(888) 569-3914 | sales@titusrestoration.com; Home; About Us. We couldn't find any location that matches, Check your spelling or browse our list of available locations, Removing glue from concrete: A simple guide to glue removal, Get rid of glue: Removing glue from concrete easily. Depending on the type of glue, the surface, and how quickly you take action, clean-up can be relatively easy. Score the linoleum into small sections with a utility knife. Depending on the glue that has been used and the age of it, it may be possible for you to pour some boiling water on the glue and then leave it. Given the potentially dangerous nature of some concrete grinding machines, this task is best left to a trained expert who is familiar with the machinery and has access to the appropriate abrasive attachments. First, youll need to scrape off any excess glue that is still on the surface. If the floor is in very poor condition, too wavy, needs extensive patching, is extremely porous, or is actively heaving, it may not be a good candidate for polishing and may need to be removed and re-poured. Are you dreaming of ripping up your ugly carpeting, ceramic tile, or sheet vinyl and making the switch to decorative concrete floors? Using a commercial pressure washer to remove glue from concrete is risky but not impossible. You would need a hard bristled brush. Can you provide references with contact information? If youre looking into a chemical cleaning method, its a good idea to use a water pressure machine with a capacity of 4,000 psi to remove any residues on the concrete surface. This means that for a 200-square-foot room, it will cost $1,000 to $3,000 to remove the tiles, plus an extra $1,200 to $4,000 to install new flooring tiles . A pH neutral cleaner that combines cleaning and light degreasing, Water base, low VOC, Biodegradable, easy cleanup, Cuts through grease and grime. tb1234. This will soften the adhesive, making it easier to remove. The best way to remove the hardened adhesive that you could not remove with the scraper is boiling water. I am obsessed with body care and especially nail care. Either of them can get the work done effectively. Concrete veneers and precast block and wall panels are pre-made and install on top of the substrate floor or walls. There is no doubt that removing carpet glue and tile mastic from concrete floors can be tedious, time-consuming, and labor-intensive. The answer is yes, if you combine half a cup of water, vinegar (or water and baking soda), and a drop of liquid dish detergent, leave it on the ground for about 30 minutes. The mechanical removal method involves scraping mastic off the surface with a mastic removal tool, such as a scraper, or grinding mastic off the concrete using a concrete grinder and specialty tooling, such as a mastic removal block. Use of hot water is worth tying as it is the cheapest means of removing glue from the floor surface. Latex, adhesives, sheet vinyl, black mastic, and glue-down carpet can be challenging to remove from concrete floors. If you are unable to remove the glue or mastics, you will need to contact a professional. Once you complete removing glue, clean the dust with a broom and throw them in the waste bin. Cracks need to be filled with epoxy and sealed before polishing. Using a circular saw, set its blade to the same thickness as the wood flooring. In conclusion, dawn and vinegar can be used to clean concrete, as can acetone, but acetone should not be used for this purpose. Lets learn how to make decoupage glue with 2 ingredients that save you $5 bucks. Noticing glue residue on the concrete after uninstalling the linoleum floor is a common scenario for most homeowners like you. The first step is to scrape off as much concrete glue as you can. When the glue starts to become pliable, use your scraper tool to work it out of the concrete. If you use an angle grinder, you must invest around $100 to own the tool. Removing sticky glue from a concrete floor can be a tricky task, but it doesnt have to be. Then, polishing hones the surface to a shine for$2 to $6 per square foot. Saturate fully and gently work the glue away with a scraper or scouring pad. If you are unable to remove the glue or youre dealing with a large residential or commercial floor, contact a professional to do the job. This way, the solvent and glue are less likely to dry while youre working. Before you begin, you should thoroughly scrub the surface and use a lot of vinegar to remove large clumps of cement. The average cost to polish existing concrete floors is$3 to $15 per square foot, depending on the job size, prep work, and complexity. