While they accepted 48% of applicants in the 2019-20 academic year, they admitted just 20% the following year. Students who fall under this category should visit the homeschooling information page to learn more. You will need to provide an official translation for any transcripts which are not provided in English. Crazy times. Are there separate housing and enrollment deposits? Non-native English-speaking applicants must continue to submit official results from an approved English Language Test or request a waiver through the Application Status Check. All waivers must be submitted through your, Northeastern will accept either the in-person version completed in a test center, or the TOEFL iBT Home Edition. If you have been out of high school for more than one year, you are still required to submit your most recent transcript. We will award our first group of scholarships in early March to students who were admitted Early Action or Early Decision. This list includes results from Barnard, Boston College, Boston University, Brown, Dartmouth, Duke, Emory, Georgetown, Georgia Tech, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Northeastern, Notre Dame, Oxford at Emory, Tulane, University of Georgia, University of Pennsylvania, University of Virginia . The early decision acceptance rate for 2021 at Northeastern was 51% according to their common data set; the overall acceptance rate for Northeastern is 20%. Does anyone know when Northeastern's early decision was released last year or the one before that? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. This Boston-based private university was founded back in 1898 and one hundred years later, U.S. News ranked NU as the 162nd best school in the country. Application Processing Center You submit, along with your application, official test results directly from the testing agency for one of the following English language proficiency tests: If you are a U.S. Citizen, U.S. The Office of Admissions and Financial Aid is open to visitors from 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Monday through Friday, with the exception of University holidays and breaks. What steps do I need to take to finalize my enrollment? Please email. Once your application is successfully submitted and processed, you will receive access to your. Through 2026, Northeastern University is test-optional and does not require applicants to submit standardized testing to be considered for admission. A higher yield rate makes . Having an understanding of these things is especially important when deciding whether to apply for early decision (ED). Box 8210 Some rules before we begin: Students may have to submit additional materials related to degree path and high school experience. My DD was also accepted to London. General Information B. Enrollment and Persistence C. First-Time, First-Year (Freshman) Admission D. Transfer Admission E. Academic Offerings and Policies F. Student Life G. Annual Expenses H. Financial Aid I. Instructional Faculty and Class Size J. However, Studio Artisthe only programthatrequires a portfolio. Resources: r/NEU. The ranges provided below represent the middle 50% score ranges for students who were admitted and enrolled as first-year students in Fall 2020 and Spring 2021. To accomplish these goals, we will touch on the following topics: Lets begin with an examination of the most recent admissions data. With Northeastern growing more competitive each year, you will likely need to possess stellar SAT scores, near-perfect grades, and earn a place in the top 10% of your high school class. For comparison, schools like Stanford & Harvard were over 80%, and the University of Chicago, MIT, and Yale all sported 70%+ yield rates. If your school does not have a megathread, you may use the Other Schools Megathread and/or request a dedicated megathread in the Megathread Request post closed for the year, will make a new one for regular decisions. Office 276 If you have personal questions about English Proficiency, please contact youradmissions counselor. Or will it be spread out over the next few weeks? 271 Huntington Ave Admission to Northeastern University Boston, Admission to Northeastern University Oakland, Admission to Northeastern University London. When reviewing your application, Northeasterns Admissions Committee will initially focus on your academic records, which include your high school transcript; final or predicted results from any national, regional, or international examinations; any university transcripts; and for first-year applicants who will graduate from a high school which is located outside of the United States, the Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR). If you plan to take an English language test for the first or an additional time, once the application is submitted or the deadline has passed, please indicate planned future test dates on your application. Fall 2023 Early Decision applicants will be bound to their first-choice preference if they are admitted into . Do not worry about sending multiple or going back to clear out prior scores, we will look at the strongest score from each subject area. Transcripts should include any final grades from grades 9, 10, and 11; first trimester or first semester grades should be sent when they become available. All fees will be charged to their tuition account. Admissions deadlines and decision dates vary by program at Northeastern's D'Amore-McKim School of Business. Daxpaco 3 yr. ago TYSM! