RIP Yuriana =( dios cuide de tus bebes y fortaleza a tu familia. 3:03 respetuosamente,fierrito mojado, a 20, la tuya, safo y sin safaderas, cada que respires you know who this is, mini-lecter, so you can go and fuck yours, and her mama, and the mother of the mama of her motherfucking mama; mini-anibal when will you learn and mind your manners? Yuriana Castillo Torres's Ex-partner Gamboa commonly referred to by his alias "El Chino ntrax", was a Mexican drug lord, a professional hitman, and a high-ranking member of the Sinaloa Cartel, a criminal organization based in Sinaloa.. She was a celebrity in the so-called world of "buchona show . Murder squad leader who once worked for El Chapo is found shot dead So thats what happens whenever you just see one shoe on the side of the road, I wonder if its still there? Who Is El Chino Antrax Wife? Everything We Know About The Mexican Drug [32][A 1] Initially, the authorities did not give any details on the identity of the detainee, but an anonymous U.S. federal agent and Mexican local newspapers leaked information to the media that the man was in fact Archiga Gamboa. After being sentenced to house arrest, he was reported missing on May 9, 2020. May she rest in peace. She got what she deserved!! Maybe chino did this!, she was probably fucking around with other men enjoying chinos money! Not to mention people are saying chino anthrax is responsible for a split in the sinaloa cartel. We are not cowboys. According to the court archives, the DEA has under its possession documents that prove that Archiga Gamboa participated in at least fifty drug trafficking shipments between Mexico and the United States. Next, he and his family were held captive by armed people. The other 2 bodies were identified as his sister and her husband. He dropped out after AB's leadership starting targeting family members of snitches. Little was argued on the record during the brief hearing, and the U.S. Attorneys Office filed its sentencing papers under seal. Sinaloa / 17.05.2020 14:46:19. These so called high dollar whores like this one are always coked up partying getting fucked by all sorts of losers. [49][50] On that date, however, the hearing was postponed to 6 March 2015 after his attorney asked in court for more time to evaluate the evidence against his client. La era nueva empieza. At least that Durango vato is a honest, hardworking man. Following that arrest, he was extradited to the US and pleaded guilty to drug-trafficking charges in May 2015, also agreeing to forfeit $1 million in his illicit proceeds. When the bodies were first discovered, a leaked photograph showed a man who appeared to be Arechiga, according to the Union-Tribune. One of them has been arrested in Mexico and is awaiting extradition. The next day police in the town of Ayune, Sinaloa, discovered a black SUV with 3 dead bodies inside - one of the bodies was later identified as Jos Rodrigo Archiga Gamboa. According to one of the case's attorneys, a group of women who were supposedly family members of Archiga Gamboa sat in one of the middle rows of the courtroom. [4][5][6], He was nearly killed on 4 November 2008 when an armed commando opened fire at a car wash in Culiacn. Marshal Service. for something petty and take it out on the girlfriend/wife. la barbie gave bus fare to the girlfriend of the man that went to kill him, and sent her home, other mafiosos have shown that real men do not mess with women or children of anybody else, hijos de la chingada, don't respect their own mothers, much less other women, no matter what. 2014 05 07She let her guard down . Mexican feds, U.S. officials seek to verify death of fugitive cartel If you live by the gun you die by the gun. NO!! She is lucky that she was alone and not with her kids because narcos are assholes who don't care who they kill. 9:46 and you are such a bad ass for badmouthing a dead woman, you would not be talking shit face to face with her, which makes you one pinchi maricon. By Ishani Ghose Updated On : 04:10 PST, May 19, 2020. The diocese said they will oppose it. Do u really wanna wrk for such criminal org. Wouldn't doubt its payback. Get the word out about Mexico. The bodies of Jose Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa known as El Chino Antrax, or the Chinese Anthrax his sister Ada Jimena Arechiga Gamboa, and her husband, Juan Garcia, were discovered in Adas BMW Saturday, abandoned on a dirt road in Culiacn, Sinaloa, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported. Now Chino has a bigger reason to rat out all of them. 20 ago David Westerfield was convicted of kidnapping and murdering 7-year-old Danielle van Dam whose family lived two doors away in Sabre Springs. Chino and some of Los Anthrax's associates were being taken out by El Chapo a month before his arrest. On March 3, 2020, he was released