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'floorcarekits_com-leader-3','ezslot_16',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-floorcarekits_com-leader-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'floorcarekits_com-leader-3','ezslot_17',111,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-floorcarekits_com-leader-3-0_1');.leader-3-multi-111{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}Read: How to Remove Carpet Padding From Wood Floors. Stamped Concrete Contractors in Middle Tennessee Nashville Franklin Brentwood Murfreesboro Smyrna, Home For Sale: 21396 John Dr, Macomb, MI 48044 | CENTURY 21. If there are multiple layers of adhesive or mastic on a floor or if the glue has been on the floor for years, the challenge is all the greater. Pull one corner of the carpet off the floor. Scrape off as much of the concrete glue as possible. If this doesnt remove all the glue, you can use a mild detergent and water to help break down the adhesive. Grinding is typically a single pass, and polishing may take four passes. Apply a liquid concrete densifier to harden the floor and prepare it for the final level of polishing. If you have any glue (regular,, Read More How To Make Decoupage Glue? However, this process is essential for achieving even and complete color penetration when staining or dying the concrete (see Preparing Floors for Concrete Staining). Do not forget to put on your safety wears like a respirator, goggles, and rubber gloves. You can easily remove hot glue from concrete by heating it up and reversing the process. Hot water mixed with vinegar or citrus-based cleaners is said to be effective at removing carpet glue from concrete; however, this solution should be avoided as it can react with the concrete and etch the surface. Carpet glue can be tough to remove from concrete. 1.5 Acetone. Wet the concrete floor with Goo Gone from where you want to remove tile adhesive. Stop the stove and carefully pour the hot water over the concrete floor from where you want to remove the adhesive. Heat gun. Cut the tile into six-inch-wide strips using a utility knife or floor stripper. No matter, Im here to help you out. Polished concrete floors are no more slippery than any other hard, flat flooring. Perfectly framing your puzzle makes it stand out. If you can't do this by hand, use a carpet claw or a pair of pliers to grip and pull the carpet. Gently push the scraper under the glue. How to Remover Floor Adhesive. Hire a company that has been established for at least five years. Flooring Chisel with Hand Guard. The pole with the scraper on the end is a well-known method for removing adhesive from concrete. Also, keep in mind that sanding the concrete would make it more spongy and it will end up absorbing more acid pigment and sealer. Use a 5-in-1 scraper to loosen the vinyl. A polished concrete basement floor costs$3 to $12 per square footor $2,000 to $8,000 on average. If the glue is still unyielding, apply more boiling water and continue repeating the process. *Levels of polish measured in Distinctiveness of Image (DOI). Contact us Below for a Free Instant Quote! Polished concrete worktops or benchtops cost$55 to $60 per square foot, about the same as some granite or marble countertops. Work in small sections so that you can remove the softened . Removing glue from concrete can be a challenging and expensive process. Showering After A Gel Manicure: Is It Safe? 1.7 Troubleshoot. Acetone can also be used to lift concrete glue from the floor. Flooring Scraper. This DIY tutorial will show you how to remove carpet glue from concrete. 2. Concrete surface repairs and design, stamping, staining, and sealing work can add$1 to $10+ per square foot to the overall cost. You do not need to press the iron directly over the glue; rather, place a towel over the surface and then iron it. The cost of polished concrete floors is$3 to $12 per square foot, whiletile installation costs$7 to $24 per square foot. overall length (with a longer shank) allows the user to do more upright scraping for greater ergonomics. But if you dont have one, no problem. If it doesn't come off, you will need to use the prybar and hammer to chip at the hardened adhesive. Also, ensure you read and follow the instructions of the manufacturer. If there is still AstroTurf glue on the floor, it can be removed with a stiff brush. Shall I share the steps on how, Read More How to Remove Super Glue from Phone Screen (5 Minutes Task)Continue, Your email address will not be published. If boiling water isnt the solution to removing adhesives from concrete or to getting sticky paint off your garage floor, use ammonia. Pour the boiling water over the carpet glue and allow it to sit there for about three to five minutes. Contact us and view our privacy policy, terms & conditions, and press room, How to Remove Stubborn Stains and Discoloration, making the switch to decorative concrete floors, WerkMaster's Titan XT removes multiple layers of carpet glue. This is an effective, quick-acting solution that effectively and efficiently removes residues from machinery and molds without causing damage to them. How to Remove Glue from Concrete Floor after Removing Linoleum, How to Remove Carpet Padding From Wood Floors, Can You Use Old English on Wood Floors? Also, be fully girded on your safety wears like goggles and gloves. Dealing with a dried glue stain can require a little more time and elbow grease. However, I managed to remove super glue from my phone screen. Why is Kilz Not Recommended for Flooring. Im a Nail Artist living in Hallandale Beach, Florida. 