by Zero's Sims 4 MODS. Conflicts & Issues:This mod conflicts any mod that changes the following tunings listed at the bottom. Why not also remove any downsides to vampirism? How sweet. [Main Version] Consists of the 6 tunings. Game content and materials copyright Electronic Arts Inc. and its licencors. Potion of Plentiful Needs50(100, 150, 250, 500)4. Occult Hybrid Unlocker by TwelfthDoctor1 at Mod The Sims Mod The Sims - Mods / Traits : Occult Hybrid Unlocker by TwelfthDoctor1 This mod allows the following through Normal Means: Aliens to be Spellcasters, Vampires to be Spellcasters, Spellcasters to be Vampires, Mermaids to be Spellcasters, Servos to be Spellcasters, Aliens to be Mermaids, We love the Sims for their innocent ways. These top ten vampires mods are sure to expand on your gameplay and make your Sim stories more engaging. I made a new spell, called Instant Vampiric Transformation. But will slowly wither away and die as the vampire sucks them dry, bringing their story to a tragic end. It also fixes some bugs with occults, most notably werewolves changing appearance. Therefore, we are very excited to share some of our favorite magic mods with you. Which will take them to the Realm of Magic. This one is pretty fleshed out. Normal Gives the first of three buff (Strangely Hungry) and turns in 36 hours, Charged Gives the last buff (Appetite Lost) and turns immediately or in 12 hours, Outcome Instantly turns the sim into a Vampire, Outcome Gives the Strange Sensations Buff and lasts 24 hours. You'll also need Vampire Lore skill to show her your interest in vampires. This is the official Sims Community News & Media Platform, running for almost a decade! Just imagine it witchcraft as a career. Long story short, they can be unbearable for the average sim. This mod also expands on Maxis lore and turns 4 premade sims into Mooncasters by default, more on this later. Created by SWEETTACOPLUMBOB, this modular portal is a mesh edit of the Realm of Magic portal. Feel free to Contact Us! Some of the main features are: Safely take your hybrids into CAS and save them to your gallery without the fear of the game deleting their occult forms. Becoming a vampire is a big deal, and its for eternity. As for the Ask to Turn interaction, the interaction itself cancels out and the next section does not appear. I love trees that grow things that arent fruit. Because you'll be unable to access the Vampire Perks screen once you go hybrid. Sims 4 Updates - The Sims4 custom content downloads! But, an 80% chance they inherit another random occult. a vampire child with bloodline trait will also automatically become a vampire spellcaster when aging up to teen. This is a new nightclub with a secret its actually a hub for vampire operations and entertainment. Extended Muzzle and Mouth Corner Depth Slider. @neuroticnelly, I did make a family of them with one parent of each and 2 teens in CAS, but I haven't had any born in-game yet. This whole extension is based around occult Sims, and youll see no difference if you dont have any. And we are here for it! This file only includes the three untamed spells changed by this mod for witches, to make vampire spells work the same. Hi, my vampire and spellcaster had a child who is a vampire/spellcaster hybrid. Yeah, so are we. Not only because it looks incredibly cool, but because it provides that extra little escape from reality. The Realm of Magic Familiar Orb Computer, lets your sims use their magical crystal orbs as computers! Additionally, the Sims 4 hybrid mod has a couple of new and handy tools that you can use. [Workaround] Mermaids can turn themselves back into regular Sims by eating 2 Kelps and then turning themselves into Vampires (1.5 days) and once transformed, eat a kelp and walk into water to turn into a Mermaid. It has all the necessary tools and features for you to manage your hybrid Sims. Thanks to these Vampire Tweaks by modder Airianna, Vampires will now use Dark Meditation to replenish their Vampire Energy whenever theyre idle. These hearts grow from a very special tree that you can plant and nurture yourself, and it may grow different kinds of heart fruit that not only glows different colors, but will give you moodlets like Flirty or Happy. Female teen is stuck in mermaid form. Adds two sliders, help you create more realistic werewolf sims. Just like The Sims 2, The Sims 3 does contain some forms of hybrid such as ghost-vampires. [Partial Conflict & Issue] Zer0s Vampire Witches Mod The end result for Ask How To Use Magic and the rest of the interactions leads Vampires to be Zer0s form of Vampire-Spellcaster (not