teams up with a rag-tag team of She teased, turning back to regard their tiny daughter. Peter provokes real conversation toward Gamora about the orb, explaining how it seems to him in earthly pop culture references which none of the others catch onto. It's the middle of the night. However, the Gamora we see in Guardians 3 is an alternate version who was brought to Earth when Thanos invaded in the final moments of Avengers: Endgame. Realising those things were normal took a while (several years), but apparently he was still fucking learning. The scene returns to the ship where anxious and annoyed Gamora is silently waiting for Peter to get to the ship. Chapter 352 - 1988. Or, at least the middle of the ship's artificial night and day cycle. Gamora is alive in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. Thats just hiccups., It was as if the whole room just froze. You mean this? {Infinity War~Endgame} Rocket has been venomized, and Peter is worried he'll never see his best friend (who he is in love with) again. After the dance-off to save Oooh boy. He could hear the soothing tones of Groot's grunting phrase, 'I am Groot' which Rocket translated to 'Everything is going well, just breathe.". as well as Forget it. Over time, Peter and Gamora grow closer. 01. So thank youStarlord." (Peters' Viewpoint). Peter woke up with a start. Loki That night, Peter catches a group of prisoners leading Gamora with a knife and physical restraints passing his sleep area. Am 7. Izuku x Rias from high school dxd. These- She made a sound that wouldve been hilarious had Peter been more awake, but in his still half asleep state he couldnt find the energy to laugh. They were alone in there, and the last thing Peter remembered doing before passing out was trying to pick a song on his walkman, which was now resting neatly on the table. A story where the Guardians of the Galaxy, in an action of altruism, entangle themselves in a civilization-threatening conspiracy. "Quill, don't you dare." "Dare wha- hic!" "Quill!" "I am Groot." Maybe he wouldve been able to get away with it if tickling was something that only occurred on Earth, but it wasnt, and Gamora understood rather quickly. I just think its a bit endearing how worried you all get. Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. In response to a particularly long drawn out scream Peter made his way to descend the steps to where his girlfriend was in such agony but was stopped by Drax' meaty hand on his shoulder. This feeling of belonging to a family and the love he felt for them was so alien to him, a feeling he hadn't felt in so long, not since his mom died. **All oth My name is Jade. Have something to tell us about this article? If I threw a fit each time someone did something unusual in my eyes I wouldve died of a goddamn heart attack a long time ago., Were trying topreventyou from dying, Quill., Yes, Gamora, I know. Peter took a deep breath, keeping his eyes closed. Peter watches her climb the stairs with a smirk on his face. Despite his kind demeanor and nudging tone, Gamora reverses the scenario asking how much he trusts her. Peter nodded at his girlfriend to go ahead and Gamora turned her gaze to Groot and Rocket. There are some things you should know about me Long ago the officers of the Nova Corps were respected. I will try my best on them PART TWO OF "Starmora: Decimation" I wouldnt put it past you to keep an injury or an illness from us until it became too much., He crossed his arms, his defensiveness dying on his tongue when she sent him a look. Youre choking on something, Gamora continued. And that wish doesn't come true. Starmora (+ Their baby) Fanfic :) Sealing the deal, however, Peter tells Drax to spare her in order to lure Ronan to him to enact his revenge. Peter Q She explains she is not family to Ronan or even Thanos, but shes the only way to end them. The first piece of fluff I have ever written so sorry if it sucks! Things escalate from there. Have you ever wondered what superheroes text eachother during their free tim Y/N didn't had much to live for. "Quill, she's in good hands - I mean branches" Rocket said, laughing hysterically at his own joke. ' , Drax had taken Mantis to see the legendary singing gardens. Gamora could be afraid of forming a close bond with Quill because Thanos could try and hurt Gamora's loved ones. I love her. Cant you tell?, That? Oh, everything made sense now and Peter didnt know if he should laugh or cry. Most notably, she was absent from Thor: Love And Thunder where the Guardians made a cameo appearance and also The Guardians Of The Galaxy Holiday Special. After years of being practically tortured by Thanos, you luckily manage to escape and become quite the space ranger. But cutting your nails is normal, I swear.. In which two very distant individuals learn to dream, forming an intense connection transcending temporal boundaries. And I appreciate it. Gamora WHO IS THE BAND IN THE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY HOLIDAY SPECIAL? Peter's heart sped up again at the mention of a daughter,it was a girland he was so wonderfully happy that he thought he might burst with feeling. Peter and Gamora Summary: On vacation, Gamora gives Peter Quill an unexpected surprise. PETER AND GAMORA'S FIRST TIME All characters and