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. All applicants from US and international high schools will be able to choose to submit standardized testing (SAT or ACT) or not. Didn't hear her talking about Scholarship though. We have four different deadlines, depending on your goals, interest, and timeline. Regular Decision (RD): Common Application or Coalition Application due Jan. 3; decision by late March. Have a question? Northeastern Early Action (EA) 38000: 7500: 20%: Admission profile: Application Portal: Application Fee for Graduation: $75; Post-graduation fee: $75-100; You can meet the requirement if: Further information is provided on theInternational Student Admissionspage regarding the requirement and waiver request process. Early Decision Visit Days Early Decision Visit Days are an excellent opportunity to engage more deeply with Northeastern and other prospective students during the fall! Depending on the majors, there may be an overlap in requirements. They offer two early decision deadlines and have several programs that students can enter through that allows students to build their experience and academic record even before entering their first official semester. In addition to the completed application, students will need to send their transcripts, a letter of recommendation from a teacher, a letter of recommendation from a school counselor, and proof of English proficiency. New comments cannot be posted. Get a taste of life at Northeastern in person or through our interactive virtual tour. I believe my son just received the same. Please email parking@northeastern.edufor more information. This is why applying early decision, which is binding, can be a strategic advantage for applicants. 4 Year,. Instructions are provided here. Have similar questions about possibly doing 1 year in London and then moving to Boston. Those who are granted the deferral will need to pay a fee to secure their spot for the following year. A common misconception is that the waitlist is ranked and those at the top of the waitlist will have higher chances. Northeastern University ED I/EA Deadline: November 1, 2022. If so, when? Disciplinary issues that have occurred since admission, at Northeasterns New Student Orientation programs, during Move-In, or prior to the official start of the semester, must be fully disclosed as part of the terms of admissions. Non-native English-speaking applicants must continue to submit official results from an approved English Language Test or request a waiver through the, You will complete 4 consecutive academic years before enrolling at Northeastern in a high school or university where native English was the primary instructional language -AND- you submit an English Proficiency Waiver Request through your. Clearly there is a huge edge for those applying ED to this institution. An overwhelming 71% of Class of 2025 members finished in the top decile of their high school class; 93% placed in the top quartile. Room 276 Are you deciding between scores from different test dates and wondering if sending more is better? When we release admission decisions, we will also provide the financial aid award if the student has submitted all required documents. Before you enroll at Northeastern, you will be expected to complete a pre-university education program, earning a graduation certificate or diploma which will enable you to apply to a bachelors degree-seeking program at a university in your home country. You will receive one of the following admissions decisions: Your notification time will vary depending on how you applied: Northeastern created the Global Scholars program (formerly known as NU Bound) with the mission that future Huskies should, from the very early stages of their educational journey, be actively engaged with our global university system and an expansive network of students, alumni, and corporate partners. SunnyDay27 3 yr. ago Dual-enrollment courses can be considered for transfer credit. Permanent Resident or eligible noncitizen, If you are an international student, you must submit the. We require one teacher recommendation and one school counselor recommendation. That's why you should only apply this way if you're 100% sure you want to go to the school and will be able to enroll regardless of the financial aid offer you receive. For instance, Northwestern's overall acceptance rate is only 9%, but its early decision rate is closer to 25%. Northeastern is a top-tier university, and their Early Decision acceptance rate reflects that. Shortly after notification of the admissions decision, admitted students will receive login credentials for Northeastern's Admitted Students portal. What majors are you going into? Complete the SRAR by adding your high school, coursework, and if applicable, any external exam information. Information is necessary as the financial support for international students at Northeastern is limited: Once your application is submitted, and processed by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, you will be given access to your Application Status Check. The most convenient way to receive valuable information, advice, and next steps from Northeastern University. The deadline for early decision I is November 1st. Here's our latest list of reported early decision and early action admission rates for the Class of 2026. Due to over enrollment the previous year, the target size for the Class of 2026 was 2,500, roughly 1,000 fewer than a typical year. Is that ok? On November 1, 2020, the California Student Aid Commission certified Northeastern has not gone to its waitlist for several years. Of the record-large pool of 90,989 applicants, only 6,179 were admitted, or about 6.7%, Northeastern spokesperson Shannon Nargi wrote in an . While students who were accepted or denied at least know where they stand, those who were deferred to the regular decision pool are stranded in an application limbo. You can satisfy the requirement in the following ways: You should review the information found below if: You will find application