Holland Valley - John's Region. Let's start off with the lighters in John's Region. . If the injuries are relatively minor then treat with an antiseptic and continue to step 2. My bunker's compromised, some asshat drove . The entrance is through an underground bunker door that is located on the side of the cabin. Below the bridge you will find a sewer pipe, go inside and walk to the end you will find the magazine on the floor. It has to have meaning. Location: Found in Whitetail Mountains in Wolf's Den. The note is found on the table on the middle of the room. Go to the opposite end of the first floor of the house. Once you complete the course, Pratt will let you out of the cage, followed by a cut scene.
Whitetail Militia | Far Cry Wiki | Fandom Also, get off his lawn. Eli will send you to Grand View Hotel that is located in the north of the area. It's leader is Eli Palmer. It is located on the backside of the house inside a small shed, which has an American flag on it. Read the note, then look for the lighter on the table inside. Examine the area west from Wolf's Den to start this treasure hunting mission. When you have gained enough resistance points, Jacob will send his hunters to get you. Find Kyle's key presented in the picture and use it to open the chest. Get to the area where they are looking at and the note is found on one of the wooden shelves to the right. Once the cut scene is over, you end up in the same room as the previous mission and have to repeat the killing before the timer runs out. The note is located on the island, look for military cabinet near a shed. Location: Found in Whitetail Mountains in Snowshoe Lake. In the room you will find two more enemies, kill them and keep moving forward. You don't have to find all these things on your first visit in this area. You have to go to Landsdowne Airstrip, on the left corner you will get the note on a trolley. Location: North West of widow creek and south west of Clagett bay, a little way from the road you will find a bunker.
Far Cry 5 Whitetail Mountains Walkthrough - GamesHedge Along the road there will be a few roadblocks with enemies. There, you will find a journal page. Once you got the key return to the house. You'll start searching for these following the mission called What They Carried, or when you accidentally stumble across a lighter. This guide follows after our Henbane River walkthrough, liberating the region and defeating Faith. Jacobs hunter will take you out again. After you have slid down the tunnel, take the new gun on the table and kill the person heading towards you from the doorway. Talk to Hurk who will ask for your help to retrieve his campaign vehicle that the cultists have taken. K. Kotevich - Completed all the trials successfully, but was unable to complete the final sacrifice and had to be terminated. For your next lighter, head down a way . What is it that is keeping you here? When the mission starts with a cut scene, you will find yourself in his trap. 'Last'thing I need is a bunch of veggies swimming in to steal my shit. In the cut scene he will push you from a balcony and black out. Don't make this into some Fox and the Hound bullsh*t. If I see you wearing their colors I WILL shoot. This is one of the prepper stashes in Whitetail Mountains. The note is found outside the tent beside the trailer. In order to unlock the treasure hunting mission, you must reach the Elliot Residence from the picture above. If this is the first time you have been in this area, clear out the enemies of the area and liberate it. Are you tired of all those fat cats down in D.C. that do nothing but raise taxes and not much else? Whitetail Mountains are ruled by Jacob Seed, who is the brother of Joseph Seed. Check the shelf where you can see a yellow medkit and grab the collectible. I know I'm not much of a soldier, but I'm not going to let their deaths be in vain. On the second floor, look for 2 statues of a bear and a wolf. From the door go outside, and take down the peggie. This is one of the prepper stashes available in Whitetail Mountains. Location: Found in Whitetail Mountains in Fort Drubman. Location: At the north of Jacobs region towards the west of cedar lake. Their fighting techniques vary from guerrilla warfare, sabotage, and espionage. Far Cry New Dawn locations: Global Dutch's Island: Outposts Move ahead and once again jump into the water, and swim through the cave. Go back to the place where you have started your investigation. This location is adjacent to, among others, the Grill Streak, where orders are received from Chad. H. McCalkin - For someone who was supposed to join the 3rd marines, she sure didn't last long in the trials. In order to unlock the treasure hunting mission, you must reach the Elliot Residence from the picture above. There is a radio tower on the opposite side of the hangar, climb on that and you can glide towards the roof, use a parachute to land. The Holdouts | Whitetail Mountains | Prepper Stash | Far Cry 5 Stash Mission Start: There is in a box front of the house at Elliot Residence south of F.A.N.G. One the left of the door you will find the note. Stop by the new window shutter, go through it to get back on the roof and take an interest in the neighboring opened window from screenshot 2. Pay him a visit and trigger the quest. Head for the Abercrombie Residence, near to Hope County Jail for your first Henbane River lighter. Whitetail Mountain is controlled by Jacob Seed, he is a maniac who is using some kind of music to turn people into monsters. Contents 1 Layout 2 Notable People 3 Missions 4 Notable Loot Layout You are first introduced to the Whitetail Militia at the end of The World Is Weak when you are taken to their bunker. It is close to the same place where you found the second magazine, but a little before, in a tent on the shelf. Climb to the lower roof and then walk through the opened shutter. Collect all 12 and youll get the code to Wendells secret arsenal and who doesnt want a little extra firepower? This completes the mission. Head inside to find the loot. Location: Found in Whitetail Mountains in F.A.N.G. Clearing out this area will complete this mission, waking you in the forest around dead bodies.