2. Concrete floors can have inlay tiles or divider strips added, be stamped to mimic stone or paved brick, and be stenciled. Natural stone, like slate, offers more skid resistance than polished concrete. The good news is that removing glue from a concrete floor is possible if you use the right tools and methods to get the job done. Removing glue from concrete is easier than you might think. The angle grinder will create dust when you remove glue from the concrete, so first, you have to wear a facemask to avoid inhaling dust. Mop the floor before lifting the planks to soften the glue that holds the planks to the floor. That dream can quickly turn into a nightmare if you encounter a concrete surface covered with stubborn tile or carpet glue after taking up the floor covering. Ask a concrete polishing pro. Ensure that the densifier does not puddle while it dries; else, it will cause stains. Corporate Officers; . Polished concretes' durability, maintenance, versatility, cost, and sustainability also come with some negatives. Ensure you cover the glue on the concrete floor before using the heat gun. Wait 1-2 minutes, then use a floor scraper to remove the loosened up glue. In order to remove glue from concrete, a concrete grinder is the best tool available. Did you spill glue on your concrete floor while bonding fabric to wood? Color or design elements can be added before the concrete pour or after the concrete has hardened. Apply petroleum jelly, nail polish remover, vinegar, or oil (alternately, oil-based substances like mayonnaise or margarine) to the area. Apply a generous amount of Goo Gone to the floor adhesive. Find the perfect solution for all your projects with our glue finder. A machine like the Titan XT is a powerful solution for removing glue from concrete. To get visualisation, check this YouTube video. So until you remove the glue, you cant install any other floor on concrete for your home improvement project. A high-gloss finish takes longer and costs more. Try out different approaches and take the appropriate precautions. Carpet is affordable, comfortable, and warm. You cant use the same type of diamond abrasives you use for polishing because they will cause the mastic to heat up, become gummy, and stick to the diamonds. The total price for labor and materials per square foot is $4.44, coming in between $2.93 to $5.95. Do not allow the boiling water to sit for too long or it will cool off. It is even more so if you do not know the right step to go about it. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'floorcarekits_com-leader-2','ezslot_12',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-floorcarekits_com-leader-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'floorcarekits_com-leader-2','ezslot_13',110,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-floorcarekits_com-leader-2-0_1');.leader-2-multi-110{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}Make use of a floor sander or a floor buffing machine with a sanding disk. A tile installer often bundles removal and new installation in one project price. Make a paste with vinegar and baking soda, apply it to the glued area, and wait for a few minutes. Before choosing this method of glue removal, ensure that there are no wires or electrical outlets near floor level. Adding an acrylic sealer is optional. Acetone is a powerful cleaning solvent that can quickly and easily dissolve stubborn grease, waxes, resins, and other residuals that can clog machinery and mold. Scraping. Next, mix a solution of one part water and one part vinegar. Every kid is creative and likes to show creativity by crafting new things. Learning will always help you anywhere and in the case of finding the best adhesive remover for concrete floors as well. Get a Free Instant Quote for Your Next Concrete Project: The third step is to use a debonding agent. Its easy to turn that fantasy into a nightmare if you discover a concrete subfloor covered in tenacious tile or carpet glue when you begin removing the flooring. Removing existing flooring costs$0.50 to $3.00 per square footfor labor and disposal. Any color of concrete floor is obtainable with dyed, stained, or colored ready-mix or colored overlay concrete options. If you use a professional floor scraper, that will cost $10. However, this process is essential for achieving even and complete color penetration when staining or dying the concrete (see Preparing Floors for Concrete Staining). Test the hardness of the floor to select the