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Electronic patient records (EPRs) are medical records and notes that are stored in a digital format instead of traditional paper document bundles. You said -the BPRSAssessment Form did not enable staff to record objective/contextual information and that having an area for staff to add comments would be beneficial. Over 8 million records were migrated from the old system to CITO and, following detailed discussion and debate with a Document Management Working Group, all he existing metadata was remapped to a new structure taken largely from an NHS Scotland Document Management Standard. Staff are required to complete the final Formulation section of the form which should reflect consideration of the 5 Ps framework. Some mental health trusts had started to merge these records, to reduce the clinical risks that this situation had created. %PDF-1.5
Patients benefit because the healthcare professionals that they are seeing have access to up to date information in the home with the patient at the time. /GS7 3 0 R Using Rio Mobilise means staff have the information they need while out in the community and has transformed the way they deliver care. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The solution provides secure and reliable access to your applications and data, wherever you are. We have a comprehensive and respected training scheme for mental health nurses. /Type /Page >> YJr:&@&ge2k. %PDF-1.5
When it was first implemented, there were some concerns about accessing it on laptops in community settings. >> A leading electronic patient record system for secondary care, it operates across mental health, child health and community care settings and interoperates easily with other systems. Six mental health trusts went live in October 2007; with Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust one of the first to complete the switch to electronic records. In this column from NHS Connecting for Health, Dr Hashim Reza, consultant psychiatrist at Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust and mental health clinical lead for the London Programme for IT, and Kenny Gibson, primary care and IT information manager at Lambeth Primary Care Trust, discuss is use and benefits. The Rio Mood Diary is easier to get safety plans to patients, with mobile working, we dont have to write it all down, its there for the patient on the app straight away. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. 226 0 obj
Until fairly recently, each professional discipline maintained its own patient records separately, within the same NHS trust. >$5d%oxF.BeeircJ
S\eNFT1|a*UelC-Qewz.v4(R. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. By allowing patients speedy and out of hours access to appointment cancellations, this reduces avoidable missed appointments (Did Not Attend DNAs) and associated wasted appointment costs. We have an entirely end-to-end solution with the Rio EPR. It saves time and money, enables faster, safer decision-making at the point of care . Improve patient engagement and reduce costs by up to 80%, using artificial intelligence to transform patient services, automate conversations and improve patient care. Once you have completed and passed the module you must email clinicalsystemstraining@swlstg.nhs.uk and request full access. Find out how to enable it. V:'@n`>.m'%NOWw_,APBbEAmGw'qdW I%N This has already brought tangible benefits to patients and the people who care for them. ", Dr Reza said that the introduction of new systems inevitably required a big culture change. When we started RiO within our childrens services in August 2007, we quality checked and aligned our immunisations with the data from GPs. Some of our customers experienced 165 extra visits per nurse, per year using Rio Mobilise. This is an eLearning module for External Staff to Oxford Health e.g., Agency, Locums and students working with the Mental Health Community and Inpatient teams who require access to Rio. The trust serves three London boroughs with a combined population of about a million people. Eventually it is intended to link the mental health record software to a wider system of integrated electronic patient records system, to enable NHS staff to access patient records by linking with other hospitals and NHS and social care organisations in London and across the rest of the country. Mental health care often depends on many different health professionals working together to provide complex packages of care. The six trusts, which account for 60% of the mental health trusts in the capital, are now using these new computerised patient record systems, as part of a London-wide NHS IT upgrade. e*ntaa~j?doyM/ NO9ykUCSiT.@