information under Applying, enrollment information under Admitted Students, and additional details about services available for students, under Support. Seventy-seven percent of test-takers scored a 700+ on the EBRW section and 90% earned better than 700 on the Math section. Get the details about what you need to submit your application. Test results must be sent directly to Northeastern from the testing agency or examination board. How do I get in touch with the admissions team? Your either achieved or you are predicted to achieve any of the following International Baccalaureate (IB) results: 5 or higher on English A: Language & Literature or English A: Literature (HL or SL), You either achieved or you are predicted to achieve B or higher on GCE A-Level or AS-Level English Language or English Literature, You achieved B/6 or higher on GCSE English Language or English Literature, You achieved B/6 or higher on International GCSE or IGCSE English Language or English Literature (including First Language English, English A, English B, and Literature in English), You achieved B or higher on GCE O-Level English Language, You were enrolled in the American or British Option Internationale du Baccalaurat (OIB) section and you achieved or you are predicted to achieve 12 or higher on English Language & Literature. Northeasterns Admissions Committee will consider not only your overall composite score, but also your individual subsection scores, to confirm your proficiency across all four language skills, which are needed to be successful at Northeastern. Your college or university transcripts must be submitted directly to Northeastern from all colleges and universities which you previously attended. Connect The fellowship will provide two years of salary ($60,000 per year) and benefits plus an additional $5,000 each year to support travel for meetings and field research. What is the difference between a double major and a combined major? Critics of ED have brought up concerns around limited financial aid options and students missing opportunities because they rush the application process. Students who apply to Northeastern as part of the Early Decision, Early Action, and Regular Decision processes are all considered for entry to Honors. You cannot compare the twothey are apples and oranges. Submit your application by the earliest date possible for priority consideration. Based on previous intel, that usually means before the 15th. What majors are you going into? Failure to submit your final high school transcript may impact your financial aid or scholarship award. The school received 64,459 applications for the Class of 2024 compared to 90,989 in this most recent cycle. If youre an international student or are applying from a college or university located outside of the United States, you should also read theInternational Applicantspage. If you have specific questions regarding the application process as a homeschooled student, please direct them to admissions@northeastern.edu. In building the Class of 2026, the university admitted approximately 33% of those applied ED, compared to just 7% overall. Am I allowed to apply again? Learn more about these scholarship programs. Our regular operating office hours on the Boston campus are Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. General inquiries 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Mondays. If you earned credits at an international institution, you will need to provide a certified transcript evaluation completed by a recognized credentialing agency, such as the. A holistic review process is used to review all applicants to Northeastern for entry to Honors. Your high school should submit the Mid-Year Report if you were deferred to Regular Decision. P.O. How do I access my personal application information? Early Decision Benefits . Less than an hour. Is the tuition for a combined major the same? Follow us for live Q&As, student takeovers, and more. Northeastern will release EA admissions decisions no later than February 1. if the wait list is the first line , its probably better ?? The acceptance is signed by London school. 2022 early decision and early action deadlines are coming up! 100% Upvoted. Students will have access to internal scholarships and grants and can utilize tools like MyinTuition Quick College Cost Estimator and net cost calculators to get an idea of what their aid and expenses will look like. Entering Class: Total Application Received: Admitted: Acceptance Rate: Northeastern Early Decision (ED1) Push the limits of learning with guidance, financial aid, and other resources. First-year applicants must provide a transcript which includes final grades from grades 9, 10, and 11 (or the international equivalents). sfs@northeastern.edu studentfinance.northeastern.edu AUGUST The application for undergraduate admission . Dartmouth University admitted 21% of early applicants; Duke University admitted 16.7% of early applicants; Harvard University admitted 7.4% of early applicants If we look at Georgetown, only 10% of early decision applicants were accepted, with over 89% being deferred. Some rules before we begin: Do not advertise group chats, Discord servers, YouTube videos, etc. The Early Decision Agreement for students applying under the binding Early Decision I or II application options. Transcripts and recommendations which were not submitted online can be mailed to: Northeastern University Applying this early means it is vital to have a thought-out plan well in advance of the application deadline. If Northeastern is your number one college choice, and you are committed to attending if admitted, Early Decision is the admissions program that is right for you.Early Decision is ideal for students who are confident that we are the right fitacademically, socially, and financially. As mentioned above, the research process isnt something that a student should be doing with only a month away from the deadline. Do you participate in the Yellow Ribbon Program? Boston, MA 02115-5000 USA. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. They were overenrolled. Early decision isn't binding, and Northeastern should say so on its website, using those same italics that are already there. I applied to Early Decision and was admitted to The N.U.in Program. If a student is looking to pursue the College of Arts, Media and Design they will need to submit a portfolio through Slide Room. Students who have been homeschooled will need to complete the Homeschool Application Form, submit an academic portfolio, and include a grading rubric along with their transcript. If you are admitted into NUIn and you didn't select it as your preference, you are not bound and can decline. As many of you know, schools often post results in advance of their "official" notification dates, so we've compiled the most recently updated dates for you here where available, as well as last year's notification dates for reference. Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter; Optional Standardized Testing: For the 2022-2023 academic year, Northeastern University is test-optional and does not require applicants to submit standardized testing to be considered for admission. Depending on your student typewhether an Early Decision, Early Action, Regular Decision, or Transfer applicantthe financial aid deadline dates may vary. I applied in the fall as a freshman and was not offered admission. All applicants from U.S. and international high schools will be able to choose to submit standardized testing (SAT or ACT) or not. Every week, we post new content about the top colleges and universities, as well as premium admissions tips. Transfer applicants must provide a final high school transcript (with date of graduation) which can be sent directly from your high school to Northeastern. We will be flexible and understanding of these extenuating circumstances, and they will not be reflected negatively upon the student. Applying Early Decision/Early Action has one of three results: acceptance, denial, or a deferral, where your application will be read in the regular decision pool. Johns Hopkins University's jump is . Class of 2027 Early Admission Rates Tuesday, February 21, 2023 The first members of the college Class of 2027 are in! They post on social media first then the waves start. Without exception, all students must successfully complete their current academic program and submit all final transcripts. Looking for guidance on your application? If you are applying as a transfer student from an international university and wish to have courses evaluated for transfer credit after admittance, you will need to provide a certified transcript evaluation completed by a recognized credentialing agency, such as theCenter for Educational Documentation(CED),SpanTran,World Education Services(WES), or another recognized credentialing agency and the credentialed evaluation must include the following: If progression or promotion in your country or education system requires you to complete any externally assessed examinations, please read the following section, as Northeastern will require you to submit your final results (or predicted grades, if your final results are not available until after admissions decisions are released). Visit our Deadlines and Decisions page for details on each deadline. If you earned your GED, you must submit an official GED score report, along with your high school transcript through the final year you completed. March 1, Decisions released by If you will not receive your final results until after admissions decisions are released: predicted grades should instead be submitted by your high school should. To ensure all of the necessary documents have been submitted, and for updates or information about your application, visit your application status check. If you choose to apply without standardized testing, you will not be penalized or disadvantaged. Will I receive credit for any college courses or AP tests I have taken? Additional information for international students is available. Does Northeastern offer class or overnight visits? All early action applicants should receive an admissions decision by January 15. As Northeastern remains committed to reviewing each application holistically, weve been looking for opportunities to streamline our admissions process. School of Law - Northeastern University 416 Huntington Ave. Boston, Massachusetts 02115 General 617.373.5149 Admissions 617.373.2395 Find NUSL on. If I choose a combined major, in what program will I have a degree? The more I think about it, the more I am excited for her. Early Decesion Acceptance Rate of Brown Brown accepted 896 students to the class of 2026 from a pool of 6,146 early decision applicants. Here are the Early Decision and Early Action notification dates for the 2022-23 Admissions season: School Name. Explore our Test-Optional FAQ or reach out to admissions@northeastern.edu. Feel free to use these to discuss anything about specific schools and to eventually share your results on decision day. From an earlier post, it looks like you can request to transfer from Oakland after one year if the Oakland campus does not have your major or after two years if the Oakland campus does have your major. Northeastern University has an early decision process through which 1,882 applicants applied in 2020-2021, of which 709 were accepted, a 38% early decision acceptance rate. Last year, Northeastern admitted 550 of the 1,478 applicants who applied early decision. December 31, 2022. International