After St James' Hosptial declared a black alert on 24 December, Cameron was brought onto AAU to help deal with the large influx of admissions. After Cameron set up a conversation between her and Dominic, Chloe confronted him and told him to stop interfering. Here are six possible victims, DIGITAL SPY, PART OF THE HEARST UK ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK. DIGITAL SPY, PART OF THE HEARST UK ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK. Arthur Digby makes a dreamy return to Holby. Outside the disused COVID ICU unit, Cameron gave Ange one "final chance" to reconsider going to Max, but Ange was stunned by his arrogance and ordered him to get out of her way. After realising his behaviour, Cameron tried to admit his role in Evan's death to Serena but was interrupted. (HC: "Honeymoon") The following week, after it was learned that Bernie was missing in action following an explosion in Mogadishu, a sobbing Cameron confided in Serena about his distrust of Alex Dawson Bernie's fiance who was pushing to organise her funeral. Suspicious of Ric's behaviour, Zav asked Cameron if he had made any other clinical errors, but Cameron insisted that Ric knew what he was doing. Later, Max informed Chloe that Bobby's system contained extremely low levels of heparin. Not wanting his mother to dictate the direction of his career, Cameron expressed an interest in a conservation project in Costa Rica and invited Morven to accompany him, but she was uncertain. However, he later threatened to walk out of her life after she confronted Keeley about their decision to conceal the circumstances behind their car crash. (HC: "Gods and Monsters") The following week, Cameron was forced to rebuke Ric when he began discussing a palliative care package with a patient that was expected to make a full recovery, but Ric once again claimed that it was a deliberate training exercise. Later that day, while they celebrated his departure, Cameron made a pass at Morven; she turned him down. The night before Kian was scheduled to start working on Darwin, he encountered an extremely drunk man named Mark and fell asleep in his car. We can reveal that Bernie's stint was always intended to be a brief one, but will she be leaving in a coffin or a cab? (HC: "Over My Dead Body"), On 25 June, Cameron apologised to Chloe for attempting to kiss her, but she felt he was overreacting and urged him to "chill out". (HC: "Don't Leave Me") On 29 July, after attending a memorial service for Bernie, Cameron got drunk and slept with Nicky. Entertainment Daily has a dedicatedHolby City spoilerssection for you to get your fix before the latest episodes air. Consequently, both he and Nicky were banned from operating on patients for two weeks. Not content with the damage he's already done, Cameron laid more devastation on his long-suffering colleagues tonight and has left several lives in the balance as a result. However, Skylar continued running tests and diagnosed Harvey with Weil's disease. As a consequence, Serena felt that Cameron was not setting a good example and informed him that the position of Junior Doctor Lead was no longer his. David Albert [1] Ames (born 10 August 1983) [2] is a British actor, best known for his portrayal of Dominic Copeland in the medical drama Holby City. [12] Many regular cast members in the show have made prior, minor appearances as both patients and staff members in both Holby City and Casualty. (HC: "Flying Solo"), On 29 July, after attending a memorial service for Bernie, Cameron got drunk and slept with Nicky; in the morning, the two acknowledged that their fling was a mistake. In the afternoon, Ric was incandescent when Darla went into labour in Cameron's apartment. He later reprised his role as Cameron from January 2019 to March 2021. Zav accused Cameron of being a "fraud", but Cameron suggested that he was just jealous. On 29 November, to Bernie's surprise, Cameron started his F1 rotation in general surgery on AAU. Holby City continues on Tuesday, September 14 at 7.50pm on BBC One. 01:24. (HC: "Aces High"), In May, Morven was taken aback when Cameron returned to Holby to observe an operation. While the trailer reveals he is alive after the explosion, he is also in the hospital and needs to deliver his twins. Drug overdose On 27 August, Cameron returned to work. After receiving a slap from Donna for Zav, a whimpering Cameron was arrested. (HC: Episode 1037), On 8 December, Cameron learned that the board were looking for a new advisor at registrar level