When she chases, she will move into the balls wake, as if the ball were pulling her along by a string. ***The problem is that your players might not realize it. When you are coaching your possession exercises, look for those moments when a player who couldve played the way she was facing loses the ball because she chose a MORE DIFFICULT path. One of the main culprits behind a loss of possession is slow play, and a major cause of slow play is players who dont make their decisions until AFTER THE BALL HAS ARRIVED AT THEIR FEET. You will also need some cones, plus two street-hockey sticks or brooms or mops. It is PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT for a team that wants to play possession soccer. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries and grievances for: handicap or disability-Director of Student Services, 15125 Farmington Road, Livonia, MI 48154 at (734) 744-2524. Locations:Vernon Hills Athletic Complexand SHScampus (Turf Field 13). However, if you play the TWENTY-YARD PASS and the teammate who receives it plays the way she is facing, the bypassed teammate is already underneath the target and immediately becomes an option to receive that next ball. Address: 1 Stevenson Dr., Lincolnshire, IL 60069. The supporting teammate must choose an angle of support that makes the targets life as easy as possible for a one-touch layoff. If I receive that pass with my left foot or I dont open up my body when receiving it with my right, I will end up receiving it with my hips squared up to the teammate who passed me the ball. To establish a possession style in your team, youve got to hammer home the point of keeping the ball. Chavez, who also is the schools head girls soccer coach, served as an assistant in the boys program from 2010 until his promotion. Nowsmash that egg on the table and see how much more are it covers. Think of all the players as if they were marbles on a table. ***The real value of one-touch exercises is that they force players to make decisions BEFORE they receive the ball. Submit an inquiry form and we will send you information about what to expect moving forward. Hound them to make the adjustment and play with one-touch. Hometown / High School; 1: Kristian Slaby: Goalkeeper: Sr. 6-5: Columbus, N.J. / Northern Burlington: 2: Jack Accorsi: Forward: Jr. 5-8: But if you think that the value of possession is more form than function, you may be missing the boat. In other words, dont pass a ball to a teammate who has given an unacceptable passing angle. . Every second it takes her to make a decision is another second that the opponent has to adjust, organize defensively, close ground, and pressure the ball. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries and grievances for: race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, height, weight, and marital status - Director of Human Resources, 15125 Farmington Road, Livonia, MI 48154 at (734) 744-2566. When it comes to passing angles and offering the proper foot, heres how I introduce it to the players. Psychosocial: Who, What, When, Where, Why, interrelation of the individual within the team. Its about how we grind you down BECAUSE we have the ball and you dont. Roster placements will be made on 3/1 or 3/2, IHSA Sectional Youve got to re-program them to INTERNALIZE the big picture so they see the inherent value of keeping the ball. Make sure they understand when they can play short. So when you cannot string four passes together, string three. IHSA State Qualifier Now there are degrees to that success, but the bottom line is that in an exercise that is strictly possession-themed, there is no incentive for dribbling past an opponent and there are no goals to shoot at. ***My point is that you cant just coach speed of play through touch restrictions. 1992, 1993, 2012 GoalkeepersCoach: Jim Dzialo, Varsity Schedule Stevenson High School. Through their commitment and sacrifice, this year-round program has brought pride and distinction to our school community. Its time to have the defender pull in those sticks and time to move all the observing players to the opposite end. Players must always remember the value of speed of play. print print. If youre going to be a possession team, then you need a TEAM FULL OF PLAYERS who are committed to possessing the ball. It is an ESSENTIAL building block to the whole concept of passing and receiving. Stevenson Swim and Dive 200 Freestyle Relay Team wins at State. Then, freeze the moment and restart the action from the player who passed her the ball, and have the offending player make a BETTER choice. Every now and then, you need your special players to do something special to break pressure on their own, but for the most part, anyone can play simply if they just CHOOSE to do it. Sometimes, it is so obvious that its literally painful. Thats how to give an angle of support that is better than square. ATHLETIC FEES FOR THE 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR! More information to follow. You can see any obstacles in your way and you can usually execute with a single touch. Every wasted inch is one less inch of work the opponent has to do to get the ball back. See the Girls Varsity Soccer schedule for the Bulldogs. But what do you do when there are NO touch restrictions? 