and placed on house arrest. VIDEO MAS DEL FUNERAL de EL CHINO ANTRAX pareca fiesta la calle repleta con banda y CANTANDO todo a TODO . "From her husband Rodrigo", "From( her mother), Norma Torres" "From her children" "From all the, She will be buried at Jardines del Humaya. Que fueron dejadas al interior de una camioneta en las inmediaciones del poblado de Ayun este sbado por la maana, confirmaron fuentes federales de seguridad. Earlier this year, he became one of the star witnesses in the Brooklyn trial of Joaqun El Chapo Guzman, turning against his fathers partner, the flashier, public face of the cartel. Witnesses indicate that her body was dumped in the side of the street by two men, keep thinking afo is done thats why they controll tecate, tijuana .ensenadaand all the penninsula when you charge a toll its cause you own it YOU CANT CHARGE PISO IF YOU DONT FCK OWN IT cds pays thats cause they dont own it. They're a federation which comprises of several bosses not just 2. El cuerpo sin vida de una mujer que correspondera a la de una joven secuestrada la vspera a la salida de un gimnasio y presunta novia de "El Chino ntrax . Nasty arse troll with no life. Mas fotos de Jose Rodrigo Archiga Gamboa 'El Chino ntrax' ejecutado They declined to comment about the case, just like Archiga Gamboa's defense Frank Ragen. La Fiscala General del Estado de Sinaloa confirm que Rodrigo Archiga Gamboa, "el Chino ntrax" es una de las 3 personas que fueron abatidas el pasado 16 de mayo en . The fact is she was just another in a long line of women who are so lacking in morality that they don't care that the money they spend lavishly on themselves is soaked in blood. old looking girlfriend Belly Banderas! 203 following. Rolex is among the most powerful brands in the world. @4:12. . Yuriana Castillo Torres romantic partner, Rodrigo Archiga, was one of Ismael El Mayo Zambadas trusted men, he was in charge of Los ntrax, one of the armed arms of the Sinaloa cartel. Afo is very low key that's a very good thing that means there rebuilding zetas cdj sinaloa federation defenitly the strongest around, I don't know the things she did or didn't do. FOTOS: As luce en la morgue; Confirmado "El Chino ntrax" fue May her you get the strength to handle the situation in the best way possible. Lol. ..Did you know about any of this Chivis? He was released on March 3, according to the Union-Tribune. Nearly anyone can temporarily profit from drugs. He had psoriasis, a skin condition, and for that he was deemed inutil a la patria worthless to country. El Chino ntraxs romantic partner Yuriana Castillo Torres was reportedly kidnapped by armed men while heading to her vehicle after leaving a gym in Culiacn, Sinaloa on 6 May 2014. Well your sister wanted a lavish lifestyle now she can have a lavish funeral. Gamboas whereabouts were a mystery since May 6, when a US probation officer in San Diego went to his new home for a scheduled check-in and discovered that he was missing, as were all his belongings, except for a cellphone. THE LEGEND EL CHINO ANTRAX WHEN HE DRESSED UP AS CLOWN TO TAKE OUT francisco rafael arellano felix from tijuana cartel. With 6 watches, Rolex ranks before Hublot in terms of appearances, but their total value is well below, at only 118 750 euros. why was El Chino Antrax killed? : r/NarcoFootage - reddit I knew of a wedding in Culiacan that chapo had attended. . But the settlement with Frankie Greer does not resolve a broader dispute over the release of internal sheriffs records. He was extradited to the US on July 10, 2014. And they'll all still be under 25 when he's released. They attended social events together. Our main focus is to keep you informed and updated with the latest trending issues. She just got murdered, and now her kids will have to grow up without a mother! THE LEGEND EL CHINO ANTRAX WHEN HE DRESSED UP AS CLOWN TO TAKE - reddit Yuriana Castillo Torres who was also related to Javier Torres el JT and Manuel Torres el Ondeado,both leaders of the Sinaloa cartel. No CAF ordered the hit for retaliation for the hit on the arellano brother , since his family is in the u.s they chose her , yes she is a torres , chino has a daughter with her .. Quit it with the caf know that caf doesnt. Top 10 Facts About Claudia Ochoa Felix - Sexiest Mexican Drug boss and Howard Abbott, 76, served as the trustee on a life insurance policy purchased by the victim in 2009, according to the U.S. Attorneys Office in San Diego. EL PASO, Texas (Border Report) Ten days after escaping supervised release in San Diego, a convicted Sinaloa cartel enforcer and two family members have been murdered in Culiacan, Mexican newspapers report.. Chino was gun battled for 4 days back to back, they say he whacked 20-30 men by him self after the night before they had sent 50 trucks of dudes to finish him. As the film