; only even more Latakia dense. Once you puff it very slow it will reveal beautiful oriental spices - peppery cardamom and pine needles - never overpowered and with a nice complexity. Just wanted to share as this is my first latakia experiance. Slightly sweet, smokey, a bit of complexity from the orientals, very little bite. I smoked one bowl out of one of my nicer pipes and now its a latakia pipe forever because the nastiness of pirate kake will never be exorcized. You may want to get a small amount to try it before you go bulk. I never really caught the Burley, but that is no big surprise, considering the general nature of Burley. Or, at least I thought so. I'm not talking of an even split, nowhere near, but they do lighten the flavoura smidgen! Smells pretty full on on the tin and while smoking. Smoothness and richness of the smoke is here in good measure. That is why this blend should not be compared with Dunhill EMP, or similar blends. The Latakia is pretty much is the main driver, and the orientals do give some tea like qualities. In any case, after finishing a bowl I often felt sated for quite some time. Here in Brazil many confreres saying about this blend and i decided to try. Easy peasy Mister Pirate. The strength level is just shy of the center of medium to full. The very epitome of lat bomb. I don't think you could find a fuller tasting blend that is this smooth and soft on the tongue. This is a blend I've since left behind but of which I have fond memories. This mixture is now on my favourites list. After the bowl is finished youll know for many hours that youve smoked lots of Latakia by the shear amount of oils that coat your mouth. One of the most popular mixtures of C&D and also among lovers of latakia. Yeah this is what I wanted for a good old Latakia BBQ. It reminds of the intensity of Old Ironsides, but in my opinion it is slightly less pleasant. Yes its filled with Latakia to the brim, but as mentioned by blenders before, Latakia has this kind of event horizon, where if you use enough of it, its less of a lat bomb than blends with less Latakia. This is one of my favorite blends, but it is not for a beginner or for one who is a novice smoker of English tobacco blends. The Cavendish mellows out the obtrusive, musty aromas and settles the blend for smooth smoke - exactly as in Pirate Kake. I don't mean to be a wet blanket or a negative guy, but it seems that a few reviewers that post many reviews are serving as marketers for blenders looking for their verbose reviews. Pirate kake is quite a bit sharper and overwhelming if you smoke it too fast. This will be one of my favorites. Kick back and enjoy this strong blend, not for the faint of heart! Hermit Tobacco Works Co. - Captain Earle's - Ten Russians, Dan Tobacco - Old Ironsides (American History Mixtures). . Very well blended leaf of good quality. I don't get much sweetness, but it's not astringent either. Pirate Kake is like a car accident that you can't take your taste buds away from. Pipe Tobacco. for latakia lovers only and every one else too! All in all what a great smoke Age When Smoked: Fresh to 6 months depending on updates considered. I like this stuff, its pleasant. I dont know what else can be said about this blend. Two words describe this offering from C&D, Latakia Bomb! I'm a big latakia fan, but this was even too much for me. There is little balance of flavors in that this blend is a showcase of Latakia with the other components only serving to keep it from being too monochromatic. LET THEM SMOKE KAKE. I always have a couple brownies of this laying around. And here I thought I was going to be an Aro guy! The orientals make a nice showing with a nice spicy finnish. The dominant terpene in this strain is pinene. Do yourself a favor and just give this stuff a shot. It is more expensive, by about $15-20 a pound, but worth it. I usually cut it like I would a plug. I heard burning leaves and campfire from most everyone there. The oriental component is actually very noticeable. Cornell & Diehl Bayou Night Pipe Tobacco $3.86 - $232.75. Burns all the way down and leaves the pipe dry and clean. I'm taking to C&D's blends really fast and have yet to sample anything I have not enjoyed to the fullest. I revisited me old block of Pirate Kake about a week ago, and found it had dried quite a bit more than I wanted it to. Overall, a good smooth smoke that had no bite. Still it burned extremely well, and it was smooth smoke. Enjoy + Require buying + An all-day smoke Four Stars Rating, Purchased From: 8 oz tins from pipesandcigars. Its not easy to get over here so Im glad I got some friends overseas who are willing to help out. It was my first experience with tobacco in this form as well. It is quality stuff for sure, just not to my liking. Nice and flavorful smoke! The latakia overwhelms the other "trace" ingredients. Recommended. You had better have a liking for Latakia with both of these blends, more so with PK that gives an almost oily taste. This is a good blend if you really want to know what "Latakia Forward" means. It was overwhelming! After smoking this, my tongue walked the plank. Purchased From: JR Cigars, Statesville, NC. I really enjoy smoking it at night, with the last pipe of the day and paired with a good whiskey. But, its also just fun. Palette: Smells of rich peat, ash, campfire and a little spice. It's quite easy to peel off the cake layer and get it ready for smokable condition. Heavy in each puff but always controlled by the Burley and Orientals, the Latakia seemed almost like a mild perfume that the other two were wearing. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco Can - 2oz Item# 2324 $14.95 Availability: Usually ships the next business day Total Price: Qty: A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%!) No less than 70% of the dark smokey leaf goes into this blend, an amazing amount. Then out of nowhere a natural sweetness sneaks up on you. I didnt break it up well enough and it tasted. not good. It is not the smoothest and certainly not the roughest but it is full of flavor and delicious in my opinion. This stuff lives up to its reputation as Latakia Central. It could very well become a regular, but for now I am unsure. My go-to tobaccos are Billy Budd and 10 Russians but I reach for this several times a week and taste it for an hour or more afterwards. The smokiness is cool and mellow, very nice, but I failed to really see how this was a team effort. Pirate Kake is a good smoke IF you love latakia. Pirate Kake will fool you with its robust and hearty taste.