dKz;W9-=;(e:5]vv}PV5e]5j t:75w2%OY'3p*#_-L=,Q!K%20LE%vR'L4P1X.H'LTF!"0{fx6Y7PYrU/U :Y=}E /Rotate 0 /F5 12 0 R /Group One of the key challenges is that these patients are often treated by a wide range of healthcare professionals, including psychiatrists, community nurses, clinical psychologists and occupational therapists. CITO is closely integrated with RiO, the Trust EPR and we have also built a Microsoft Word Plug in which facilitates direct upload to the system from Word, where this is required. We have - now added comment boxes under each symptom rating for staff to record any comments which enhance the BPRS. Click here for more information about how we use cookies on our site or read our privacy policy here. IntroductionElectronic healthcare records from the UK are accessible to researchers via a number of platforms, but these platforms typically include data from a limited subset of health and care services. The module helps improve the efficiency, safety of prescriptions, and prevent costly prescribing errors by ensuring the correct information is always available and preventing users duplicating or misinterpreting it. Our Aims and Objectives in this were to: Build infrastructure for the new system which would be fast, highly secure and resilient Migrate all documents from the old EDMS (WinDip) into the new CITO EDMS Systematically subject each document to Optical Character Recognition (OCR) so that individual or phrases words can be searched for. Prior to that we held many legacy and current records on paper. Flexible training hMnF5F'``qq?>{={0- u2
The course equips learners with the knowledge to access patient records, including how to retrieve, edit and document patient data appropriately. Based on the screening, practitioners offer advice and guidance to police officers, magistrates and other colleagues within the criminal justice system, to help determine the most appropriate level of support and outcome for each person. Under RiO, the clinic appointment system is also now available across the whole of Lambeth and appointments are open to all patients, at any clinic, helping to reduce waiting times. It takes stress off me, when I finish at the end of the day, I have actually finished. Observations and vital signs are stored immediately on the patients clinical record on the Rio EPR system, so upto-date information is always available at the point of care. Go to the shop Go to the shop. /Contents 2 0 R Were already seeing improved interoperability between internal systems due to the flow of data the system provides. $se $$D20m UQDg`4 You can work more smartly, removing the need for written records and charts, which lets practitioners spend more time with patients, improve care and safety and save time and money. Ashton-under-Lyne The Trust processes information about you, in monitoring and completing Carenotes training. /CS /DeviceRGB Use the NHS number or the minimum dataset of surname (family name), forename (given name), date of birth and gender. RiO using the HCPs diary. /Font The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The Kent Integrated Dataset (KID) aims to provide insight into system-wide health and care utilisation for the whole population of Kent and Medway. /Image33 5 0 R Each of the trusts have received CSE Servelecs RiO mental health system, installed by BT the local service provider for London. L:\TRNG\EPR\Rio QRG in progress\Rio QRGs For Approval\Uploading Documents RiO QRGV1.doc 17/03/17 2 An updated list of patient documents will display Click the Word icon and click Open to the subsequent Internet Explorer message if you wish to view the document Click Cancel on the Internet Explorer message if you wish to select a RiO CHECKLIST We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. /Parent 14 0 R The Application of an Alert to a Patient Record in RiO briefing paper Introduction The application of the 'Alerts' functionality within a system wide Electronic Patient Record (EPR) can improve patient care and the safety of staff and members of the public. Make the end user experience as seamless as possible. If there is an opportunity to improve something, take it. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Risk ratings of Low, Medium and High are no longer required, and so have been removed. Provide better, safer, patient-centred care. 213 0 obj
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I have been able to elicit times of the day when a clients mood is low and also underlying concerns that may be triggering this. /Length 3316 The six trusts, which account for 60% of the mental health trusts in the capital, are now using these new computerised patient record systems, as part of a London-wide NHS IT upgrade. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Important: We can only deliver this course if your organisation has access to the RIO system. This might include you using a pulse oximeter to take oxygen readings, which you. /Tabs /S /StructParents 1 The name of your NHS organisation, service or partnership should adhere to the following principles: be written out in full, without the use of acronyms, abbreviations or symbols such as '&' - except St for 'Saint' and NHS for 'National Health Service'. Further info can be found in the staff privacy notice on the trust intranet. This allows individuals to reach their full potential while ensuring staff are equipped with the skills to meet the demands of patients. We now have a single system across both our trusts and have brought our patient records together as we align our working practices and processes in our partnership. How to use RiO v4.7 To access the RiO Clinical Support, click here Andrew Dickers Kent and Medway NHS and Social Partnership Trust Using Tablets in the District Nursing Service Sue Horbury Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust Monday 9 February 2015 Twitter: #transformLDN . In order to flag the entry as a COVID-19 record the Registration Authority (RA) Agent enters the following data: choose UK passport as the photographic evidence - enter 000000000 in the passport number field and the date 1 April 2025 in the expiry date field I can complete my work no matter where I am, without signal. << Electronic patient record (EPR) systems provide a centralised view of patient data, giving healthcare professionals access to the information they need to make informed decisions. Until two years ago, this process would have taken at least a few days, as notes were transported from building to building or selected pages from the notes were faxed. Some of our customers experienced a 35% cost reduction in printing costs using Rio Mobilise. Dr Zwi said that as a result of the new system "getting hold of the most up-to-date information from each member of the care team is straight forward". include the letters 'NHS' within the written version of the name. Rio -- Making Containers Fun Again Deploy, manage, scale, and version your applications with a single command In this video quickstart, we show you how easy it is to install Rio and start. endobj Implementation Office' (RIO) comprised of stakeholders across DHSC, the NHS, social care and local government has been set up to drive forward implementation of recommendations 1 and 2, across health and social care. gs 2-l6IRyJ!TB:?Z_IIcAoAs0Ag
Vh]KST"dRg=W/i7j_!3./BxXU@Q~>{2@Df%HzxG~J-Ij%?g\6? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. and practice new skills all without leaving your desk! Servelec specialises in the design, development and implementation of Electronic Patient Record (EPR) and Patient Administration Systems (PAS), social care case management software and early years . Game changing Intelligence for Microsoft Managed Service Providers. With patients potentially receiving healthcare from so many different teams and practitioners within these settings, it is vital that we have a patient record that allows everybody to keep records in one secure system. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. /F1 9 0 R Six mental health trusts in London are now using new IT systems, delivered under the NHS IT programme, to help deliver better care to patients. If you experience any issues with the training, please email: clinicalsystemstraining@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk. They are able to simply log into Accurx with their NHS email and require no further training to use the software beyond the basic setup instructions. "These six London mental health trusts now have a modern IT system to support key clinical services. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Home; About; Gallery; Blog; Shop; Contact; My Account; Resources eObs software provides you with a tool to digitally record and manage clinical and care observations and sustain high quality and safe care on inpatient wards and throughout your community and mental health care services. Each team has a tailored view, showing only the information that they need to deliver care to their patients. www.awp.nhs.uk Designed by Ged Wood, Learning Technologist, Learning & Development, Woodland View, Brentry Lane, Henbury, Bristol, BS10 6NB Team / Ward 7 Quick Reference Guide Version April 2014, for RiO 7 order p32 Print this Quick Reference Guide, double sided, on only 4 sheets of A4 paper Guillotine across the centre endobj
You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Specialty - if you work across specialties/services, select the one applicable to this patient note. Rio Virtual Assistant emulates human conversation to provide a two-way conversation, interacting with patients to discover their needs, offering automatic responses and escalating to the support team as necessary. Unfortunately, your shopping bag is empty. EPRs enable patient data to be shared between healthcare facilities, accessed via a centralised system and amended at the point of retrieval. . In the clinical portal, for example, we can get access to all the information we need about the patient quickly and securely. All eLearning modules use dummy data. Users must have smartcards with the correct codes enabled and a connection to the secure NHS network. endstream
