Use Our Content PO Box 997377 LA County reports first flu death of the season, Third Flu Death Of Season Confirmed In San Diego County, Placer County reports first flu-related death of season, Flu death reported in Santa Barbara County, Infant is San Bernardino Countys second flu-related death this season, County Health Officials Report Flu Seasons, 2 flu-related deaths reported in Sacramento County, Health officials confirm 7th flu death of the season, Public Health Department Reports 2 Flu-Related Deaths in Marin County, One Sonoma County flu-related death confirmed as flu season arrives early. Soumya Karlamangla previously covered healthcare in California for the Los Angeles Times. 22 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) during September 29, 2019-September 26, 2020. . Fatalities due to flu pandemics in the U.S. U.S. adults' level of concern about influenza in 2020, U.S. adults' level of concern about influenza in 2020, by age group, Total pneumonia & influenza funding by the National Institutes for Health 2013-2023, Share of U.S. employers that offered select wellness programs in 2020, Number of Influenza cases in the U.S. in 2021, by week and subtype, Number of influenza cases in the United States from 2010-2022, Number of influenza-related medical visits in the United States from 2010-2022, Number of influenza hospitalizations in the United States from 2010-2022, Rate of influenza-related hospitalizations in the U.S. in 2019-2020, by age group, Number of influenza deaths in the United States from 2010-2022, Flu vaccine coverage in the U.S. 2014-2022, by age, Share of U.S. children who were vaccinated against influenza in 2019, by age, Share of U.S. children vaccinated against influenza in 2019, by race and age, Share of U.S. children vaccinated against influenza in 2019, by region, Percentage of U.S. older people who received influenza vaccination 2010-2022, U.S. college students that had received select vaccinations as of fall 2018, Share of health personnel who had a flu vaccination in 2017-2018, by requirement, Influenza and Tdap vaccinations among pregnant U.S. women 2019-2020, by age, Number of influenza vaccinations needed to prevent one hospitalization U.S. 2018-2019, Number of influenza-related illnesses prevented by vaccination U.S. 2019-2020, by age, Number of medical visits prevented by influenza vaccinations U.S. 2019-2020, by age, Number of hospitalizations prevented by influenza vaccinations U.S. 2019-2020, by age, Number of deaths prevented by influenza vaccinations U.S. 2019-2020, by age, Places U.S. adults visited when they had the flu as of 2017, U.S. adults who did not prevent the spread of germs when they had the flu as of 2017, Influenza vaccine coverage among Canadian adults as of 2021, by age, Italy: number of flu cases from week 42 2017 to week 4 2018, Italy: influenza cases by age during the flu season 2017-2018, Influenza cases hospitalized in Ireland in 2018/19 flu season, by age, Reasons for not getting a flu vaccine in Russia in 2019, Rate of influenza cases hospitalized in Ireland in 2018/19 flu season, by age, Italy: influenza cases by region during the flu season 2017-2018, Deaths due to influenza & pneumonia in Cuba 2013-2020, Share of full-time workers absent due to health in the U.S. from 2017-2018, by month, Farming, fishing and forestry workers and health-related absenteeism U.S. 2017-2018, Share of full-time workers absent due to health in the U.S. from 2017-2018, by gender, Number of U.S. deaths due to chronic liver disease and cirrhosis in 2019, by state, Share of Hungarians wanting to get vaccinated against influenza 2020, Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports. These cookies perform functions like remembering presentation options or choices and, in some cases, delivery of web content that based on self-identified area of interests. 2 That's a huge difference from the rates of the 2019-2020 flu season. Deaths by motor vehicle-related injuries in the U.S. 1950-2019 Injury rate per 100,000 drivers licensed in the U.S. 1990-2020 U.S. passenger cars - number of injury crashes 1995-2019 CDC. We take your privacy seriously. 2012-2013|2011-2012, 2010-2011 |2007-2008| 2006-2007 |2005-2006, 2004-2005| 2003-2004| 2002-2003| 2001-2002. State data shows the number of people testing positive for influenza fell last week, suggesting the flu season could be winding down. The best of the best: the portal for top lists & rankings: Strategy and business building for the data-driven economy: Show sources information Officials say its hard to tell how severe the flu season will end up being. Overall, influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses were the most commonly reported influenza viruses this season. The vast majority of those who died about 90 percent were seniors, ages 65 and up, the agency estimates. Final counts are derived from static data and include out-of-state deaths to California residents, whereas provisional counts are derived from incomplete and dynamic data. @HattieRowan, By Harriet Blair Rowan Experts recommend getting a flu shot to reduce the chances of getting or spreading the virus. The state figure could account for just 1 in 10 flu deaths. In California, the majority of flu deaths have occured in patients 65-years-old or older. To receive weekly email updates about Seasonal Flu, enter your email address: We take your privacy seriously. Influenza/Pneumonia Mortality by State Filters Year Apply Filters Reset All Age-Adjusted Death Rates1 6.2 - < 9.98 9.98 - < 13.76 13.76 - < 17.54 17.54 - < 21.32 21.32 - 25.1 Download Data (CSV) Data Table 1 The number of deaths per 100,000 total population. But that is likely only a small fraction of the total deaths in the nations most populous state because the department didnt count the hundreds of deaths of