the actual hybrid that we are talking about)[Workaround] Use the interaction Ask for Rite of Ascension on any spellcaster that knows the Rite of Ascension spell to become an actual Vampire-Spellcaster hybrid. You can be a ghost and spellcaster as the game doesn't consider ghosts as an occult. So, when we discovered there is plenty of awesome realm of magic mods we can download for free to upgrade our magical realm experience Well, let us just say we got very excited! Insanely adorable, this variation from the classic bat - which is a form that vampires take in The Sims 4 - has a pink nose, stubby green legs, a fluffy white body, and brightly glowing green. A hybrid is a Sim who has more than one life state, for example, a vampire-alien.These hybrids can add a new dimension to the game, adding new difficulties and advantages. Welcome to Bonehildas Magic School, where potions, spells, and mysteries lurk around every corner! Packs: Get to Work, Vampires, Island LivingParents: Alien + VampireBabies: Human 40%, Mermaid 40%, Alien 10%, Vampire 10%, Packs: Get to Work, VampiresParents: Human + HumanBabies: Alien 40%, Vampire 40%, Human 20%, Packs: Island LivingParents: Mermaid + MermaidBabies: Human 80%, Mermaid 20%, Packs: Get to Work, Vampires, Island Living, Realm of MagicParents: Vampire + SpellcasterBabies: Human 26.667%, Alien 26.667%, Mermaid 26.667%, Vampire 10%, Spellcaster 10%. Sims 4 Occult Hybrid Unlocker - Hybrid Mod September 5, 2021 Sims 4 Occult Hybrid Unlocker This mod allows the following through Normal Means: Aliens to be Spellcasters Vampires to be Spellcasters Spellcasters to be Vampires Mermaids to be Spellcasters Servos to be Spellcasters Aliens to be Mermaids Vampires to be Mermaids If theres one thing The Sims 4 has done well, its occult gameplay. Requires at least RoM, Vampires, IL and Spellbook Injector. This means you get all the wonderful spellcaster perks without as much as lifting a finger. Dont place it deeper, and dont hide it in other smaller folders because the mod may not work. The actual installation process is the same as any other mod. The Best Sims 4 Historical CC Our Favorites! Click here for the best Custom Content for The Sims 4! i've been using it since the testing phase and it's great. If you are tired of entering countless cheat codes one by one, only to gain spellcaster perks little by little Well, then this Spellcaster Free Perks mod is for you! [Partial Conflict & Issue] Zer0s Vampire Witches Mod The end result for Ask How To Use Magic and the rest of the interactions leads Vampires to be Zer0s form of Vampire-Spellcaster (not the actual hybrid that we are talking about)[Workaround] Use the interaction Ask for Rite of Ascension on any spellcaster that knows the Rite of Ascension spell to become an actual Vampire-Spellcaster hybrid. To get your sims to attend, choose the magic school student career. This mod though conflicts with every mod altering the start crafting interaction of the cauldron, so if the potions are not in the list, put this one in the overrides folder because you have a conflict. 2023 FandomSpot If you are really into off-the-grid gameplay and desire that true cottage witch experience You will love this mod by TEKNIKAH. And, as with most of the amazing mods we mention here, you will need to have the Sims 4 Realm of Magic installed. And, if you already have the school dropping by teens MCCC installed, the magic school will automatically replace the normal high school. And we are just itching to start gameplay so we can develop our Henry Puffer storyline! This is ideal for Sims with the Good Vampire aspiration. Vampires - Free Perks. The spells can be cast onto your sim as well as other sims. Be turned by a senior vampire with the entire clan there to observe your initiation into the world of darkness. Are you as tired of the boring, non-existent interactions between your sim spellcasters and familiars as we are? Even though the Sims 4 Realm of Magic, Vampires, and Island Living packs came with a bunch of magical stuff like spellcasters, mermaids, and vampires, we keep wanting more. Requires RoM, IL and Spellbook Injector. [All in One] Includes Main Version + Addon. Yet fun! This spell is intended on mermaids as the Vampiric Transformation spell did not solve the problem. So, what are you waiting for? So, if you are too, go install it into your mods folder from here! To be completely truthful, there can never be enough magic for us. It is NOT intended behavior and can cause some nasty glitches, so try at your own risk and back up any saves before having . So, get to downloading this