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/F2 10 0 R It also helps to keep a record of their mood in between conversations, providing you with a more complete view of their mental health and the opportunity to intervene if required. The series covers content from sending and receiving emails to using Instant Messaging and Presence Management. The course can be tailored to meet your needs and the way that your NHS Trust operates. iNetwork As part of our commitment to providing you the best possible RiO experience, we are doing the following: 1. We worked to engage clinicians and administration staff by encouraging them to produce their own screen-shot crib sheets for various RiO functions, and by providing individual coaching for those unfamiliar with using computers. Go to the patient's Clinical Portal Our mobile working app, Rio Mobile, helps healthcare providers using EPR improve efficiency for teams or staff that deliver services in the community. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Configured to fit your requirements, we c. Making RiO easier to use. We developed the Mood Diary App (in partnership with Total Mobile), to support the Zero Suicide Programme and reduce the risk of self-harm and suicide. Please follow the instructions within the eLearning Module to find out more. /Image32 7 0 R HV]o0}pmDn#4a&i &B1Zt&*M5{v>M.4KiBQ Once you have your Trust password you can complete the RiO overview e-learning module on COMPASS. Simply follow these steps: You should see this page on the screen: For further information on each of the four main sections, please see the information overleaf. Oxford Health Member of Staff MUST complete the eLearning via L&D to register your completion of the eLearning for training records. A wide range of clinical and professional training is available for: nurses, doctors, psychiatrists, therapists, psychotherapists and psychologists. Access Rio (previously Servelec Rio) is a future-proof electronic patient records (EPR) system for community, mental and child health providers. . It also allows you to see a record of their mood between conversations, giving you a full picture of their mental health so you can make early interventions. C},~w3v1tJ&2rb]J
We can complete all our notes within the patient's property so there's no bringing back paper, there's no filing and it reduces the fact that staff have to return back to the office in their working day. "In the early stages people were still in a culture shock, change on this kind of scale takes people a while to adjust to. No live patient data has been used in this module. PMVA Training: What is PMVA training? 4 0 obj
The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The solution ensures early identification and screening of vulnerable people of all ages and provides increased flexibility for health staff as they can take their mobile device to police cells or a court setting. With live online, you can interact, ask. With this seamless, fully digitised electronic order communications and results reporting, clinicians can request tests and procedures, track test progress and access results instantly, improving safety and efficiency - all within one single, easy-to-use system. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Our Rio Electronic Patient Record (EPR) Software helps you to know more about your patients to deliver better care. /XObject Failure to do so may delay activation of your Rio account. Embrace the concept that information is there to be shared, unless there is good reason not to do so. Integrate Systems where possible. Six mental health trusts in London are now using new IT systems, delivered under the NHS IT programme, to help deliver better care to patients. << Access software lets you work the way you want, giving your organisation the power to thrive and grow, Swansea named best location in the UK for hybrid workers, The Access Group acquires ClassForKids and enters the kids club software market, Young people and low-income workers risk being left behind by hybrid working, new research finds, Access PaySuite strengthens payments offering with the acquisition of Pay360, The Access Group reports 43% increase in pro forma revenue, Access People to acquire payroll provider Paycircle. NHSmail 2 Training & Guidance. For us, RiO has brought continuity to the patient record that wasnt there before the podiatrist can see what the physiotherapist did last week, and the school nurse can see the childs full childhood immunisation regimes all of which results in better, safer patient care. Access from RiO. << The fact that a multi-disciplinary group of clinicians from six different NHS trusts could agree to a single record keeping system, after only five days of discussions, is probably a unique event in the history of NHS. Find out more aboutorder communications software. 2 0 obj ]s:AQ=AJP
\s{X=z *MpSN{i{ 'sCi]Z2koG>sr)~$M9$( GnX{~8}^P50+"R#ryHQC\3>~U;x{a'3O",U ehyG\K.Z[rX>=-j^=I6$mY345Z-xXA)]Jt}A_+TMYS2dDm1B@:{cfH)A|VTcp4-w/. - Staff access the system via the main EPR (RiO) which ensures that the correct patient is selected. As part of our commitment to providing youthe best possible RiO experience, we are doing the following: The Risk Summary form has been updated in line with our Suicide Prevention Strategy.