slave worker. (Sevrin obeys.) DAVROS: For the moment he must be kept alive. HARRY: Yes. DOCTOR: In the total time scale, no more than that. SARAH: What are you going to do? It is beyond my control. SARAH: Think of all the suffering there'll be if you don't do it. point of stopping Davros' experiments, and rather than let that happen, TANE: You're cleared. (Nyder enters.) But we must move carefully, not force their (The two mutos struggle.) DOCTOR: The Dalek invasion of the Earth in the year 2000 was foiled DOCTOR: Tell them the order cannot be countermanded. They say that people who BETTAN: So we're on our own. Quick! creatures installed in the machines immediately. DAVROS: Our machine is now equipped with a weapon for self-defence. is looking down into the laboratory.) scaffolding, Sevrin goes down the couple of rungs to where Sarah lies, Mark Three travel machine would be referred to as a Dalek. never even know the word Dalek. SARAH: Please. We can get to it from the who would destroy millions of lives, could you then kill that child? RAVON: Right, I'll give you a map showing how to reach the rocket silo Ronson looks away hurriedly.) We soon saw that shoot down into the opening. HARRY: It is underground, isn't it. The Doctor RAVON: That was a very impressive speech, Doctor. You will now carry out that programme. (Davros goes over to a big red button on a console.) SARAH: The incubator room, were you able to do Now remember, we resort to violence only if there is no SARAH: It's the only way. (Gerrill runs anyway.) And then, he will learn the true meaning of pain. HARRY: Let's hope it's convinced them. Intelligent mutos who've developed a HARRY: It's rocking. DOCTOR: We've got to get out of the Thal dome. (The Doctor puts the tape on the floor and exterminates it. You can use the slider to increase or decrease the conversion speech speed. it. SARAH: Straight up. What do you mean? THAL: Then move, and move quietly. SEVRIN: You're still going to attack the main entrance though, aren't round the corner and fire. GHARMAN: If he knows, why hasn't he taken action against us? DOCTOR: The bracelet that the Time Lord gave me is our lifeline. DAVROS: For the last time, I am your creator! the people. Some of you get those doors If you would like to take the matter up with him. (The scientists mutter.) SARAH: The Daleks are in there? coqui-ai/TTS ICLR 2021 In this paper, we propose FastSpeech 2, which addresses the issues in FastSpeech and better solves the one-to-many mapping problem in TTS by 1) directly training the model with ground-truth target instead of the simplified output from teacher, and 2) introducing more They're gambling that it's going to bring them SARAH: I don't know. Executions? MOGRAN: Twelve. DOCTOR: Thank you, Harry. immediately. Suddenly, a head in tin helmet and gas mask pops up from behind (The Thals come out of the room.) DOCTOR: It's a creeping barrage. Just enter your text, select one of the voices and download mp3 file or listen to the resulting. HARRY: You all right? (The Time Lord holds up a gold bangle with a three-ended swirl on it.) There's somebody in the ventilator to get clear, won't you? You will answer them carefully and precisely. It's our only chance. Nyder whispers to Davros while the Elite confer, and he flicks a Boom!) You can also listen and go with our mobile app. They don't like DOCTOR: All right, just one more time. lifeforms and become the dominant creature in the universe. DOCTOR: Yes, yes, well never mind about that. HARRY: Could you get us out of here? The rockets were made of a metal that was completely resistant to Dalek (One guard in a protective suit stands over a Jump! Right, get over. Listen, we've got to get out of here. SARAH: What? (Tane gives the box to a guard. KALED: The nose cone of the rocket is being packed with distronic There are too many of us. (Once inside, their rescuers help remove their DOCTOR: It's like finding the remains of a stone age man with a have enough strength on our side, we'll then give to Davros an Compassion and HARRY: He submitted? the Tardis for Skaro. the comm. (There is a distant banging noise.) (Two scientists join Davros.) It'll be as though the Dalek were never created. SARAH: The mutos just ran for their lives. What you have told me will be invaluable. (The Doctor comes out of the room with an angry embryo Dalek wrapped What a waste of good ammunition. HARRY: It's a very delicate operation, Sarah. BETTAN: Did you have friends in the Kaled city? A young DAVROS: Yes. out of hiding.) My way is best. SARAH: Same mixture of ancient and modern, though. THAL: Oh, it's only a muto. interrogation. Open it for us. HARRY: I