correct metal abrasives. Concrete overlays will hide defects, cover up exposed aggregate, and provide a brand new surface ideal for staining, polishing, and other decorative treatments. On the other hand, it costs approximately $20-$100 if you use any concrete floor adhesive remover. AllNailArt.COM was created to help you find the perfect nail art design to match your style. Removing glue from concrete walls can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be accomplished. Thecost to replace flooringvaries when comparing polished concrete vs. stained concrete, tile, hardwood, epoxy, carpet, and other flooring materials. To prevent this, use a dull scraper so you can apply a lot of pressure . You can use an angle grinder to remove glue from concrete floors for large room glue removal. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2023 TinyHelping - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP, How Much Weight Can Super Glue Hold? The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. This is is because its fumes are lethal. These low-odor, low-VOC products contain no harsh chemicals, so they are safe to use indoors. As handling hot water is risky, many people dont like to follow this method. The hot water will loosen up the old adhesive. And then complete one section and go to another. Using hot water and a small amount of vinyl glue, you can easily remove the vinyl flooring from concrete. It's an excellent option for kitchens, bathrooms, basements, patios, driveways, and garages. Sealing concrete floors costs$2 to $4 per square footfor labor and materials. You should note that acetone releases toxic gases and is also combustible. This method costs nothing and is chemical-free, so its worth a try as long as youre careful not to splash the hot water onto yourself when pouring it onto the floor surface. It can be used for tile removal, mortar removal, and laminate floor and laminate glue removal. What's the cost of removing glued hardwood floors? Staining concrete floors costs$5 to $15 per square footon average, depending on the job size, prep work, number of colors, and complexity. Titus can remove asbestos in most states with no additional cost to the contractor or owner. (Proven Answer)Continue, ndeed, its fun, interesting, creative, and brainstorming to solve a puzzle. You can also use ammonia and detergent, and acetone. The cost to remove concrete averages around $4 a square foot. Then, pour the hot water on the patches of glue and leave the water to stay for about 2 minutes to soak and soften the adhesive. Removing Glued-Down Wood Floors. How to Remove Ceramic Tile from Concrete. Get free estimates from concrete floor contractors near you. Acetone is another huge asset in removing glue from the concrete floor. You would have to mix two cups of ammonia and a bucket of water. Increasing the fly ash content in the concrete mix increases the durability and adds a marble-type finish to the floor. Keep in mind that heating glue makes it easier to remove. If you were not able to get rid of the concrete glue, sweep away the glue slabs you were able to scrape off. To properly remove carpet glue from concrete, follow these steps: [yarpp] 1. . We are passionate about sharing our skills, designs, and experience in this art form with you, and keeping you up to date with the latest trends and products in the nail art industry. The Burnaby, British Columbia location of WerkMaster. Environmentally friendly. Allow the water to sit with the glue . Putty knife. Glue removal on a residential concrete floor surface can be accomplished by anyone. First, remove as much of the tile adhesive as possible with a putty knife. Is producing a sample of floor choice included? Your email address will not be published. Apply heat on the glue surface of the floor with the hair dryer for 2-4 minutes, as you usually use it to dry your hair. The glue may have been there for years, making it difficult to remove the dried gunk. Grinding or sanding concrete removes adhesives and curing agents, opens up the pores, removes the smooth look, and flattens the surface. You would need to boil a pot of water, then apply it to the dry glue for you to loosen it up. If acetone doesn't work, apply a small amount of spray lubricant, which can break down the adhesive's hold on the glass surface. The right tools and knowledge can make it simple to remove glue from your floors. But, how to glue a puzzle for framing that is easy to follow, even kids, and puzzles wont come apart after gluing? Wipe the concrete surface with a damp cloth. For smaller spaces like a bathroom, the homes structure is sufficient to support the weight of the floor with only a cement-board underlayment. A simple stain costs$2 to $4 per square foot. How do you remove concrete floor glue? More labor-intensive, Affordable, depending on the complexity, pattern, sawed lines, Subject to wearing and color fading in high-traffic areas, which leads to dusting, May offer less slip resistance and can crack over time, Available in several types of woods and colors, Withstand thermal shock and extreme temperature cycling, Costs more depending on the level of sheen, Costs less, depending on the complexity, pattern, sawed lines, Subject to wearing and color fading in high-traffic areas, which leads to dusting (the concrete base wearing away), Requires more maintenance than unsealed polished concrete, May offer less acid, chemical, and slip resistance. Step 3: Pour the hot water on the adhesive. Removing that dried-on gunk can be a big undertaking, especially if the glue has been there for years. 