All Vietnam Lighter Locations - Far Cry 5 | Shacknews Its close to Widows Creek. There will also be a sniper rifle that you can use to destroy beacons from a distance. It can be found north from the mission's starting point. Check out our Prepper Stash guides. Unlock the door and access the reward. It's the southern part of the Whitetail Mountains (south of the F.A.N.G. If they are too young or too old then they must be destroyed. I tried to get it loose, but every time I touch the controls it just digs a deeper hole. To start this mission, head to Wolfs Den and talk to Wheaty. We hope to return one day, but until then: Giga-waabamin menawaa. Once you are done, talk to Wade who will tell you about a bear called Cheeseburger. Go to the tunnel and kill the few enemies towards the entrance of the tunnel. Wasn't Eden's Gate material. The lighter is waiting for you inside. Go out. If the wolf shows no aggressive traits then they should be destroyed. In the end, you will reach the Lookout Point. B. Bauer - Showed promise, but ended up failing the second trial. Bailey and Kent want to try and make a run for it. Bones from a big old fish at the bottom of the lake. There are two ways you can go down all the way through the mountain edges, or if you have wingsuit and parachute then you can glide down. The final jammer will be on a truck. The bunker door requires a key. Get the case from the bed. Follow the waypoint, and you will reach a control room. This new location will be a quarry full of enemies and hostages. While the Canis Lupis seems to be the best candidate for augmentation, I suggest testing our formula on other species to see if we can't get a similar result. For this mission, start by going towards MCA Mobile Lab. Once you reach to the very top, Jacob will be vulnerable and an easy target. Vietnam Lighter 1: Your first Vietnam Lighter is at Rae-Rae's Pumpkin Farm in John's Region. The note is located between two laptops. This completes the mission. Whitetail Mountains are a sprawling wilderness with no real towns but still plenty of landmarks. The note is placed on a wooden pedestal in front of Joseph's picture. Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever, The Simpsons Hit and Run Designer Wants to See a Remake - IGN Daily Fix. I'm starting to worry that Eli was right and we should've left when we had that chance. Follow the waypoint on the map. This area is used as a means of training the army with hunters and judges. Knew you'd come after me. You can already get down to the ground floor and reach the kitchen where the Elliot's Key Card lies on the ground. Continue with Recommended Cookies. You have to repeat by killing the enemies and saving the hostages. The PowerWash Simulator Midgar Special Pack brings a spark of Final Fantasy VII Remake to the proceedings! 2) Strap them into the chairs, make sure the restraints are done up tightly. Pratt will also tell you that the only way out of here is with a truck that can be used for the escape. 4:15 Ambushed a Whitetail truck on the road No survivors. It is based in its namesake; the Whitetail Mountains, fighting Jacob Seeds forces. After a few bangs and clangs, it will finally give way and you can access the tunnels below. I can't believe it! Inside the hangar you can find a unique plane, Pack Hunter which will be added to your collection of vehicles. Far Cry Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. by flying a helicopter. Go from the back of the house, there is a path that will lead you to some blood trails, that will lead you to a cave. This will start a new mission where you have to kill The Cook. Next, you have to rescue Deputy Pratt. Once again, the lighter is inside a bunker on the property youll find it in the back room. Shoot the lock to get inside. You can get there by following the path but there is also a quicker way of reaching that place, e.g. It's been two days and still no sign of Howie. After reading it, you . Dan has been playing games since the 1980s, and doesn't plan on stopping any time soon. Only stuff they didn't get was what I stashed in the cave across the river. You can get some items here. Notable Members One enemy is having a flamethrower so approach with precaution. However, their war against Eden's Gate has dwindled their numbers due to the Project's overwhelming force. The bunker door requires a key. Location: Found in Whitetail Mountains in F.A.N.G. 2006-2023 PlayStation Universe, All Rights Reserved. I've gathered all the gear we stripped off the prisoners and put it in the trailer office for safe keeping. Find the box with a Prepper's Note. Dan has been playing games since the 1980s, and doesn't plan on stopping any time soon. The note is found inside the cabin, in one of the counters.