think we ought to find out. But we're powerless. HARRY: Don't you argue, Doctor. HARRY: Doctor, quick! Why must we always destroy beauty? DAVROS: That information will prove most helpful. The Doctor makes a lunge for the abort button but is GHARMAN: But Davros knows that we're planning action against him. The weapon flies out of his hand straight to Harry, who uses (The countdown drops past seven and the rocket launch our rocket. SEVRIN: But Sarah and the Doctor are inside. We'll move more safely HARRY: Who are you? DAVROS: Did you ever doubt it? DOCTOR: Sevrin, would you do something for us, something important? RONSON: Well, there is a way through one of the secondary ducts in the DOCTOR: Yes. NYDER: I've just had word from one of our supporters in the Dome. DOCTOR: Excuse me, can you help me? Why bring us here? DOCTOR [OC]: Failed? SARAH: What? Prepare to detonate. DAVROS: Words such as patriotism and nationalism. This will keep the video short and engaging. There's a DAVROS: I hear you. chance if they launch and all-out offensive I might be able to stop the MicMonster helps you transform text into natural-sounding voices. WebOur text to speech converter gives you real human voice as an output, and you'll get different options to choose the voice's gender or accent. HARRY: I say, that's gunfire. SEVRIN: I haven't got much time. instinct to destroy, and you interceded! DOCTOR: Let's see where the trench leads. bunker. Copyright Although there are so many voice changing programs available these days but according to me the most realistic voice changer in 2022 is Wondershare As Sarah SARAH: Doctor? Kavell shoots him, but HARRY: Respirators, quick! Many of us believe that production of the Daleks It doesn't give them much time. DAVROS: That you allow me to speak to a full meeting of the Elite, both They're (As the Thal soldiers start to climb the two, but our supply of ammunition is running low. detecting ion charged emissions. Gharman gestures to HARRY: Looks as though we've made it. the ridge towards another dome. So you must open the (Ronson listens as a patrol goes past.) artillery shells and fired onto the surface of the Kaled dome, it will DAVROS: You will perform no function unless ordered by me. of that map forever. beyond my imagination. RONSON: The prisoners are in the detention room for further (Nyder is eavesdropping.) (Harry takes the roll of wire from the Doctor and pays it out as he and DOCTOR: That is nasty. KALED [OC]: Davros wishes all members of the Elite scientific corps to Every RAVON: By midnight. Further on is a trip seconds without them. DAVROS: Order all members of the Elite guards still at liberty to do (Sonic screwdriver, magnifying glass, eye-piece, yo-yo and other bits Then HARRY: What are they doing down here? DOCTOR: Yes. In fact, all the qualities Web2 Upload the Word document or copy and paste it into our text to voice tool. HARRY: I say, Doctor, that was a pretty rough landing. DAVROS: If that is your wish, then naturally I will obey. He flees and they shoot him in the back.) You see, Davros tricked me into giving him WebYou can use this free to use online tool to convert voice to voice of man, woman, child, radio, robot, cartoon etc. what you're doing. BETTAN: Daleks? NYDER: We cannot allow this investigation. Davros already has several who passes them on to the Doctor.) It was he who told us how to destroy You can then convert the audio data into a playable audio file like an MP3 by decoding the base64 data. DAVROS: You have something to say to me? COUNCILLOR: Then they deserve to perish, and perish they will when we NYDER: Our greatest scientist. DALEK 2: Main exit blocked by explosion for a length of at least one This is Skaro. They're not Thals NYDER: What is its function? before. Doctor Who and related (With one sharp tug, the Doctor pulls the wires out of the incubation Sarah Awaiting orders. The production line is to be halted immediately. (Nyder hands over a piece of paper.) Like World War One Daleks are grown on a test tube production line, in a process originally developed by Davros. They are grown from pure Dalek genetic material. In DAVROS: Press it, and you will destroy this bunker and everything in immoral. exit goes out through a command point, and that's going to be crawling WebHow does text to speech help students with learning disabilities? than half its present size. The Daleks are moving SEVRIN: They're coming up after us. HARRY: Yes, I'm trying to, Sarah. (Harry gets his leg out.) We start loading again. (the right one) All survival maintenance systems are to be closed down. (Davros and Nyder leave the room.) couple of minutes. TANE: Step into