Staff will explore the following as possible options for clients, as appropriate: Staff will assist eligible clients with completion of benefits application(s) as appropriate within 14 business days of the eligibility determination date. | If the client isn't financially eligible, notify social services. Health care services: Clients should be provided assistance in accessing health insurance or Marketplace health insurance plans to assist with engagement in the health care system and HIV Continuum of Care, including medication payment plans or programs. Ensure that service for clients will be provided in cooperation and in collaboration with other agency services and other community HIV service providers to avoid duplication of efforts and encouraging client access to integrated health care. 12/1/2022 2:44 PM. A request for service may not generate a referral. We send you a written notice explaining why we denied your application (per chapter. All AAs and subrecipients must establish culturally and linguistically appropriate goals, policies, and management accountability, and infuse them throughout the organizations planning and operations. 3602 Pacific Ave., Suite 200 . | Kirkland, WA. Consistently report referral and coordination updates to the multidisciplinary medical care team. Ask about other medical coverage. HRSA/HAB Ryan White Program & Grants Management, Recipient Resources. Por favor, responda a esta breve encuesta. This service category works to maximize public funding by assisting clients in identifying all available health and disability benefits supported by funding streams other than RWHAP Part B and/or State Services funds. | Contact Us Explain what changes of circumstances need to be reported. For information regarding prior fiscal year files, please contact the DSH unit at, Last modified date: Policy Notices and Program Letters, Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services: Eligible Individuals & Allowable Uses of Funds Policy Clarification Notice (PCN) #16-02 (PDF) (Revised 10/22/2018), DSHS Policy 591.000, Section 5.3 regarding Transitional Social Service linkage, Interim Guidance for the Use of Telemedicine and Telehealth for HIV Core and Support Services, March 2020, Interim Guidance for the Use of Telemedicine and Telehealth for HIV Core and Support Services Users Guide and FAQs, March 2020, HIV Medical and Support Service Categories, Research, Funding, & Educational Resources, Referral for Health Care and Support Services. Provide the PBS staff with the following information: Residential facility name and address, including room number, if applicable. Language assistance must be provided to individuals who have limited English proficiency and/or other communication needs at no cost to them in order to facilitate timely access to all health care and services. At a department of social and health services (DSHS) community services office (CSO). Use Equal Access - Necessary Supplemental Accommodation (NSA) and long-term services and supports policies for LTSS applicants and recipients. DSHS 10-570 ( REV. Training and social services development, delivery and evaluations; budget setting; and relationship cultivation. DSHS HIV Care Services requires that for Ryan White Part B or SS funded services providers must use features to protect ePHI transmission between client and providers. \{#+zQh=JD ld$Y39?>}'C#_4$ Ting Vit, About Us Home and Community Services - LTSS If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need immediate assistance, please call "911" and explain the nature of your problem to the operator. For in-home service applicants, discuss the food assistance program and inquire if the household would like to apply for food benefits. Home and Community Services Division PO Box 45600, Olympia, WA 98504-5600 H 20 0 53 Information June 9 , 2020 TO: Area Agency on Aging (AAA) Directors Home and Community Services (HCS) Division Regional Administrators FROM: Bea Rector, Director, Home and Community Services Division SUBJECT: Percentage of clients who received a referral for other support services who have documented evidence of the education provided to the client on how to access these services in the primary client record. Explain Estate Recovery and mail the Estate Recovery fact sheet. | Complete a Financial Communication to Social Services (07-104) referral when an application is received on an active MAGI case, Add text stating that unless an assessment is completed and determines HCB Waiver is needed, the client will remain on MAGI. Clients should be educated about and assisted with accessing and securing all available public and private benefits and entitlement programs. Telehealth and Telemedicine is an alternative modality to provide most Ryan White Part B and State Services funded