locations are owned by Marvel Bette Davis Eyes is written by Donna Weiss and Jacki DeShannon Peter Quill took a last minute look around the suite, making sure every last detail was perfect. To evade Ronan, Quill and (y/n) are forced into an uneasy truce with four disparate misfits: gun-toting Rocket Raccoon, treelike-h. Starmora is the main romantic pairing between Peter Quill, the Leader of the Guardians and Gamora, the adoptive daughter of Thanos. Please consider turning it on! He let himself smile. Title says it all: a bunch of one shots about my favourite marvel ships. He whispered, stroking Gamora's sweaty face and kissing her softly on the lips. Peter was overjoyed to be reunited with Gamora but got a rude awakening when she kneed him in the crotch as she has no knowledge of who Quill is as she comes from a point in the Marvel timeline before she met him and the rest of the Guardians Of The Galaxy. Peaky Blinders's Cillian Murphy and his wife Yvonne McGuinness keep love life discreet, {{#media.media_details}} {{#media.focal_point}}. "Peter," Drax said, his hand twitching awkwardly where it rested on Peter's shoulder. Written In The Stars: Peter Quill X Reader. Scott He recovers by saying hed trust her much more if she told him what the orb really was. An online web portal fornews, views and reviewson Agriculture, reaches out to theIndian FARMERfortransforming them into agripreneurswith free accessto any information they might need for their farming operations and for diversifying into value-added vistas. BGM-Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix Vol. These imagines were written by me, on my main Tumblr blog. Set a year after endgame. Gamora was adopted by Thanos while Peter was adopted by Yondu. Keep dreaming, Quill. But she was smiling, so Peter didnt take her seriously. Maybe there's a meaning to all of this? They gathered at the side of the bed, peering into the blanket to catch a glimpse of the child inside. will you ever find your way out alive, without any lingering pain, without the bitter aftertaste? In the prison, Peter is seen using his gadgets and eventually the orb to reclaim his music player. Peter Quill was frantically pacing up and down on the main deck of the Milano - his usually carefree attitude replaced with an all-consuming anxiety for his girlfriend Gamora who could currently be heard screaming and groaning in pain as she fought to bring their little star baby into the galaxy. Wave a magic wand and make something better appear out of thin air?. Why would we do that? Rocket continued, throwing his hands up as if offended by the thought. "We are Groot." What are you- Peter cut himself off, looking down at the remains of his fingernails now covering the table (he was going to clean it up later, okay?). "She's so bald" Rocket exclaimed in bewilderment as everyone burst out laughing. Quill, dont you dare., Quill! Gamora turned toward Rocket as he ran up to them with the box, which was way too big for him to hold properly. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Last but not least Drax entered the room, looking happy but with a hint of sadness at the memories that such a scene evoked. When he says theyre all partners, Gamora denies this, saying they only have an agreement, not a working relationship. (See the end of the work for more notes.). Tell your friends about this story - short address A story on the struggles of Peter Quill and Gamora when they find out 50% of the universe is stuck in a realm where they a Peter liked Gamora ever since he laid eyes on her. He doesnt trust that Gamora and his other allies will wait for him, therefore needing leverage. Gamora makes her entrance in the light argument between Peter and Rocket. The rest of the Guardians had gotten off the Benatar as soon as they ship had landed on Zenn-La. Rocket and Drax rush out with their stuff while Peter rifles through his belongings, Gamora behind him, to ensure he still has the orb. "Thank you for bringing her into this world.". Gamora waved her hands around where she was sitting next to him on the couch. peter quill can suck his own dick and i attempted to smush some vague plot in there. Peter had a hard time replying, because in the midst of all their questions they had surrounded him and were now touching him wherever they could reach, and some spots Peter could handle better than others. She then questions his motives. Without another second, Gamora physically overpowers the prisoners holding her and digs acquired knives to each neck in her proximity. Groot provides no explanation in terms that Peter can understand. Groot reached out to take the baby in his own arms, his branches forming into the shape of a moses basket which he used to rock Meredith back and forth. "Guys," Peter said, lifting the baby into his arms so that his friends could see better, "Meet Meredith Camaria Quill.". Rockets jab unwinding her holier than thou attitude, Gamora confesses that she was betraying her employer, Ronan, to sell the orb to someone else. He says after that she has no idea how bad it really is in a proud manner. And what exactly would a crash course entail?, Shows us how we can tell if youre choking on something or if youre in pain or how to fix your shoulder if it breaks., And how big something