to represent the hospital's junior doctors and decided to apply despite only being a CT2 to humiliate Chloe. Suddenly, Evan rapidly began to deteriorate, but Cameron silenced his heart monitor and allowed him to go into VF before calling for the crash team; Evan was pronounced dead not long after. In a passing remark, Evan told Cameron that he felt the way people were treating him as a "mummy's boy" was unfair. (HC: "Everything Old Is New Again") On 8 January 2019, Cameron began his first shift on Darwin. Their touching final moments saw Ange ask Chloe to name her newborn baby sister, who was born prematurely amid the chaos following the explosion. (HC: Episode 1019), On 15 February, Cameron treated a man named David McBride who was suffering from chest pains and accidentally ruptured his haemothorax which resulted in him undergoing emergency surgery. On Hanssen's recommendation, Cameron decided to accept a position on AAU. Tonight's episode marked the end of Nic Jackman's stint on the show. However, Cameron soon learned that he was a sergeant named Daniel Kelly who was reported to be responsible for civilian deaths in a battle, but Daniel insisted that he took responsibility for the incident after he exposed it. While the majority of the show's main characters escaped unscathed (apart from Lucky, who remains in a critical condition thanks to Jeni), Cameron and Bernie found themselves in danger later on. Although Cameron was successful, Ange reprimanded him and warned him that David was within his rights to make a formal complaint. After learning that Ange had been found, Nicky revealed to Cameron that she had recorded their conversation and claimed that she stopped loving him when he displayed no interest in their baby kicking. (HC: "Aces High") In May, Bernie brought Cameron back to Holby to serve as her mentee in treating a carotid pseudoaneurysm. Later that evening, when Chloe turned down Cameron's advances once again, she took offence when he derided her discomfort and demanded to be left alone. (HC: "Running") The next day, after Evan Crowhurst the ex-boyfriend of registrar Chloe Godard found out about his and Chloe's night-out the night prior, he removed all of the data from Cameron's SSI audit and disposed of his smart card as an act of revenge. (HC: "Flying Solo"), On 27 August, Cameron and Nicky found Evan in their apartment and ordered him to leave; when he refused, Cameron called the police. Nicky McKendrick in Holby City (Picture: BBC) Let's talk about the biggest moment from the trailer - the shooting. If it wasn't for Evan, if it wasn't for Chloe, I wouldn't be stuck here about to lose everything. 31 August 2021 (age 31)Holby City Hospital, Holby, England. HOLBY CITY'S Dom Copeland could be set for another life-changing blow after undergoing surgery following a tragic car accident that left his life hanging in the balance. In ICU, Evan continued to proclaim his innocence, but Cameron did not believe him. Biographical information Find out more about your favourite Holby City characters Cameron promptly grabbed Ange and injected her with pethidine before dragging her into a cordoned-off room. In the evening, Morven told him that she had also contacted the deanery about completing a foreign placement, and the two left for Jamaica together. Cameron was keen to impress Drew with his confidence and diagnostic skills, but Drew was ultimately won over by Nicky who was then given the opportunity to operate with him and Ange. Outside the hospital, Michael also thanked Cameron and offered to repay him for his deed. Oliver Valentine made a shock return to Holby City in October 2021. Holby City kills off character after hospital explosion but who is it? (HC: "Kiss Kiss") On 2 July, Evan taunted Cameron after Nicky took the lead in theatre and successfully fixed a bleeding aorta without Kian Madani's assistance. Lucky went through Jenis drawer and discovered a number of young girls passports. Casualty fans will recognise Michael French who regularly crossed over and featured in Holby City and Casualty as the registrar Nick Jordan, a cardiac doctor. 