Shame on you for not communicating your back door decision. Ive watched the show from the beginning, and I was excited that Dustin was finally going to hit big gold this year, and those bastards pull it without a wordI know this season was going to be the best of the seasons before. This is a bunch of bullshit. Yup makes just as much sense as Disneys go woke philosophy of late. it would be lovely to see them lose everything. Tax reasons is a weak and laughable excuse. Disney+ may be on my hiatus list, as in cancelled! And Dustin & the crews! Really disappointed to discover this after watching the first few episodes this is the only Gold Rush I watch . how are u going to postpone/cancel a show thats allready halfway through its season. Even for a short period of time. I learned so much about how different personalities and these folks (All include d) deal with unbelievably tough decisions and fights of their lives to push on forwards towards a positive result no matter what, they made a huge difference in my own life especially when it comes to confidence in my job and personal struggles that seem overbearing at times! Literally all my fav shows are Discovery or affiliated. I have no regrets for standing up against him. Tell me how is the viewer to enjoy that? These adventurers and explorers are all physical and have a great deal more problems to overcome than all the other shows with their massive machines and equipment. Get it together Discovery! THEY DESERVE TO GO BROKE! Bring it back! Total utter madness. And the dipshit skippy brothers theyre competing with. I am very unhappy with the decision to put Gold Rush-White Water on hiatus. Time to find a new channel. I think he is a nice person but is over the top with his acting," posited ToiletPlungerOfDoom, and Reddit user grason seemingly agreed with their response by admitting they "just feel like he's acting so hard.. always looking for the right thing to say, and then just over-doing it. Season 13 of 'Gold Rush' is right around the corner, and fans are curious to learn more about Fred Lewis. The men set off explosives underwater as the boulders split and reveal quarter sized nuggets. My absolute favourite programme..Discovery have a zero regard for its paying audience! With others we can help him. Discovery-Warner Bros canceled the movie Batgirl even though it was already shot and edited. love the program but with it now been put on the long finger my intrest has waned. White water gold rush on hiatus? DisneyHave you read any of the posts??? They should have shortened Tony Beats season and left Dustins crew on. Why dont they take the whole Disney Corp to China see how their bottom line really shows. I am now considering cancelling your channel and directv along with it. The Dakota Boys put together a team of intrepid divers, mountaineers and bush mechanics to go where no miner has ever managed to explore - the depths of freezing plunge pools in white water rapids that have only recently become accessible. So far this season, fans have been able to watchGold Rush andGold Rush: White Water back-to-back. I was glad to hear though its not cancelled. And it pissed me off .Why dont you just cut off the hand you feed your mouth with. After a few seasons of Gold Rush we already knew most everyone would find at least a thousand ounces and Parker would always find the most. For me Whitewater is more relatable because it reminds me a little of when I was 12 growing up in the WV Appalachian mountains when my Dad first took me digging Indian artifacts. Yes, Im disappointed, I look forward to watching this show and one other (Curse of Oak Island) every week. Im pissed. Those doing the work are the stars and because Corporate EXE. Thanks for screwing your viewers over!! I like it better than gold rush at this point. He is such a fake pompous jerk who has no business being on television. Hard those types these days. This will be a great way of losing fans. will drown or have a boulder fall on his head. Dave Turin Is From 'Gold Rush' What Is His Net Worth? Brennan Ruault, one of the stars of Discovery's 'Gold Rush,' explained why he left Parker Schnabels crew. Thats what you have to do look at History Channels rating when they dumped Frank from American Pickers!! lets all cancel our subscription. Shark Week 34th Season Promises The Rock, Tracy Morgan And More Specials, Exclusive Preview: Joe Kendas American Detective Returns to ID and discovery+, Exclusive: Deadliest Catch Captain Sig Hands Wheel of Northwestern Over To Clark. Good luck, now I just have Bering Sea Gold. Thats why I download