services. Percentage of clients with documented evidence of a discharge plan developed with client, as applicable, as indicated in the clients primary record. A new application isn't required for clients active on ABD SSI-related Apple Health who need LTSS as long as the Public Benefit Specialist (PBS) is able to determine institutional eligibility using information in the current case record. Assessment of client's access to primary care, Need for nursing, caregiver, or rehabilitation services. | word/document.xml\n8}_`u-c t?mk[X`aKHJ|Mf2DUSU~~=DX~PJ6u`r]u+K(q` Qy'AD5}]qT"{J|}]6+t. Provider Fraud and Elder Abuse complaint line: When using Collateral Contact (CC) or Other (OT) valid value, document the details of how it was verified. To apply for tailored supports for older adults (TSOA), see WAC. Fast Track is a social serviceprocess that allows the authorization of LTSS prior to a financial eligibility determination. Olympia WA 98504-5826; or DSH Replacement State Plan Amendment 16-010. If the client is likely to attain institutional status. The ALJ does not consider the previous absence of information or failure to respond in determining if you are eligible. RW Providers must use a telehealth vendor that provides assurances to protect ePHI that includes the vendor signing a business associate agreement (BAA). When applicable, the client home or current residence is determined to not be physically safe (if not residing in a community facility) and/or appropriate for the provision ofHome and Community-Based Health Services as determined by the agency. We provide equal access (EA) services as described in WAC, Ask for EA services, you apply for or receive long-term services and supports, or we determine that you would benefit from EA services; or, Have limited-English proficiency as described in WAC. Eligible clients are referred to other core services (outside of a medical, MCM, or NMCM appointment), as applicable to the clients needs, with education provided to the client on how to access these services. Percentage of clients with documented evidence of referrals provided to any support services that had follow-up documentation within 10 business days of the referral in the primary client record. These are the forms used in the application process for LTSS. Home and Community-Based Health Services include the following: Home and Community-Based Health Providers work closely with the multidisciplinary care team that includes the client's case manager, primary care provider, and other appropriate health care professionals. Staff will follow-up within 10 business days of a referral provided to any core services to ensure the client accessed the service. The agency must document the situation in writing and immediately contact the client's primary medical care provider. A phone or in-person interview is required to determine initial financial eligibility for WAH long-term care services. You are automatically enrolled in apple healthand do not need to submit an application if you are a: Supplemental security income (SSI) recipient; Person deemed to be an SSI recipient under 1619(b) of the SSA; Child in foster care placement as described in WAC. Lakewood, WA. This is used for any cash, food or medical care services (MCS) request as MCS is tied to ABD cash/HEN eligibility, HCA 14-194 Medical coverage information (used to report third party insurance coverage including LTC insurance), DSHS14-539 Revocable burial fund provision for SSI-related health care, DSHS 14-540 Irrevocable burial fund provision for SSI-related health care, DSHS 14-454 Estate recovery fact sheet. N _rels/.rels ( j0@QN/c[ILj]aGzsFu]U ^[x 1xpf#I)Y*Di")c$qU~31jH[{=E~ If you have questions about submitting the form please contact your regional office at the number below. Disproportionate Share Hospital Program. Conduct a follow-up within 90 days of completed application to determine if additional and/or ongoing needs are present. For ABD, SSI-related Washington Apple Health programs: This process applies toSSI-related programs only MAGI-based clients are not eligible for HCBwaiver. d{ word/_rels/document.xml.rels ( VMo W87GJmziRokm:Kbi6P{3c33{Jp^MQKT %*|`3i4PwA'NX_D)BW<6t|XC{9qS4Yr-6M#jlHv$d@. V&ca\H>le?S9As<1CRYN]drRI/0!b Provide feedback on your experience with DSHS facilities, staff, communication, and services. If the nursing facility admission is on a weekend or holiday, the authorization date is the date of admission as long as DSHSis notified by the next business day. Percentage of clients with documented evidence of care plans reviewed and/or updated as necessary based on changes in the clients situation at least every sixty (60) calendar days as evidenced in the clients primary record. Percentage of clients with documented evidence of referrals provided to any core services that had follow-up documentation within 10 business days of the referral in the primary client record. Referrals for health care and support services provided by outpatient/ambulatory health care professionals should be reported under Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services (OAHS) category. Jun 2014 - Mar 201510 months. I) word/document.xmlr=U.nA;K]|K0x+CII*?tY =6KWHN Z G!i$.v?h;H E6K$JNI2qAK*FMQuI>sRp648!T2@p =K [20Y(GNc#TchaBid~ygj\6h !