2. Polished concrete is more water-resistant, has lower maintenance, is significantly more durable, and has more design options. While removing old carpets from your concrete floor, the glues used to adhere it might get stuck to the floor. As the heat softens the glue, scrape it off using the razor blade scraper. Want to remove tile glue from concrete? If you hire professionals to remove glue residue from your concrete floor, the cost range will vary depending on your location, the size of space, and gluing condition. Once the glue is gone, rinse the area with warm water and allow it to dry before walking on it. These products are applied to the floor with a pump-up sprayer, brush, or mop and left to sit for 45 minutes to several hours, depending on the thickness of the glue or mastic buildup, before being scraped away. (10 Importance), Lifeproof vs. SmartCore (Vinyl Plank Flooring), Silicon Between Tiles Instead of Grout (8 Steps to Use Silicon). Sealing polished concrete provides extra protection, which requires less maintenance over time. Come up with a payment schedule for work completed instead. Then, using a sponge, mop the floor with the vinegar solution. Scrape the loosened glue with a scraper blade from the concrete floor. Polished concrete, also called bonded abrasive polished concrete or mechanically polished concrete (MPC), is an affordable alternative to other floorings. Polished precast concrete walls or block panels cost$10 to $60 per square foot, depending on the wall size, shape, and thickness, and whether it's on grade or above. Once the glue has been removed, rinse the area with clean water and allow it to dry completely before applying a sealer or other coating. Adhesive Stripper. If the glue becomes soft, scrape with a floor scraper. Often, this step suffices to remove all the concrete glue from the surface, yet if it doesn't, sweep loose glue pieces up before moving on to step 2. When the glue dissolves, scrape them away with the dull butter knife. These thick adhesive residues must be removed in order to ensure proper preparation of the concrete floor for a resinous coating, stain or dye, or polishing. Do you long for the day when you can finally get rid of your ugly carpeting, ceramic tile, or sheet vinyl in favor of decorative concrete floors? Spread some kitty litter on the floor to help soak up the black liquid glue. The sealant materials alone cost$0.20 to $1.30 per square foot. The national average materials cost to remove flooring is $0.25 per square foot, with a range between $0.24 to $0.27. Currently, the cost of installing hardwood floors from national and local companies charge between $2.50 and $3.50 per square foot. Glue spills are a common occurrence during DIY or construction work. After cleaning the surface with soapy water or a toothbrush, rub it gently with a soft cloth. It is even more frustrating if you have new flooring to install. In some cases, carpet removal can cost up to $5 per square yard or $0.56 per square foot for glued-down carpet.Carpet Removal Cost. Even after you are done with the whole process above and the glue is yet to be removed from the concrete floor, you have only the option of troubleshooting. Tinted concrete sealers are another cost-effective way to add subtle shades of color, but the color wears off as the sealant does. Dont you have Mod Podge, the most popular decoupage glue to the crafters? You can rent wet or dry floor polishers for dust control. The cost per square foot for mastic removal from concrete is approximately ten to twenty cents per square foot, which is nearly the same as the cost per square foot for mechanical equipment. The coating must be removed before repairing the floor. Wooden craft ideas: inspiration for simple arts and crafts, Garden crafts DIY: Simple garden arts and crafts ideas, Bosna i Hercegovina, B/H/S jezik (Bosnia and Herzegovina), esk republika, etina (Czech Republic), Everything you need to know about removing glue from concrete, How to remove glue from concrete: Step by step, , (North Macedonia). by Daniela Fernandez | Jan 24, 2023 | Nail Products. When pulling up carpet or tile from a concrete floor, youll probably find glue residue left on the surface. Adding saw