has to be to block your airway, and what parts of your body you need to protect more than others, and how many ribs you actually need in order to live., And how many degrees one would have to turn your neck in order to snap it, and what this weird hole on your belly is good for, and why you keep blocking our hands when we try to touch you., Is it a method of defense? Oh! She smiled in relief, shaking her head as if she was being silly. T Imagines based on the TV show Euphoria Was this what his parents had felt at the moment of his birth, he wondered? "So all he has to do is click his fingers and half the universe dies?" With Gamora in real danger, Peter intervenes. I think it would be a little obvious if I was in pain or whatnot., Its not always, she protested. Stephen Strange Rated #2 starmora. Peter and the gang set up a surprise birthday party for Rocket. Peter Parker x Male OC Summary: Peter knows Gamora is the most dangerous woman in the galaxy but for some reason that makes her even more attractive in his eyes. Whenever Peter is in trouble, Gamora often shouts his name. Thats partly our fault. Her smirk almost made him blush, and he couldnt help but to breathe out a laugh. Act 3: Road to Knowhere. Gamora returns to her "fool" insults and says hell kill them all. Peter explains this quickly he just cares about the orb, and the money it costs. Gamora's always the one who ends up saving Peter. Is it late? He sighed and placed his nail clippers on the table before him. For one, she was the one who had to grab his hand when he was being ripped apart by the. Or, more simply put, in the middle of the Infinity War, Rocket and Wanda get it on, in various places and various manners. 3 Compliant, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (Video Game 2021), The Price of Paradise (and Power, and Prestige), Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (Video Game), SPOILERS for the Guardians of the Galaxy Game, A Whole Lot of Plot For the Excuse of Writing Gay Shit. He still didn't understand how Groot had the knowledge to deliver a child. Peter nodded in agreement. The story of which when youngest Guardian and the youngest Avenger met while the universe is on fire. She rejects Rockets idea of blowing up moons when hes explaining the things hes made from Peters ship. paul haas beverly hills belmont county most wanted guardians of the galaxy fanfiction peter and gamora pregnant. s s." The guard abuses Star-Lord with his taser while Gamora and the others watch the guard work with no protest. "Drax is right, man." Rocket said, his furry face peering up at him. Immediately, Rocket kicks her off her high horse when he remarks that she seems a bit self-righteous for someone under the charge of a murderous manic, bragging he along with the rest of the galaxy knows who she is. Notes: This is my prediction of whats mostly going to happen in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3. Nickname(s) Drax stomps away, and Peter states his excitement for getting the money. At the end of the altercation, Peter, Gmaora, Rocket and Groot are arrested by the Nova Corps. This story is complete. Chapter 354 - Theft of the Orb. left kudos on this work! Commendations for Homoeopathy; Products She elaborates her priorities are with the orb. developers, or authors from publishing works on this site. Tony At the mention of Camaria, Drax' eyes filled with tears and he smiled at the little bundle fondly. Wha- Gamora? I wouldnt put it past me either. Dirty, Little, Traitor [Scaramouche x Reader As a member of the Fatui military, it is extremely important to follow the rules of your superiors Star Crossed Lovers: Peter Quill X Reader. He doesnt hesitate to unburden himself from his sleep subconsciously clingy sleep mates and follow Gamora and the prisoners to the showers. Youre ticklish. Hey, Groot, you wanna inspect his neck to make sure nothings stuck in his throat?. Gamora. Serena isn't a normal girl, who loves normal people. "Come and meet our daughter, Peter." Peter was still lowkey freaking out in his head, and he was sure it was worse for them. n.b. Peter felt overwhelmed. Peter appears to have a mix of annoyance and disappointment from Gamoras comment, but she takes no notice as she tells them shes going to contact the buyer. Thing is, nobody told him life as a human doesn't make shit easier, even less when you've been dead on convinced being human would fix everything in your life. For one, she was the one who had to grab his hand when he was being ripped apart by the Power Stone and also had to . (Spoiler: It's because he's in love with Quill). Do Just some cute starmora stuff trying to get my mind off of the fact that ummmmshe obviously doesn't remember anything and that this is never going to happen sooooo ye Parts 2 and 3 are now on my profile!!! tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Thats why you do this., Yes, okay, I aham. He tried to bite back his laugh again, but Drax had grabbed his arm and was inspecting the area under it with one finger. He shifted his body a little bit so he could more comfortable. As was the day he first got an erection. "Gamora is having your kid and when it is all over it will be worth it." He's always had to deal with it alone before, why should this time be any