1) The part where your team has the ball. The Official Facebook page of Livonia Stevenson Soccer. To combat this, you have to SELL your style. News . Stevenson High School's vision statement rests upon five pillars: curriculum; equity, access and inclusivity; professional learning community; culture for learning; and community engagement. Then its time for the next two players to go. They will say they do because theyll be bored and want to move on to other things. They need to have decisions made BEFORE THE BALL GETS TO THEM and those decisions will dictate which foot should be the one receiving the ball. If the lining of her layoff is skewed by even one millisecond, the supporting teammate will overrun her pass. He spent 10 years as a coach at the NCAA Division III school after playing for there for two seasons. In shortthe faster you play, the better off you are! And because of that, you will see countless examples of a team losing the ball when it absolutely did not have to lose it. When the numbers start turning bad, its time to look for a BIGGER BALL that is going to RELIEVE PRESSURE. . Stevenson Titans At Fraser Ramblers October 14, 2022 7:00 PM -Fraser High Satdium 34270 Garfield Rd Fraser, MI 48026 Live Scoring Rochester Adams Highlanders Vs Stevenson Titans October 21, 2022 7:00 PM - Runkel Field 39701 Dodge Park Rd Sterling Heights, MI 48313 Live Scoring Imagine how much more difficult those players become when there are actually goals on the field?! When deciding which foot to receive the ball with, a player must ask himself these questions: Which foot will help me advance the ball? Freshman: Program Workouts, Important Dates:Senior Night / Team Banquet / Prom / AP, SAT, Finals. Have the players switch lines after their turn. Stevenson's stats have been entered for the 3-2 win @ Carmel on 9/6/2022 6:30 PM. There is no easier way to pass the ball than the way you are facing. When it comes to possession soccer, one bad apple will spoil your bunch. A ball back for a ball forward is a CORNERSTONE of possession soccer and your players need to EMBRACE IT! Dont allow your players to settle for a passing angle thats merely good enough to receive the ball when they can just as easily give an angle that will allow them to receive the ball with the PROPER FOOT. He loved the experience and went on to get his USSF coaching license and began coaching travel soccer in Wilmette. We run a lot of possession games with the THREE-STEP RULE. In the above example, the center-midfielder ONLY sees whats between her and the outside back. Community is the foundation of our program and our ability to stay connected with community programs and clubs will allow us to sustain a competitive program. The ball is like a magnetbut not just for the opponent. "Jay has been coaching youth soccer for over 15 years with various travel clubs, most recently with Green White Soccer Club where he served as Director of Coaching and led their U18 girls team to the Presidents Cup National Championship. But watch any possession exercise and you will see countless examples of players who get anchored in dead space instead of working to get into a seam. The forward can see MORE pieces of the puzzle. Now, we need to get it to the PROPER FOOT. In possession exercises, make a rule that passing the ball to the wrong foot is an AUTOMATIVE FORFEITURE OF POSSESSION. Story Links KUTZTOWN, Pa. -- The Kutztown University acrobatics & tumbling team won all six events on its way to a 222.750-121.875 triumph over Stevenson in its home opener at Keystone Arena Thursday evening. The inches youre conceding soon become feet and the feet become yards and any way you slice it, your players are doing some of the opponents job for them and before you know it, youre trying to keep the ball in a VERY CROWDED patch of land. A common example is when an outside back has the ball and the center forward moves into a viable passing seam. If we can receive the ball behind the fence, our life is a lot easier. Varsity Boys Soccer Head Coach Chavez has owned and operated his own soccer academy for nearly 16 