$0DU9B#1$qfMNy m@4L9542h7,~O*9Z|1)nfR>P*C utgHGKFh 5zjUtMx'+)MI[]fKR:1tw%=Or. Consistent - Explain how conflicts or inconsistencies of information were addressed. Massachusetts Department of Public Health Bureau of Infectious Disease Office of HIV/AIDS Standards of Care for HIV/AIDS Services 2009, San Francisco EMA Home-Based Home Health Care Standards of Care February 2004, Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 97, Subchapter B, Rule 97.211. For non-urgent mental health services, please contact your county mental health department . Por favor, responda a esta breve encuesta. Services cannot be provided in the following facilities: inpatient hospital facilities, nursing homes, and other long term care facilities. Eligible clients are referred to additional support services (outside of a medical, MCM, NMCM appointment), as applicable to the clients needs, with education provided to the client on how to access these services. Eligible clients are referred to Health Insurance Premium and Cost-Sharing Assistance (HIA) to assist clients in accessing health insurance or Marketplace plans within one (1) week of the referral for health care and support services intake. Encourage the applicant to gather documents as soon as possible to expedite the process. Social services will state fund Fast Track services when the client isn't financially eligible during the fast track period. How do I notify PEBB that my loved one has passed away? IHSS Fraud Hotline: 888-717-8302 A good cause code must be used when finalizing any medical(AU) historically beyond 45 days. Document in ACES remarks, in detail, all eligibility factors discussed during the interview and included on the application. FAX to: 1-855-635-8305. Please reference the HRSA Program Guidance above. The Home and Community-based Services program provides individualized services and supports to persons with intellectual disabilities who are living with their family, in their own home or in other community settings, such as small group homes. LTSS can begin once a client is found financially and functionally eligible and an approved provider is in place. TK6_ PK ! $41 to $75 Hourly. An interview with the applicant or authorized representative is required to determine eligibility for institutional, HCB waiver services, or TSOA services. Center for Health Emergency Preparedness & Response, Texas Comprehensive Cancer Control Program, Cancer Resources for Health Professionals, Resources for Cancer Patients, Caregivers and Families, Food Manufacturers, Wholesalers, and Warehouses, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Licensure, National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS), Health Care Information Collection (THCIC). Send a general correspondence letter to the client indicating the application was received and because the client is currently receiving Medicaid services, additional information isn't needed for financial eligibility. z, /|f\Z?6!Y_o]A PK ! Call the DSHScommunity services customer service contact center number listed on the medicaidapplication form. Posted wage ranges represent the entire range from minimum to maximum. (Source: DSHS Policy591.00 Limitations on Ryan White and State Service Funds for Incarcerated Persons in Community Facilities, Section 5.3). Mienh waac Clients receiving services during the Fast Track period won't receive a medical services card until financial eligibility is established. Por favor, responda a esta breve encuesta. adult daycare center) in accordance with a written, individualized plan of care established by a licensed physician. COPES, for short, is a Washington State Medicaid (Apple Health) waiver program designed to enable individuals who require nursing home level care to receive that care in their home or alternative care environment, such as an assisted living residence. | Applicant Information 1. For the Ryan White Part B/SS funded providers and Administrative Agencies, telehealth and telemedicine services are to be provided in real-time via audio and video communication technology which can include videoconferencing software. TK6_ PK ! Summarize the interview and items still needed to determine eligibility in the ACES narrative. The Home and Community-Based Provider will document in the clients primary record progress notes throughout the course of the treatment, including