4 Mar 2023. In theatre, as Cameron shaken after learning of the retrieval of Bernie's body was closing Darla up, Ric harshly critiqued his technique, causing Cameron to lose his nerve and abandon the procedure. This Morning host Alison Hammond divides viewers with behaviour today, Lorraine Kelly today: Star faces backlash as shes accused of bashing another womans looks on live TV, Loose Women viewers slam ridiculous debate over whether tattoos should be free on NHS, Jeremy Clarkson in shocking victory over Prince Harry after Meghan furore, Emmerdale fave Lisa Riley issues plea to fans following heartbreaking Paddy scenes, Kate Garraway admits we cling on to the good days as she details unbearable pain of husband Dereks illness. Despite all that has been and done, Bernie opted to remain by Cameron's side in the moments before the bomb he'd planted went off, even sending a heartbreaking final message to her lover Serena. The tense episode opened with attempts to rouse Kian from his lifeless stupor, as he lay unconscious in the locker room after injecting himself with drugs. Place of work However during the procedure something went wrong and Ange lost consciousness and it looked like they would need to deliver the twins. (HC: "Flying Solo"), On 30 July, a drunken Cameron noticed that Ric had mistakenly ordered for 40 millimoles of potassium in Rob Dennehey's drip. (HC: Episode 1050), I did it to protect her. (HC: "Don't Leave Me"), On 30 July, Cameron took umbrage at Serena's flippant remark about not being "on the front line" and blamed her for allowing Bernie to return to the army. Here are eight Holby characters that could be in serious danger. However, Morven was surprised when he offered her a chance to accompany him to Costa Rica for a conservation project. (HC: "When Worlds Collide"), Upon Cameron's arrival on Darwin, Jac was unimpressed with Cameron's history of benefitting from nepotism and christened him with the nickname "Fauntleroy". The photo was later sent to the local press, and Cameron was lauded as a "hero". For his movie debut, Luther might . Later that day, Cameron and Serena came to an understanding, and the two decided to take compassionate leave. Later that day, Cameron apologised and suggested celebrating her research project getting green-lighted, but Evan asserted that her colleagues would just gossip about her and convinced Chloe to spend the night alone with him. When the character of Beka Levy was reintroduced in 2018, her original actress Rhean McGee could not reprise the role, so they recast the role to Francesca Barrett. Cameron was very close to Bernie when he was young. The series, created by Tony McHale and Mal Young, first aired in 1999 as a spin-off from another . On 10 September, Cameron noticed that Ric had mistakenly prescribed Tazocin to a patient with a penicillin allergy. "Pleased To Meet You"23 April 2019 Shortly after, Zav realised that Cameron had sent him a message from his patient's phone suggesting that they go on a date together to jeopardise his relationship with Donna Jackson. While competing with fellow F2 Nicky McKendrick to diagnose Laurie Stocks, Tom Campbell-Gore gave Cameron a clue about Laurie's condition and told him that he used to play the trumpet, leading Cameron to correctly diagnose him with a pharyngeal pouch. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Early life 1.2 Relationship with Keeley Carson 1.3 General surgery rotations 1.4 Rotation on Darwin 1.5 Bernie's death 1.6 Ric's brain tumour 1.7 Evan's death 1.8 Fraudulent acts of heroism However, as Darla did not want Ric involved in the delivery, Cameron was forced to perform an MSV and deliver Darla's daughter. The character first appeared on-screen on 16 January 2007 in episode "Face Value" - series 9, episode 15 of the programme. Amanda Mealing joined Casualty as Connie Beauchamp in 2014, following a six-year stint in Holby City. As Hanssen began to evacuate, Ange was taken in for an emergency caesarean after her transfusion procedure for the twins went wrong. (HC: "Kiss Kiss") On 30 July, after Bernie had been declared missing in action following an explosion in Mogadishu, a grief-stricken Cameron aggressively insisted on spending his day with Chloe, but she refused his advances. Jasmine, who died in 2017 from a stab wound, is armed with a bottle of booze for Jac's wake! However, after Zav confronted him about leaving Nicky with his bar bills, Cameron allowed Nicky to go on the trip as recompense. After Cameron exacerbated the condition of a patient by giving them morphine, Jac banned him and Nicky from theatre for two weeks. When Evan learned that Cameron had reported Kian to Hanssen, Evan accused him of throwing Kian under a bus and branded him a "loser". (HC: "The Burden of Proof"), On 22 January, Nicky agreed to produce a register of all the teaching days that were attended by junior doctors in the previous year for