years, and has developed a number of collegiate and professional soccer players. This is the very reason why we coach our teams to switch the field of play. RSS Feed. Systems of play will be uniform for each level with tactical modifications based on opponents & personnel, Attacking style of play with emphasis on organized possession & effective build up play, Fast paced with a balance of technical & physical play, Defensively organized lines working together as a unit with their keeper. Use the top navigation to find past season schedules, scores, rosters and more. This gives her the chance to evaluate her options BEFORE shes even touched the ball. Its not the attackers job to jump in front of them and say, Hey Everynody---Here I am!!!. To play fast, they have to know whats next. This is a lot easier when your players understand WHY its important. And that means passing the ball to the proper foot. IHSA Regional 12 talking about this. Normally, getting out of dead space is a matter of TAKING THREE STEPS to either side. Chavez guided the Bethel womens team to a 28-20-6 record in three seasons from 2007-09, while the men were 19-33-2 during the same time. By that same token, the passer of the ball has to play the proper foot when the opportunity presents itselfand yes, youve got to hammer home that point also. One-touch exercises force players to askWHATS NEXT?. Half the time, the player receiving the ball turns directly into a pressuring opponent and loses the ball. These are the jabs that we spoke about earliernot much at the start, but SO DEADLY later on! It will return to Stevenson High School at 6 pm. They will cave to the pressure, quickly abandon their style, and end up looking just like any other team. Freshmen - 3:45-5:45 pm Stevenson High School Game Field 13 -, If we cannot get outside due to weather, we will go 6-8 pm - Stevenson Fieldhouse 3-4 (wear indoor shoes), If we cannot get outside due to weather, we will varsity at 6-7 am on the PWC Turf and JV at 6-7 am in the Sportscenter, Varsity - 3:45-5:45 pm on Game Field 13 or 6-8 pm on Fieldhouse 3-4, JV - 3:45-5:45 pm on Game Field 13 or 4:45-6 pm PWC Turf, Freshmen - 3:45-5:45 pm on Game Field 13 or 3:30-4:45 pm PWC Turf, 9 am - Freshman Green/Gold Scrimmage on Game Field 13, 9 am - JV Green/Gold Scrimmage on Stadium, 10:30 am - Varsity Green/Gold Scrimmage on Stadium. Its astonishing how many potentially great attacks are not stymied by the opponent, but rather by one of our own players passing the ball to the wrong foot. You will have to weather some rough patches. Stevenson High School is part of the Consolidated High School District 125 and has approximately 4000 students and 46 varsity sports. If you receive it behind the fence, youve got an excellent chance of breaking pressure. Mike Capre, 1988-89 Instead of standing on the boundary line [or even a half-step wide of it], they will stand a step or two inside of it. Now, when I say that forward OWNS the seam, I mean she has the right of first refusal. Must reapply through the Free Lunch Program annually. By John Hallead on Feb 26, 2021 . 2) The part where their team has the ball. And even if it doesnt quite break that line, you may still have the chance to make an important point. Stevenson High School. Stevenson High School Striving for Excellence; Learning for Life Home Athletics SHS Athletics Homepage Athletic Director: Arnold "Arnie" Muscat Phone: (734) 744-2660, ext. This puts her at an immediate DISADVANTAGE and makes her life harder than it should be. Spacing also means keeping the field balanced with your numbers. The simple negative pass also gets the ball to a teammate who is facing forward, and thats the direction you ULTIMATELY want to go. Because soccer is such a fluid game, the picture is always changing. Make sure that your players know that until the ball arrives at the target, it is the PASSERS RESPONSIBILITY. And when an opponent is tired and frustrated, that opponent will MAKE MISTAKES. That means its extremely important for that player to quickly give a great angle of support. All the pieces are in a constant state of flux, so what was a good idea a half-second ago might now be an awful idea. Transportation is on your own to the Fieldhouse, but will be provided from Highland Park Fieldhouse to Stevenson after tryouts. The players ability to make quick decisions depends on the options available to her as the ball arrives. . A smart player can read the flow of bodies between her and the ball to identify the seams that give the ball carrier the BEST chance of passing her the ball. Players who receive the ball with the wrong foot either dont know what theyre doing wrong or they are just being