evidence that the client is not in need of acute care. | Percentage of clients accessingHome and Community-Based Health Services have follow up documentation to the referral offered in the clients primary record. Home and Community-Based Health Services Standards print version. A full-featured portal for all users. Case actions and why the actions were taken, and. Any assaults, verbal or physical, must be reported to the monitoring entity within one (1) business day and followed by a written report. Issue the award letter to the applicant/recipient. If the 13-746 is not received timely, count back 5 businessdays from the date of receipt to determine the authorization date. HRSA Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services: Eligible Individuals & Allowable Uses of Funds Policy Clarification Notice (PCN) #16-02(Revised 10/22/2018) Accessed on October 16, 2020. f?3-]T2j),l0/%b For medicaid recipients, institutional services are approved based on the first date the admission is known to DSHS as long as the client meets all other eligibility factors. Wage Range: $40.76-$75.17 per hour plus per diem rate. We deny your application forapple health coverage when: You tell us either orally or in writing to withdraw your request for coverage; or, Based on all information we have received from you and other sources within the time frames stated in WAC, We are unable to determine that you are eligible; or. Referral for Health Care and Support Services includes benefits/entitlement counseling and referral to health care services to assist eligible clients to obtain access to other public and private programs for which they may be eligible. | Barcode 10570 DSHS form 10-570. Note: Servicescan't be backdated prior to the date of the authorization until the date that financial eligibility is established. Espaol The modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)-based apple healthapplication process using Washington Healthplanfinder may provide faster or real-time determination of eligibility for medicaid. Community Health Worker, Crisis Counselor. Sometimes we can start your coverage up to three months before the month you applied (see WAC, If you are confined or incarcerated as described in WAC, You are hospitalized during your confinement; and. Ask if there are unpaid medical expenses and request verification if medical expenses exist. Questions to consider when making aFast Track recommendation: Social services cant begin Fast Track until a CAREassessment is completed. Dont open a case in ACES until you have everything needed to establish financial eligibility. The HCS case manager coordinates andconsults withthe PBS to see if Fast Track is appropriate. | Careers !H!/tG|B^%=z+]F!lExBa0$ Provide advocacy to clients with a clear understanding of community services and support available for their situations. An ongoing permanent history of actions and decisions made; A support of eligibility, ineligibility and benefit determination; Credibility for decisions when used as evidence in legal matters; A trail for reviewers to determine the accuracy of the benefits issued. Benefits Counseling: Activities should be client-centered facilitating access to and maintenance of health and disability benefits and services. Assess the client's functional eligibility for in home or residential care. You must apply directly with the service provider for the following programs: The breast and cervical cancer treatment program under WAC, For the confidential pregnant minor program under WAC. Staff will follow up within 10 business days of a referral provided to support services to ensure the client accessed the service. Home and Community-Based Health Services are provided to an eligible client in an integrated setting appropriate to a clients needs, based on a written plan of care established by a medical care team under the direction of a licensed clinical provider. J(_ @# word/_rels/document.xml.rels ( Yo6~!0I'n:Ylw-RI"IV. To complete an application for apple health, you must also give us all of the other information requested on the application. Provide feedback on your experience with DSHS facilities, staff, communication, and services. The authorization can't be backdated for HCB waiver, CFC, or MPC unless socialservices has fast-tracked services and the client is subsequently found financially eligible. IHSS Service Desk for Providers & Recipients, (866) 376-7066, Suspect Fraud? If we need more information to decide if you can get apple healthcoverage, we will send you a letter within twenty calendar days of your initial application that: States the additional information we need; and. The PBS should reviewthe original application to ensure there are no changes and proceed to determine eligibility. The PBS may waive the interview requirement.