progresses, the camera turns to the sides and shows former footballer Jared Borgetti sitting at a table with Roco del Carmen Lizrraga, wife of Francisco Rafael. Other sources state that the drug lord was arrested on 31 December 2013. Nummer 6 - 2017; Nummer 5 - 2017; Nummer 4 - 2017; Nummer 3 - 2017; Nummer 2 - 2017 the Zeta's have rivals also it could quite easily have happened to her. Que estupida la vieja. Explain, ur leaders at the top have ratted on their own people in mex and abroad.everybody from suppliers,sicarios and customers, have been turned in by cds leadership, to save ththemselves. En otro video difundido por el sitio Diario del narco, que asegura que fue tomando en el funeral de "el Chino ntrax", se puede ver a varios jvenes cantando msica banda e incluso la publicacin menciona que pareca una fiesta. The Body of Chino Antrax' Wife Discovered ~ Borderland Beat All these cartel whores deserve the same as their husbands and boyfriends do to others. Go do the world a favor and jump off a bridge. Yuriana Castillo Torres was a Model and the partner of Jos Rodrigo Archiga Gamboa. And just take up space on radio stations. What was the reason? Arechiga was extradited to San Diego in July 2014 and a year later he pleaded guilty to conspiracy to import cocaine and marijuana. Chino ntrax. Quin es y qu ha hecho el lder de Los ntrax no one does that unless they have protection from the DEA, jult like el Vicentillo Not how it works. Chino Anthrax and his compadres Los Anthrax begin wiping out rival distrubuters in tje Netherlands who they were fighting is unknown but it is said they were Colombian Cartels who already set up major hubs in the Netherlands without using midle men help. ..something a lot of u guys don't knw nothing aboutRip yuri, That really sucks losing someone you love and in jail she should left the country and came to cali. [27][28] Although he always blurred his face in his social media pictures, in most of them he was shown wearing the skull shaped diamond ring, in reference to Los ntrax, as a form of signature. He was one of the leaders and the founder of Los ntrax, an armed enforcement group that protected Sinaloa cartel leader Ismael "El Mayo . Authorities arrested El Chino Antrax in the Netherlands in 2013 before extradition to the U.S. Hopefully the feminazis are very delighted too. Arechigas arrest was part of a massive two-year investigation into the leadership of the Sinaloa cartel, headed by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. ?he keeps talking they keep killing his fam till they are all gone!!!! El Chapo, the longtime head of the sprawling Sinaloa drug cartel, is currently serving life plus 30 years in a supermax prison in Colorado. [17][26] He was part of the younger generation of Mexican drug traffickers that enjoy displaying their luxurious lifestyle online. [34][36] The arrest of the drug lord was officially confirmed later that day by the U.S. She got off easy if all they did was shoot her in the head. May 8, 2014 at 9:46 PM "We're free to comment as we like on herePissed off cause your slut sister got what she deserved? Abbott pleaded guilty last year in federal court to a wire fraud charge. El Chino Antrax Wife. Pancho's death is in relation to el rayos murder back in the 90's payback is a bitch. back story: chino killed her husband [disemboweled him at his home to be precise]. The arrest of the drug lord was officially confirmed later that day by the U.S. government. All three were found wrapped in blankets, according to the Associated Press. Yuriana Castillo Torress partner was extradited to the United States, where he was wanted,for cocaine and marijuana trafficking. [38], On 2 January 2014, he appeared before a judge, who spoke about his situation and the motives behind his arrest. [42], On 14 May 2014, an official spokesperson of a court in Haarlem stated to the press that the request of the U.S. to extradite Archiga Gamboa was planned to be defined by 29 May 2014. Name already in use - El chino ntrax ha sido uno de los sicarios de los que ms se ha hablado durante las ltimas semanas, pues tras su escape de su confinamiento en Estados Unidos, este narco regres a Mxico, presuntamente para regresa al crtel de Sinaloa.. Tras un enfrentamiento donde el chino ntrax se defendi con todo, finalmente fue secuestrado por los sicarios junto a su hermana y otra persona . They have important drug hubs run by El Chapo a few yrs ago. She didn't deserve this because of who her boyfriend was. It was later reported that his murder was likely ordered by senior leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel. [57] Her corpse was discovered on 06:45 the next day by Mexican law enforcement at a vacant lot in Lomas de Guadalupe neighborhood in Culiacn, and confirmed to be hers by her family members at the forensic installations.