wonder! [Addon] Adds 2 spells into the Spellbook. It would be so iconic that words do not do it justice. This is why we were beyond excited when we discovered this gem of a mod! They don't have a dark form but can still perform spells and practice magic and all that. From The Sims 2 to the Sims 4, weve got you covered! The Drifters Wonders set is a beautiful package of custom furnishings perfect for a spell caster or vampire. Plasma packs made with plasma fruit satisfy 50% more thirst than other plasma packs. Now, when controlling this alien that you are going to make hybrid, open up the cheatbox (ctrl + shift + C) and type in: traits.equip_trait trait_OccultVampire This swaps your alien instantly into a vampire! Anyways, this cool lot trait works in the following manner There is a 20% chance your sim baby inherits the occult from either parent. Failure of both spells gives the Buff: Consequences of Trying To Turn which has a +50 Dazed Moodlet and lasts 24 hours. The Vampire Game Pack was released way back in 2017 which added vampirism, vampire powers, and a new residential world called Forgotten Hollow where these creatures of the dark prefer to live their lives. Okay, are you ready to make some money by creating wicked potions? Sims 4 Hybrid Mod - Occult Hybrid Unlocker January 2, 2021 Hybrid Mod Hybrid Mod Credit : by TwelfthDoctor1 This mod allows the following through Normal Means: Aliens to be Spellcasters Vampires to be Spellcasters Spellcasters to be Vampires Mermaids to be Spellcasters Servos to be Spellcasters Aliens to be Mermaids Vampires to be Mermaids On another note I've turning a peep into a Spellcaster/mermaid hybrid but it doesn't work. It is NOT intended behavior and can cause some nasty glitches, so try at your own risk and back up any saves before having two different occults have a baby. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The spell can also cure vampires and reveal the true identities of other occults, like aliens. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. This spell is intended on mermaids as the Vampiric Transformation spell did not solve the problem. It happened naturally. Nope? With this Occult Lay Line lot trait mod, your sims will have the chance to conceive a baby that does not match their occult type! And why stop at making perks free? Your newly turned vampires will be rewarded with vampire goodies depending on how well they do in the event. Anyone else have hybrid spellcasters? the bloodline traits do work (although i'm not sure if you have to cheat the first one) but the children will get them from their parents. Awesome! Which is why she made this simple mod that lets you take Plasma Fruit and turn it into Plasma Packs rather than eat it directly. Calling all tarot readers out there! Rumors have been circulating all around town about the Darkside Club. With this new, mysterious mod by DEATHPOKE1QA CREATIONS you can finally read tarot in the Sims 4! But at some point Well, we just grew tired of the small selection. This is kind of a bummer because we are missing out on the whole Henry Puffer storyline But luckily for us, FERDIANASIMS has recognized this unfortunate element, and developed a mod to fix it! So, what are you spellcasters waiting for? My game wouldnt let me do both. Potion of Curse Cleansing250(500, 750, 1250, 2500)14. Another minor inconvenience that vampire Sims may run into from time to time is wanting to turn someone into a vampire and failing in the process. Copyright 2023 Sims Love - All Right Reserved | Privacy Policy, 1.91-1.94 Nisas Wicked Perversions 2.2.6i 25.01.2023, 1.91-1.95 Basemental Drugs 7.17.198 (03.02.2023), Aliens to be Vampires [I hope it works now], Mermaids to be Vampires [Same for this one], Eating the Kelp and Going Into Water to be a Mermaid. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. I made a new spell, called Instant Vampiric Transformation. This mod even comes with a tray file for a Sage of Vampiric Magic at Magic HQ. Admit it, we all have sims who hate baking Well, now they do not have to anymore! The spellcaster icon shows up but there is vampire thirst and the spellbook has caster talent points. Its pretty awesome that a modder thought of this clever way to use careers. To download the 2021 version of The Sims 4 hybrid mod click here, Here is the best Ghost mod for The Sims 4. It really could not get any simpler than that! Yes, quite mysterious isnt it? This mod works so newly created potions can get a price tag. Well, dont worry! Another somewhat cheaty but useful addition to your Sims 4 mod library is this freebie by modder Baibaihe.