so I dont have to watch it on some stupid channel and pay for a no show. What Jerks.. if I had the money I would go up there and film it myself and play it on pod cast, Adding Kayla made a whole difference to our interest, smart, determined, beautiful, good caring leader. Why Did Paul Richardson Leave Gold Rush: White Water? fekn greedy corporate wankers a hope they lose a shit load e money and regret their ludicrous decision. I see a lot of peoples comments seem to think it is. November 12, 2020November 12, 2020 by April Neale 0 Comments. All articles, images, product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. Discovery is really rockin the BBE!! My expectations to big gold deposits at Nugget Creek have dropped considerably. I am mad as hell seems to me that discovery executives are idiots. Put it back on the air! I totally agree. Farewell Discovery, Ill be back when White Water is, until then, Im not giving you another f#!#ing penny, I already got rid of cable because of channels doing crap like this. Wiggle out of paying your fair share. Another reason to never support anything Disney again. You certainly know how to piss off your viewers.cheers. not only was it on basically in the middle of the night, which was rediculous, but now not at all until God knows when? Im.pissed off too. Plus, where Parker's ex-girlfriend now. It was cut because they bought last place CNN which must play every day. Moronic! Copyright 2019 2023 tsk tsk. That was literally the only show a gave a crap about. Tax dodge. I have been hunting for the next episode all of January. A post shared by JamesHamm GoldHound (@jameshammgoldhound), WATCH GOLD RUSH WHITE WATER ON DISCOVERY FRIDAYS AT 9PM, AND GET FREAKY WITH US ON INSTAGRAM AND FACEBOOK, Screenshot: Sluice Extension Increases Fine Gold Yield | Gold Rush: White Water, Million Dollar Wheels | Official Trailer | discovery+, Get rid of boring ass gold spoon Parker and really save the network some money. One of the most prolific presences on "White Water" is Carlos Minor a former Marine drill sergeant who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty when the situation calls for it. Neale is a member of the Television Critics' Association (TCA), The Alliance of Women Film Journalists (AWFJ), Hollywood Critics Association (HCA), Gay and Lesbian Entertainment Critics Association (GALECA) and Critics' Choice Awards - Film and Television (CCA). I hear that Fox News is looking for a great show like Gold Rish: White Water. To pull the rug out from under the fans feet is uncalled for.
It's the End of an Era for the Dakota Boys | Gold Rush: White Water Yes, fire the idiot that decided this move was appropriate!!! Though, according to reports, Kayla isnt currently speaking to her step-father, she told fans that the rest of her family still are and she has no problem with them doing so. Here is an idea, shut the theme parks and get your greedy tax dodge their instead of Gold Rush, SHAME ON YOU DISNEY. How about you hire some people who can do the job without blindsiding your audience.
'Gold Rush' Cast, Where It's Filmed and Net Worths Revealed ", When one fan asked how Fred reacted to the firing, Kayla explained that he didnt have much say in the matter. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "af68c85a228a52ae1715f0fdd99a9da3" );document.getElementById("eedd789636").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Copyright 2023 by TV Shows Ace. I just canceled disney plus. Since Season 1, the series has been narrated by Paul Christie. You should take that money and pay the fn guys who are out there digging in dangerous conditions that provide you your audience and ratings. Paul Richardson and his wife, Kayla Sheets, were the cast members of Gold Rush: White Water on Discovery Channel. Pirate for life. At least they find gold. The only reason we picked up the discovery channel on our streaming service was only to watch the Gold Rush and the Gold Rush White water shows. Its not coming back on? we want some GRWW!! Season 1 of the series took place in Alaska, but since Season 2, the action has mostly taken place in the Klondike, near Yukon, Canada. Also Dave Turin is a boring gold rush and could have been shortened as well. Lame as hell and unacceptable. its all about the money ,not the people! As ticked as the viewers are, they didnt even tell the shows crew? They even found a one ounce nugget. Sign them!! Copyright 2023 Distractify. SW History: Why Did Robyn Brown Leave Her First Husband? I hope Dustin can negotiate with another entity and continue on a different channel. We