Cameron and spent most of her day calling each doctor individually. After Cameron lost the role of Junior Doctor Lead, he asked Chloe if she wanted to join him for a drink, but she declined and revealed that she was getting back together with Evan. (HC: "Gods and Monsters") However, the following week, after Ric confused two patients, Cameron warned Zav that Ric had erroneously diagnosed a patient with a perforated bowel and had listed them for a bowel resection. When Chloe ran to the mortuary after learning that Cameron had been there only to find that he was only there to look for an escape route, Cameron barricaded himself and Nicky in Max's office. That's because, upon learning that her secret had been exposed, Jeni brutally attacked Lucky, leaving her for dead. This list only includes main characters, not recurring or guest. At a party in Albie's, Chloe admitted her feelings for Cameron, and the two started a relationship. (HC: "Things My Mother Told Me"), On 30 August 2016, while volunteering at the Hope Street Drop-In Centre, Cameron met fellow volunteer Morven who was also an F2 training at Holby City Hospital. Jac berated Kian for undermining her, but she was ultimately forced to employ his treatment. (HC: "Aces High"), On 9 May, Bernie brought Cameron back to Holby to observe the treatment of a carotid pseudoaneurysm, but Cameron was more interested in seeing Morven again. On 31 July, Morven slept with Damon Ford; the following day, she admitted to Cameron that she had cheated on him and broke up with him. She joined the department in September 2007 during her second year of foundation training, and following this she was appointed as a trust doctor in the ED. Bernie was also caught up in the hospital explosion. People involved in road accidents or incidents, The hospital nurses often calls him "Camo" as "he is always nowhere to be seen". However, Cameron later gave Bobby protamine sulfate to reverse the effects of the heparin Chloe administered, triggering the formation of a clot which soon killed him. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Early life 15 June 2021 (aged 40-41)Holby City Hospital, Holby, Wyvern, England (HC: "Circle of Life"), In the afternoon, Cameron demanded Ric take a dementia test, but Ric refused. (HC: Episode 1044), The following month, Cameron decided to request a transfer to Darwin. Despite Kian's insubordination, Jac believed his version of events and decided to keep him on Darwin. The final emotional moments of the episode confirmed Zav had died by severe brain injury. Jo Martin (born 29 April) [1] is a British actress. (Picture: BBC) Yet another episode of Holby City ended with Kian Madani (Ramin Karimloo) unconscious on the ground, this time with a used syringe next to him after he'd had free rein of an. (HC: "Kiss Kiss") On 2 July, after Kian left Nicky alone in theatre to deal with a bleeding aorta, Cameron asserted that he left her alone for his own enjoyment, but Nicky believed that Cameron was just jealous of her abilities and dared him to report Kian to Henrik. As the hospital had been put into lockdown after a gunman fired shots on Darwin, Cameron was forced to call Nicky, who was trapped on Darwin, and have her walk him through a thoracotomy to rectify his error. [9], The serial features an ensemble cast of regular and recurring characters, and began with 11 main characters in its first series. In last weeks episode of Holby City (Tuesday, September 7 2021), Cameron Dunn told Bernie and Hanssen he had planted a bomb in the hospital. Kian Madani ( 1980 - 15 June 2021) was a consultant cardiothoracic surgeon at Holby City Hospital . Meanwhile, Rosie breaks up with Mubbs and Jess Breaks up with Robert Pullman. Overwhelmed by Daniel's death and his insecurities, Cameron had an emotional breakdown on the ward. (HC: "Ask No Questions"), On 18 June, Nicky was irritated when Cameron chose to assist Kian Madani in performing an aortic arch repair and left her with a patient with an embedded foreign body, but she later forgave him when complications in theatre resulted in her performing a more complex operation. Actress Sylvia Syms has died at the age of 89. (HC: Episode 1049), After Chloe told her that Cameron was a danger to patients, Ange decided to review Cameron's previous cases and discovered a trend of his patients going into unexplained crises before being rescued at the brink of death. Chloe, with help from Louis, soon found that the records of Cameron's patients had been deleted from the system