lazy. WHENEVER POSSIBLE, a player should try to receive the ball FACING the biggest part of the field, because thats where he will have the most passing options. It may have been the fault of the first player who put her teammate in an unwinnable situation. Possession is a LONG-TERM investment and the market IS NOT always going to be kind to you. Watch high school sports and events nationwide, live and on demand, via the NFHS Network. It also applies to horizontal passes and even negative one. When it comes to possession, nothing ranks higher than speed of play. Its up to you to beat your players over the head with that informationmorning, noon, and night. The teammate FURTHEST from the ball almost always has the best field of vision, so its up to her to decide who gets to occupy that seam. Either pass it to the proper angle and let the teammate go get it [assuming it is safe to do so] or find another option. Players may be asked to tryout at different times at coaches discretion. Everything inside the V is the defenders space. Possession soccer means a lot of low-risk passes. If theres a noticeable decrease in your teams speed of play ONCE YOU ELIMINATE THE TOUCH RESTRICTIONS, its because your players HAVE NOT INTERNALIZED the intrinsic value of speed of play. Niji-Iro Japanese Immersion Elementary School, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). The more you will pass itthe more they will chase. A player who takes these three steps quickly enough becomes a VIABLE PASSING OPTION for her teammate. It will make it very difficult for her to do anything other than to pass the ball back to the teammate who initially passed it to her. If you want a comparison, watch any EPL match. So you play a 20-yard forward pass and your target plays a ten-yard negative pass, well then youve gained ten yards and the final player in that puzzle is facing the direction your team wants to go. IHSA Super-sectional When the numbers around her are good, shes likely going to pass the ball to a teammate in her immediate vicinityNo problem there. Tactical: Systems of play, positional roles and responsibilities, decision making, 4 phases and identification of opponents tactics. If she doesnt, we stop the game and award possession of the ball to the opposing team. In moments like this, you need to FREEZE PLAY, recreate the event and ask the passer how it could have turned out better? Varsity Assistant Coaches:Jennifer Merlitti, Heather Ortiz The only way to make this a habit is to DEMAND PERFECTION during training sessions. SCHOOL COLORS: Double Blue and White JV VARSITY STEVENSON HIGH SCHOOL ~ SPARTANS ~ 2021 JV AND VARSITY SOCCER ROSTER HEAD COACH: Matt Grodzicki HEAD COACH: Ken Shingledecker ASST COACHES: Nick Atwood, Kelly Capoccia. This concept isnt the easiest thing in the world for a lot of players to understand. The forward also sees whats between her and the outside back, and that includes the midfielder. You need your players to INTERNALIZE the value of playing fast if they are ever going to be successful at keeping the ball. Stevenson High School Athletic Director: Chris Perk Phone: (509) 219-8816 Email: perkc@scsd303.org stevensonbulldogssports.com 390 NW Gropper Rd Stevenson, WA 98648 . The key for the player receiving the ball to know that the numbers around her are TURNING BAD BEFORE THE BALL IS EVER AT HER FEET, and then finding the pass that gets the ball to an area where the numbers are more favorable. 48916 Fax: (734) 744-2828 Athletic Trainer: Erin Pavlovich Nickname: Spartans Varsity Team:9th-12 grades, Technical: Application of skill & skill development, ball control, receiving, first & second touch, passing and 1v1 creativity attacking/defending, shooting, heading and shielding. She needs to be prepared to receive the ball and immediately put her body between the ball and the pressuring opponent. Stevenson High School home of the Patriots is a public school located in Lincolnshire, Illinois. When a defender has possession of the ball, the defensive center mid is often the closest and therefore easiest option, so we tend to give her the ball. Parents can pick up their child at VHAC or Stevenson High School. It is about giving her the BEST CHANCE to play her next pass quickly and successfully. today Upcoming Events. Smart Player/Approach = The way I see itthe more touches I take, the more likely I am to lose the ballSo I just try to get it to a teammate as soon as possible.. To provide a useful angle of support, supporting players cant run past the player on the ball. We can do better than that, and its a really simple fix. Ask all the players if they understand it. Un-FOUR-gettable! The player on the ball has to empathize with