really like the Gold Rush/White Water show and are upset that it was stopped abruptly in the middle of the season. For five seasons the Chilkat Mountains have seen both Fred and Dustin, but this season Fred is delayed. I wont watch gold rush anymore because I cant stand Dave Turin. stopping it was the worst decision ever. Or refund my money! Why pay for Disney and all the other turd streaming services when you can find the shows for free on some other services? This is a Friday ritual for some of us. cant believe they cancelled white water mid season i will be cancelling my discovery plus subscription so you wont be getting my money, I stop watching these shows when they pull this crap. This is crazy!! White water far superior . Make an announcement or something. According to some sources, he has turned away family and friends in the pursuit of fame and fortune at the bottom of a gold mine. Tim specifically said they are holding the rest of the season until the new tax year. Watching their determination, innovation, passion, and drive is exactly what people need to see. Shocking Reason Revealed - YouTube Paul Richardson and Kayla Sheets were absent in season 4 of 'Gold Rush: White Water.' Fans. Another person tweeted: There are two sides to every story. Looks Like 'Gold Rush: White Water' Is Slowing Down for a Bit What's Going On? Im going to cancel my Disney Plus and pick other channels go woke go broke I hope you do. i say i hope it drops and yes i hope someone picks it up quick. This was the best year ever. In the middle of the season!!! Wow check your priorities. about taxes. Shame on you. "And I found it very difficult to work with Fred because hes old school and Im this know-it-all 30-year-old. I dont even have words to express how much this pissed me off! As far as Davin Turin he and his crew are annoying. Come on I want to see the crew hit big gold! Later!!!! Todd Hoffman will not be in Season 9 of Gold Rush, so what happened and where is he today? Ive wondered what happened. As an avid watcher from Scotland, i will now be cancelling my Discovery Plus subscription. they are all about the dollar and could care less if we the people demand our show back. He ran his first piece of heavy machinery, pushing snow in a D6 dozer, at age 6. Thanks for screwing you customers and the crews of the greatest reality television series ever. Agreed. What happened to Dave Turin on 'Gold Rush?' Im pleased all are well. I wont watch the others. Googled it and found this write-up. Weve had enough of that the last few years.
'Gold Rush: White Water' Fans Threatening To Boycott Discovery Even in bad situations he's laughing and smiling and making cheesy wise cracks," wrote user CosmicQuestions, explaining that while they tend to be more negative, Minor's happy-go-lucky demeanor can be too overwhelming. ", The Oregon resident stated that her stepdad is much kinder than he appears on the series. Please live on and dont give up on life! How much Parker is on TV , that little bratty punk not what we wanna see! By keeping Discovery and the other channels its costing me an extra $30 per month for this package deal i have,which now involves a bunch of channels that i dont even watch. Kayla told Monsters & Critics in 2020: Work Fred and stepdad Fred are two different people. Gold Rush: White Water: With Dustin Hurt, Wes Richardson, Carlos Minor, Paul Richardson. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. Like we said before, Gene is an impressive worker, and he would blindly make any gold mining team better. what a bunch of pencil necks . Too big to care. #fuckdiscovery-warnerbros. There are a lot of other shows they could take off! The producer should have given us heads-up when they were going to pull the series. The Gold Rush programs have been a great series but this chopping of dates is killing my interest. thats so stupid so basically they can choose when to release or not and if not they can write it off just like they did for all the salaries that it took to produce it? Oh and one more thing, did I mention you guys were assholes. There is no official explanation about Gene not being in the show one thing that we can tell; he is content with his family and two kids. For these people to halt the show mid season to fix their tax season is a bunch of hog wash. He really needs a good mechanic. Fred Hurt is now 76 years-old and he is cautious about COVID. Smart move. How many ways is this wrong? I looked forward to watching this show every week. I wish there was a way to make sure that the exec that made this decision we are pissed.