from Ange's computer. However, Cameron suspected that Serena and Alex had grown close and confronted Serena in theatre, resulting in her angrily ordering Cameron out of the room. (HC: Episode 1041), On the day of the investigation, Michael Townsend the chairman of the board and Skylar's step-father urged Cameron to make Skylar change her stance on the incident. (HC: "Don't Leave Me") The following week, Cameron learned that Bernie and Alex were engaged, leading him to believe that Bernie did not trust him. Ruth Winters (born 18 October 1984) is a trust doctor who worked in Holby City Hospital 's emergency department from 2007 to 2011. (HC: "Retreat") After discovering that Evan had also raped her, Cameron took over Evan's care in ICU. Cameron reminded her that other people cared for her apart from Evan, but she asserted that only Evan understood her. (HC: "The Burden of Proof"), On 26 March, after catching Cameron making inappropriate phone calls on the ward and neglecting his professional duties, Jac issued him with a verbal warning. Read more: Holby City spoilers tonight: Whats happening on Tuesday, September 14 2021. After hearing that Chloe was carrying Evan's child, Cameron offered to help provide for her and the baby; Chloe was unsettled by his proposition and demanded that he leave her alone. Until 2019, Kian served as a medic in Syria. ", "Holby City star Ayesha Dharker: 'Nina trusts absolutely the wrong people! However, after Cameron correctly diagnosed Nanette with a hernia, Zav praised his diagnostic skills in his clinical assessment of him. (HC: "Running"), The next day, Chloe took issue with Cameron discussing their night together with Nicky as her ex-boyfriend Evan Crowhurst was present on the ward. Cameron approached Ric about the misunderstanding, but Ric pretended that he created a subterfuge to test Cameron's attentiveness to his patients' lives and backgrounds. Chloe confronted Cameron about her mother's whereabouts after she received a cryptic message from Ange claiming that she was "going away", and immediately grew suspicious when Cameron's immediate response was him criticising Ange for "dropping [him] in it"; she later realised that Cameron had lied about not seeing Ange when she discovered that he had a pre-op meeting with her the evening prior. After Cameron failed to find a date and had been issued with a formal warning, Zav told him that he needed to accept responsibility for his actions and warned him that women can "smell a player a mile off". In theatre, as Cameron attempted to perform a tricuspid valve replacement, he began to panic; Daniel soon began to bleed out and died. Digital Spy can confirm that next week is indeed Chloe's final episode, as Amy Lennox has bowed out of the role, but will she meet a tragic end? (HC: "Always Forever") However, according to Cameron, Morven later cheated on him with a local bartender and broke up with him. Regardless, Cameron asked consultant Serena Campbell to order Jenny an MRI; the results showed significant damage to her occipital cortex, and he and Bernie diagnosed her with Anton-Babinski syndrome. (HC: "Honeymoon") Despite the chances of her survival being bleak and her body armour being identified in the rubble, Cameron refused to believe that his mother was dead and immediately dismissed a discussion about a funeral for Bernie with her fiance Alex Dawson. This is a comprehensive, chronological list of deaths that have occurred within the show, ordered by series. (HC: "The Heart Is a Small Thing"), In July, Cameron proposed that he move closer to Morven, but she claimed that she was happy with their current situation. (Image credit: BBC) Lucky Simpson is struggling emotionally in tonight's Holby City (BBC1, 7.50pm - see our TV Guide for listings) following the shock passing of Kian Madani, who tragically died last week of a drug . When Chloe assertted that he was underqualified to lead the operation, Cameron explained the procedure in detail, but Chloe pointed out that only an experienced surgeon, like Ange, would know about the described method. When Bernie faltered, Cameron opted to save her regardless pushing her out of the way before the roof collapsed around them. Not wanting her son to ruin his life, Bernie ignored Cameron and Keeley's wishes and told the truth to the police, but Cameron soon admitted that he secretly wanted her to. However, as soon as they arrived there, Darla's waters broke. (HC: Episode 1036), On 19 November, after learning from Ange that his "big