students are eligible for merit scholarships which range from $10,000 to $28,000 per year. For those deferred, keep positive. All applicants are asked for their program preferences in the institution specific section of the application. Join our mailing list and receive valuable information, advice, and next steps from Northeastern University. February 1, Decisions released by I graduated from Northeastern's Engineering program; my professors were, for the most part, exceptionally knowledgeable, and many were conducting groundbreaking research in their field. The early decision acceptance rate at Northeastern is 38%, compared to an overall acceptance rate of 20%. Applying ED will provide a sizable edge if you find yourself on the cusp from an admissions standpoint. All students, regardless of citizenship must demonstrate English language proficiency when applying to Northeastern. The difference in rates between the two deadlines supports the fact that early decision applicants can often have higher acceptance rates (depending on the university). They will both receive that as either an . Fortunately Northeastern University have two decision dates for early decision applicants, unlike most other schools. To request a change, log in to yourmyNortheastern Admitted Studentportal and select the Self-Service tab. Congrats on the accomplishments! March 25, 2022 Northeastern set a new application record this year. The reality is it really depends on the instutions needse.g. Fellows will be based at NU's CSI and Marine Science Center in Nahant, MA, and co-mentored by scientists at CSI and TNC. Northeastern: Early Decision Acceptance Rate In building the Class of 2024, the university admitted 38% of those applied ED, compared to just 20% overall. The school now rests comfortably among the top 50 universities according to U.S. News and receives in excess of 90,000 applications every year. Watch how Northeastern takes education to new heights. sent directly to Northeastern from the testing agency). My daughter also got an acceptance from NE London. The yield is the percentage of accepted students who end up enrolling in the school. Given that the process of gaining acceptance into Northeastern becomes increasingly challenging with each passing year, this blog is designed to provide you with: 1) An understanding of how highly-selective the Northeastern admissions process truly is. Northeastern offers an early decision II option. The previous cycle, NU accepted over 50% of ED applicants. For early decision I, students will be notified if they have been accepted by December 15th. In addition, the university tries to live up to its Northeastern Promise to provide students with financial aid packages that cover all expenses during a students undergraduate career. Northeastern admissions is very selective with an acceptance rate of 20%. First, what each means: Early Decision is ideal for students who are confident that Northeastern is the right academic, social, and financial fit. The states with the strongest undergraduate representation are: Looking at ethnic identity, the breakdown of students was as follows: Lets now take a college-by-college look at where/what current undergraduates are studying: Northeasterns yield rate the percentage of accepted students who elect to enroll, divided by the total number of students who are admitted was 33% last year, much higher than in previous years. Results should be submitted to Northeastern by the application deadline. If you are currently enrolled as a degree-seeking student or are taking classes as a non-degree seeking student, you should either submit the Mid-Term Report available through the Common Application or Coalition Application, or upload a list of your current college courses through your App Status Check. Northeastern super-scores and will only consider your best score between the two types of tests. Mid-December: Early Decision admission decision. Deferred to Northeastern and accepted to University of Michigan. Binding means that a student agrees to withdraw from all other college applications and to attend Northeastern if they are accepted. Featured Review: Niche User says I am currently enrolled as an incoming freshman at Brown University but I have been fortunate to participate in two of their pre-college programs.Overall, the academic resources and opportunities to. Why is Northeastern requiring the SRAR? An online platform that permits students to self-report their coursework and grades directly to the university without requiring information to instead be sent by their high school/secondary school. Early Action. When in a combined major, can I do a Co-op in either discipline? Applicants must sign a form to confirm their intent is to apply early decision and, if granted admission, will immediately withdraw all outstanding applications. Once your application is submitted, received, and processed, you will be able to access yourApplication Status Check. For applicants whose high schools did not offer AP, IB, or A-Level courses: Northeastern will consider your waiver request if you completed your secondary education in a majority native English-speaking country, and you received no grades lower than a B (or the international equivalent) in any English language, literature or composition courses, including your high schools standard 12th Grade English course (or higher). Northeastern University Early Decision II Notification to be Released in March. Once submitted, if your application is otherwise complete, your request will be reviewed in 3-5 business days. Results submitted to Northeastern after the application deadline will still be accepted, but we cannot guarantee we will be able to wait to receive your scores before making an admissions decision.