cuts or etching to colored concrete mimics a tile floor. Put a large saucepan on the stove by filling it halfway with water. If you are unable to get rid of all the glue from the concrete surface with this method, it will be much simpler to use one of the other methods. When the solution is completely dissolved, apply hot water and then remove the glue. Sweep the floor, clear debris, and find areas that need repair. WerkMaster in Burnaby, BC Canada. The problem is that sanding or grinding too aggressively can leave swirl marks in the concrete and expose some of the aggregate. After you are done, rinse the concrete floor with clean water and mop it immediately you are done. Test at least 3 areas to get an accurate average with a MOHS Concrete Hardness Tester. Exploring The Risks And Benefits, The Miracle Of Plant Life: The Cuticle And Stomata, Let It Sit For A Few Minutes Before Wiping It Away 3 Ways To Gently Remove Sticker Residue, Discover The Meaning Of 2h Cuticle Health And How To Maintain Healthy Cuticles. After you are done applying the glue remover, use a scraper or a stiff straw scrubbing brush to continue working on the stubborn glue residue. Concrete dyes offer many saturated bright colors and dry faster than staining, but they need a UV-stable sealer to keep from fading. The type of post-seal polish, buffing treatment, and cleaning required to maintain the seal depends on if the sealant is topical or penetrating. Even though glue is required for these tasks, it is difficult to remove when replacing or upgrading flooring. First, the linoleum itself must be removed. Cost: under $50. Some natural stone, like slate, offer more skid resistance than polished concrete. In addition to polishing, other options to treat floors include griding and sealing, burnishing, and epoxy coating. Then get a quarter cup of acetone and pour it on a tray. Get free estimates for your project or view our cost guide below: Get free estimates from concrete pros near you. The grinding and polishing process uses the same equipment, just with different pads. Burnished concrete resembles polished concrete but is not as durable and not considered a high-quality finish. The reason is, concrete is a durable and rigid surface that can take the scraping needed without damaging it. No matter how big the spill or how stubborn the stain, theres always a way to remove most of the excess glue. Once you have done your home improvement work, youll discover there is left glue either and neither on your concrete floor. Outdoor polished concrete requires ongoing maintenance to retain its look and lengthen its lifespan. You may find that it softens the glue and makes it easier to remove with a scraper or a hard-bristled brush. Always wear safety gear for safety assurance. As if you come in contact with heat, your skin may burn. Also, be on the watch out to avoid sanding too much. But companies including Gorilla, Loctite, and Krazy claim different weight levels. Another reason to cover your floor with an overlay is if you have old linoleum or vinyl flooring that has been glued down with a black-colored adhesive. More captivative. BLUE BEAR 500MR Mastic Remover. If the glue is water-based, you may be able to simply boil a pot of water and apply it to the dry glue to soften it. The detergent and ammonia mixture would make the glue loosen and it would easily be swiped off the floor. For large-scale glue removal, you find the process irritating and inefficient. Using a Heat Gun or Hot Iron. Water-based stains offer predictable color and a wide shade variety, while traditional acid etching stain does not. It is not a good idea to scratch the surface of the paint. Chemical removal of mastic from concrete floors usually requires less labor and carries less risk of damaging the floor. 4 Quick Ways To Remove Carpet Glue From A Concrete Floor If you pour the boiling water all over the floor, you would find out that once you get to the next section the hot water might have already cooled off. Polishing concrete also adds brightness to a basement if highly honed. You can buy this best adhesive remover for concrete from your nearest hardware shop or online eCommerce sites like Walmart. You can remove linoleum glue from concrete surfaces often with the use of a heat gun. This will require some elbow grease. What experience do you have with polished concrete flooring? However, the basic charge ranges between $2.5 and $3.5. Instead of using a chemical stripper, grinding the mastic or adhesive off the concrete floor is a better option if you want to polish the floor instead of stain it. Extreme physical exertion is necessary, and you must be mindful that you are not scratching or gouging the floor with the scraper blade. National Average Cost $0.16; Average Range: $0.11 to $0.22: . Then move over to the next step. This is because you might sand way too deep and end up causing damage to the floor.