people 65 and older. While the federal government uses mathematical modeling to estimate the number of flu deaths, Californias figures have been based on reports of individual deaths. Saving Lives, Protecting People, CDC/National Center for Health Statistics, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. State officials said they havent counted flu deaths among seniors because, in part, health providers were not required to report them. It was the county's first influenza death for the 2019-20 season. Its too soon at this point to say with any certainty whether this season is going to peak soon, or whether were going to have many more weeks with high levels of influenza activity, Smith said. The Amarillo Department of Public Health's weekly COVID-19 report card notes 645 in total hospital occupancy, 357 new COVID-19 cases and two new deaths. If you need to go back and make any changes, you can always do so by going to our Privacy Policy page. leading cause of death in the United States. The federal governments Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that approximately 80,000 people in the U.S. died from complications from the flu during the 2017-18 flu season the most since 1976. Why are people treating me this way? Number of deaths reported in this chart are the total number of deaths received and coded as of the date of analysis, and do not necessarily represent all deaths that occurred in that period. [protected-iframe id="9fa82a9f2cb902ba503615f5f855a410-101091165-99279322" info="//" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"] This report summarizes in-depth interviews with 100 Black Californians and 18 focus groups, as well as a statewide survey of 3,325 adult Black Californians. Forty-four percent of hospitalizations occurred in older adults aged 65 years. This dataset contains counts of deaths for California as a whole based on information entered on death certificates. The groups most at risk of the flu are older adults, very young children, pregnant women and those with certain chronic medical conditions, according to the CDC. It takes between two and four weeks for the flu shot to take effect, she said. So far, the flu is circulating at low levels in California, but the percentage of lab-confirmed flu infections are on the rise, a sign that this flu season is gaining momentum, said Dr. James Watt, chief of the Division of Communicable Disease Control at the state Department of Public Health. [partner-box]Californias Department of Public Health says the flu killed 329 people under age 65 in the last flu season, from October 2017 to August 2018. LOS ANGELES, CA Nationwide, the flu season went into overdrive with a dramatic spike in the final week of the year. The department acknowledged that its new system still will likely result in an undercount. About this data. The roughly 60 deaths among people younger than 65 is much higher than in other years, according to state data. The flu season typically peaks in February, but thousands of people in California started falling very ill in December, causing long wait times in emergency rooms and shortages of flu medications. Saving Lives, Protecting People, why preliminary flu burden estimates change, Benefits of Flu Vaccination for the 2019-2020 Season, frequently asked questions about CDCs flu burden estimates, 199deaths were reported for the 2019-20 season,,,, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD), Reconstruction of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic Virus, 2022-2023 Preliminary In-Season Burden Estimate, Who is at Higher Risk of Flu Complications, Flu and COVID-19 Vaccine Coadministration, Who Should & Who Should NOT Get Vaccinated, Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine (LAIV)/Nasal Spray Vaccine, Selecting Viruses for the Seasonal Influenza Vaccine, Flu Vaccine and People with Egg Allergies, Frequently Asked Questions on Vaccine Supply, Historical Reference of Vaccine Doses Distributed, Investigating Respiratory Viruses in the Acutely Ill (IVY), Respiratory Virus Transmission Network (RVTN), Randomized Assessment of Influenza Vaccine Efficacy Network (RAIVEN), Hospitalized Adult Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Network (HAIVEN), How Vaccine Effectiveness and Efficacy are Measured, What People with a Staph Infection Should Know about Flu, Resources for Hosting a Vaccination Clinic, Overview of Influenza Surveillance in the United States, Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET), Weekly U.S. Its important to note, not everything on is available for republishing. Influenza Surveillance Report (FluView), Previous Forecasts for the 2021-2022 Season, Tools to Prepare Your Practice for Flu Season, Information for Clinicians on Influenza Virus Testing, Multiplex Assays Authorized for Simultaneous Detection of Influenza Viruses and SARS-CoV-2, Information on Collection of Respiratory Specimens for Influenza Virus Testing, Information for Clinicians on Rapid Diagnostic Testing for Influenza, Information on Rapid Molecular Assays, RT-PCR, and other Molecular Assays for Diagnosis of Influenza Virus Infection, Algorithm: Interpreting Influenza Testing Results When Influenza is Circulating, Algorithm: Interpreting Influenza Testing Results When Influenza is NOT Circulating, Guide: Influenza Diagnostic Testing in Closed Setting Outbreaks, Guidance: Standard-Based Electronic Laboratory Reporting, Guidance: Antiviral and Obstetric Health Care, Guidance: Outbreak Management in Long-Term Care Facilities, Guidance: Use of Mask to Control Influenza Transmission, Guidance: Prevention & Control in Peri- and Postpartum Settings, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Final testing information from the 2017-2018 seasons indicated an increase in testing for flu across all age groups and the.