hero" act was a fraud, Chloe maligned Cameron as an "embarrassment to [their] profession". Anges daughter Chloe was determined to save her mum. Ramin Karimloo's final scenes aired on Tuesday, June 22, when his colleagues were unable to revive him. First appearance Cameron subsequently burned the note. (HC: "Kiss Kiss"), The following week, Kian left Cameron to treat a man named Mason who had an atrial septal defect. Cameron approached Ric about the misunderstanding, but Ric pretended that he created a subterfuge to test Cameron's attentiveness to his patients' lives and backgrounds. Cameron prepared to leave Holby, but he saw police entering the hospital, who had been called in after Louis was stabbed by a patient, and believed that they were searching for him. Having irritated Jac by being awarded the position through nepotism and complaining to his godmother and Royal College of Surgeons board member Verity Knotts, Cameron tried to impress her by treating a woman named Mel single-handedly, but he unintentionally exacerbated her condition by giving her morphine. Evie Fletcher (Phoebe French) is critically ill in theatre after being stabbed while on the run with drugs mule. However, Bernie soon heard the news from Morven, and the two shared a hug as Cameron was leaving the hospital. Persephone [1] "Penny" Valentine is a fictional character from the BBC medical drama television series Holby City, portrayed by actress Emma Catherwood. On 4 August 2016, after attending an orthopod's party, a drunken Keeley crashed her car into another and injured the driver who was a heavily pregnant woman named Sally; Cameron immediately rushed to Sally's aid and resuscitated her. (HC: Episode 1022) The week after, Cameron urged Donna to delete a voice mail incriminating him that Zav left her moments before his death; she agreed and deleted the message. HOLBY CITY will welcome new doctor Eli Ebrahimi on Tuesday evening and appear to be a confident cardiothoracic surgeon. While his colleagues told him that Solomon's death was not his fault, Cameron told Solomon's body that he was "sorry". Holby City airs Tuesday at 7.50pm on BBC One. Lucky Simpson is in deep turmoil following recent tragic events in Holby City. Holby Wiki - Casualty and Holby City is a FANDOM TV Community. However, Nicky was later disappointed when she caught Cameron making a pass at Chloe. Chloe's final scenes saw her tell her mum Ange that she'd accepted a new job abroad. In preparation to act as a. (HC: "Honeymoon") When Cameron began dating 40-year-old Keeley Carson, she believed that Cameron was trying to compensate for the lack of a maternal figure in his life by being with her. Chloe was desperately trying to save her pregnant mum in the moments before the explosion, but is there heartbreak ahead? She returned just under 18 months later, this time as a permanent staff member and associate specialist. At Albie's, Cameron got all of the other junior doctors vodka, but he took Nicky's drink, gave it to another woman, and left Nicky with the bill. Cameron had planted the explosive device in the hospital, in a bid to avenge his former colleagues and ensure he never returned to prison. Chloe saw Cameron with Bobby shortly before his death and later asked him if he had spoken to Bobby; Cameron insisted that she was mistaken. (HC: Episode 1018) The following week, Cameron accidentally exposed his involvement in Evan's death to Zav. ', "Holby's Sasha: It's odd returning as Michael's foe", "Holby's Ed: 'Rafi lashes out and punches Greg! (HC: "Parasite"), In January 2017, discontent with working under his mother's shadow, Cameron decided to transfer to London without informing Bernie so she could focus on taking care of Serena in the wake of her daughter's death. In theatre, Zav became convinced that Cameron had spiked his coffee and dragged him onto the ward, but Cameron maintained that he had done nothing. Regardless, Cameron asked consultant Serena Campbell to order Jenny an MRI, angering Bernie. (HC: "Protect and Serve") Working with Morven quickly made him reconsider his decision to quit medicine, and he soon stopped volunteering at the centre in order to study to become a doctor again. Darwin Ward, Holby City Hospital ", "Holby City actress Jaye Jacobs: I was scared to leave the show but it helped me find a man", "Talented Youth Patron Jules Robertson to appear in BBC's Holby City",, Wikipedia pending changes protected pages, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 January 2023, at 08:54.