different? random funny sentences that make no sense; . I no longer do requests. Gamoras absence in both Thor and the Holiday Special is particularly hard on Peter Quill as he has been left out of sorts since she disappeared. On the ship, Rocket questions how Peter will get to the ship, but Gamora gives the frustrated answer that she didnt know. Anyways, Ive been wanting to do this for a while and this is all just for fun. Meanwhile, Peter navigates the complexities of crushing on his friend slash teammate. Gamora and Peter have a baby together. When the raccoon takes it the wrong way, Peter has to have a serious talk with his best friend. En route to the starship, Star-Lord plays one of his favorite songs called Come and Get Your Love for the entire crew to listen.He's enjoying the music and lip-syncs to it . As if you were ever gonna give us a crash course, Rocket replied, dangerously close to his socked feet. Chapter 359 - Thanos. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Very slow updates. {Thanos X fem!OC} The guardians are on xandar on a vacation from saving thw galaxy. When the group pauses their walk, Peter is distracted as he sees a guard mess with his beloved music player. This lack of trust is likely because he too is a thief raised by thieves, so he understands the priorities of his new "friends". When the little child opened her eyes Peter gasped at the sight of her perfect blue eyes, so like his own mother, Meredith's eyes had been, that he choked on a sob as the little girl stared up at him curiously. Scroll down if you still wish to read it. Rocket said, his furry face peering up at him. That version of Gamora is still dead and cannot be brought back. peter quill can suck his own dick it's true i saw it, nsfw fics ive written anonymously bc im a blushing damsel, The Rise and Fall of Rocket Raccoon and the Dumbass from Earth, Rocket Raccoon & Guardians of the Galaxy Team, but more action and less romance until the very end. However, his reckless, womanising, music-loving attitude is not the best about him. Clint However, he was drunk when he told her this information. What happens when they start to develop feelings? "Gamora may be in pain but you must remember that she is doing this for your offspring. 3 thanks to the events of Avengers: Endgame. When they see its there, Gamora tells Peter they need to go. Site code originally based on Storyline IO Designs 2002. You are a Terran and were taken from Earth the same year Peter Quill was. with the mention of his wife Drax trailed off with a grief-laden sigh and Peter reached out to pat him on the shoulder, his skin hard and rough under his palm. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Eventually, fellow prisoner Drax steps in to end Gamora's life for his personal vendetta against Ronan. It'll take more than winning to get there though. Gamora was safe with Groot. Intimacy Level Bucky ChocolateMallowmelt, Tina_thebestboi, CrimsonAmaryllis, music_is_the_cure, Cheruphim, Koyregei81, HouseOfBlues, Home_Depot, OtakuSam, TheTentDweller, Queen_Goose, Im_A_Gummybear_Of_Hell444, phyiari13, Dragon_Halfblood7722, JustMe2004, teadaddy, Imaslutforhim, Thenumbers48, Aku_the_second, A___reader_a, Manerva, acegrace72, Hoseki13, TheArchivist, Fujoshi_Kween, 0Sssrinmyheard0, KarmaMayOrMayNotBeOkay, Bookworm55556, millerevils, wraven881, Salixjacop14, NoirElizabeth, Tottalyinsane123, Erichan24, TheRainbowConnection, MaferNajar23, NicoTheGhostKing, Skyler69, Iron_America_Stony, LemonWolf, ThoseFiveChicks, Fangirling101B, Kurara, Toriwayne, RosyKat23, AkiraKiyamura, 8Xanadu8, Delighted_to_Read_You, Kos926, Vestrais, and 381 more users Now stohop it, I cant give a crash course like thihis!. NOTE: This story is rated FR21 which is above your chosen filter level. *SPOILER ALERT* (in case some people might have not seen the Movie yet );I don't own the movie, but it owns by Marvel & James Gunn He was surrounded by his family and he was now a father to a beautiful baby girl. Pietro Is that normal?, Peter blinked, his eyes taking in his surroundings once they got used to the darkness. What is itnow?. cr how do you bid farewell to the heartaches that swim in your veins? The first trailer for Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. You can set your preferred maximum rating using the drop-down list in the top right corner of every page. First met 2014 on Xandar Rocket confirms his description of Gamora to Peter by showcasing the prisoners hate for Gamora, explaining how Ronan and his lackies have killed many loved ones of the prisoners. + Some chapters are now also available on Wattpad - you can find me there as LetUsWriteItOut XOXO! Gamora grabbed his face, her fingers forcing his eyelids open, even though they were already very much open. "Gamora is having your kid and when it is all over it will be worth it." -explain what the hell is going on? Peter and Rocket have to share a hotel room, but there's only one bed. They all looked doubtful, but they let it pass for now. As fans will no doubt remember, Gamora was dramatically murdered by Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War as he sacrificed her in order to obtain the Soul Stone. But as Gamora reached out and grasped his hand, he realised that he was quickly getting hooked on this feeling.