the teammate who will receive it and has to give her the best chance to be successful. You will commonly encounter this scenario during a possession exercise where the players have crowded into one half of the grid, then one team wins the ball and tries to break out of it and exploit the empty space at the other end. Obviously, you are a lot more likely to keep the ball when you have good numbers and a lot less likely to keep it when the numbers are bad. Stevenson's stats have been entered for the 4-1 win vs. Waukegan on 9/30/2022 4:45 PM. *WEATHER UPDATE WILL BE POSTED ON GSO WEBSITE 24 hours prior to Day 1 48916Fax: (734) 744-2828, Colors: Double Blue (Columbia and Navy) and White, Football/Soccer Stadium: Lester C. Anders Field (dedicated 1967), Competition Gym: Jay W. Formsma Memorial Gymnasium (dedicated 1973), 2023 Spring Sports Try-Out/First Practice Information Sheet, 2022-23 Stevenson Booster Club Flyer / Membership Form. Stevenson High School. As far as pure possession exercises go, all a player can really do to be successful is CONNECT A PASS. Take a look at how hard the players smack the ball into their teammates when they are playing a 20-yard ball into feet. Staff Roster Men's Soccer Coaching Staff. Stevenson's stats have been entered for the 2-1 win @ Mundelein on 9/15/2022 6:30 PM. They want to throw the knockout punch every single time they have the ball. To play fast, your players have to WANT to play fast, and they wont want to play fast UNTIL they FULLY COMPREHEND why it is important. Find NCSA Mens Soccer Athletes at Stevenson High School by Name: When the opponent has the ball, you want the field to look like that eggnice and tight and compact. That play has died and the opponent has taken the ball. This is better than running past the target, but only slightly. Your players have to EMPATHIZE with their teammates. Stevenson's stats have been entered for the 2-1 win vs. York on 11/5/2022 6:00 PM. ***Its very important that the players are observing from the ends of the area and not the sides of it. Nondiscrimination Policy Livonia Public Schools prohibits unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, height, weight, marital status, handicap or disability in any of its educational programs or activities. High school. . The competition was always fierce, but it was also more fun than anything else. The simple solution here is for supporting player to put on the brakes and give the target a bigger angle. : 8 . At this point, your defender should look something like the Eifel Towerwith the hockey sticks representing the reach of her legs if she stuck out a foot to intercept a pass. If a player passes to the wrong foot in a possession game, LET HER KNOW ABOUT IT. BeginningAugust 10, there will be a weekday bus from Stevenson High School to VHAC that leaves Parking Lot D no later than 3:35 p.m. and arrives at VHAC at 3:45 p.m. Bulev was originally hired at Stevenson in 2020 to serve as the head girls' freshman coach and will now be the Head Coach leading the girls soccer program. An advanced player knows that when a teammate tells her to get out, she should vacate the space immediately. They want to affect the scoreboard as quickly and as often as possible. To get the ball, make a teammates life easy and get into that seam. The first objective of this exercise is for the players to be able to tell you when youve given the passer and acceptable passing angle. Feb 26 2021 SHS Football Roster . Getting your central players to understand this concept will have a lot to do with how well your team keeps the ball. Remember, making the opponent chase is a LONG-TERM investment. 2019 To display Composure, Confidence and Commitment to the Community both on and off the field, in order to attract community support and have future Patriots dream of representing Stevenson Girls Soccer when they grow up. Stevenson's stats have been entered for the 2-1 win vs. Phone 509-427-5631 | Fax . And thats a question they should never stop asking. But dont pretend that a bad passing angle is going to work. And make sure they know when they need to play the bigger ball. When that player decides that she is the best occupant of that seam, it is UP TO HER to get the intruding teammate out of the way. And even those brief runs of possessionif you can accumulate enough of themwill have an effect. 2023 New Trier Boys Soccer Summer School Soph/Jun/Sen 2023 New Trier Boys Soccer Summer School SOPH_JUN_SEN.pdf 175.84 KB (Last Modified on December 21, 2022) Comments (-1) These NOW longer strings of passes are the knockout blow(s). If you watch advances players, its not uncommon to hear them telling one another to GET OUT of a certain space.