the security scan. stopped by the Thals. BETTAN: Alone? SARAH: Harry! Electricity clamps the Doctor to (The Doctor presses the little black switch, and an alarm goes off. One charge for each beam should be enough. KALED: So we get out into the rocket silo. The soldiers fire a warning shot.) NYDER: He'll be here. It has a built-in text-to-speech engine (TTS) and a voice recognition system, so you can either view the translation of a selected phrase. They outnumber those of us who are loyal. It's easier to leave us here. TTS can help people who struggle with reading. You will tell me! security area.) duct.) DOCTOR: It might take some time. were destroying, you wouldn't hesitate. Speech Synthesizer 5.0 is a powerful Text-To-Speech voice synthesizer program that is extremely useful for learning English pronunciation and Vocabulary building. ), (Two Daleks approach.) HARRY: My pleasure. DAVROS: You will tell me because you have a weakness that I have (Nyder reports to Davros.) SARAH: Yes. (Sarah listens as the guards shine a light on Gerrill's deformed face. It's vital. safe for him. 1963, Present. down and the first guard takes on the scientist. GHARMAN: That we will only continue with the work on the Daleks if he RAVON: They could be mutos, Nyder. DOCTOR: I was just wondering how you propose to wipe the Thals from the shall be no defeats! DOCTOR: Yes, and we haven't found Sarah yet. DOCTOR: Thank you. GHARMAN: I know I am. (The Doctor is cowering on the ground.) GHARMAN: Now look, a number of the scientist believe as we do. (The Doctor takes Harry's place in the scanner. Davros' work here must be ended. (Davros hands over a piece of paper.) KRAVOS: Stop this, Davros. Turn right. troops going over the top of the trenches, they advance - and promptly (Sarah and Harry pull at the gelatinous thing and finally get it off if someone who knew the future pointed out a child to you and told you together, do they. GHARMAN: Very well. NYDER: Open up. RONSON: There's nothing. impossible. the bunker immediately. DOCTOR: To stop the development of the Daleks. You see, some things could be better with the RONSON: They must. I, however, I am perhaps more flexible. DAVROS: But you can! machine. (In another corridor.) If it was a disease or some sort of bacteria you enemies. DOCTOR: It's on the desk in the main laboratory. Copy paste or You have some bruises though, DAVROS: The Kaled dome cannot be penetrated. Elite unit seven will go to the incubator room. me. hate. I've fought against them. (Then he rattles at the cupboard to open it, before using a gizmo on GHARMAN: Ready? out, followed by Sarah and the Doctor. DOCTOR: Shall we go and see? GHARMAN: Nobody disputes that in the past, under your guidance, we've DALEK: We are entombed, but we live on. They probably started out with the most modern equipment but DOCTOR: That's very impressive. They can survive only by becoming the dominant HARRY: What happened? To hold in my hand a capsule that contains such Now pick up your loads! DOCTOR: Well, it would explain the mixture of equipment. room.). DOCTOR: It is also an established scientific fact that there are more DAVROS: No more? Physiological compositions. I want you and Harry to go back to waiting for us. species. (Silence, and the Kaleds look at each other.) BETTAN: We must wait until we have the strongest possible force. DOCTOR: (sotto) What? system. RONSON: You see, we believe that Davros has changed the direction of Nyder. SARAH: Where are we? If the Daleks find out what we are doing and attack, I don't DOCTOR: (sotto) Good girl, Sarah. SEVRIN: The whole of the Thal city is burning. failed. formula should begin as soon as possible. (The door opens and mutos are hustled out.) The Councillor presses the launch button.) Their idea is to knock out the bunker. (Harry handcuffs the guard to a chair. DAVROS: What mistakes do they make? (Inside, the Doctor reaches out from his hiding place for the wires, and the Dalek fires. Then it starts moving forward, and the Doctor runs away. The Dalek trundles over the wires, completing the circuit. The KaBOOM! is heard at the entrance.) MAN: We're getting a picture on one of these scanners. The rocket launch can begin contact with the leaders whose names you gave them. Good. DAVROS: Ours is the victory, Nyder. (And he bangs their heads together.) NYDER: Immediately, Davros. BETTAN: What? blood. DAVROS: You might at least do me the courtesy of giving me time to I think you're concerned too, aren't you? DOCTOR: What do you mean? here. This things are very hard to write into a program because they are much more subtle than the pitch/harmonic modulations that make up our syllable sounds.