Additionally all the Moirax went down to 12 movement like the Cerastus, again because reasons. Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought. As a bonus, leviathans can now take nipple volkite, rather than just heavy flamers. First up is the Martial Legacy special rule. We see quite a few units get tweaked to remove degrading profiles too, such as on the Blood Slaughterer. Astraeus! Riding back into battle behind him areNobz on Warbikes, and these arent really priced to move but having the option is strictly better than now. Lets look at how things shake out. It probably still doesnt cross the line to being actuallygood,but Im certainly looking at the arms of my largest robot son contemplatively. How To Paint Everything: Creating, Basing, and Painting Area and Tournament Terrain, Necromunday: Buzz Lightyear Hyperspeed Trucks in the Ash Wastes. The Firepike is now 15 range, so a 3 boost which is neat. We see quite a lot of points changes too, with a lot of the relic entries becoming cheaper across the board, with other units being adjusted upwards. Though this does make it a little bit harder to read in the book, any future FAQ updates can be made in just one place, rather than risking some FW unit missing the change. (LogOut/ Realistically, the story is the same across the board here these all get minor cost reductions and some get boosts to their weapons, making them all a bit more exciting to use, but probably not enough to overcome the limitations of their slot. TheValdor Tank Hunter is in a similar boar where it got a decent discount, but lost some oomph in exchange, and doesnt really end up as a desireable package overall. Effectively this is the second movement nerf of the Cerastus variant (because reasons). There are a couple of grumbles about missing units that are still available that do not have profiles, and sadly a few formatting errors here in there with incorrect battlefield roles and power values, which is a little bit of a disappointment in a 40 book. Notice it also isnt CORE, so maybe no rerolls for you in the future. This means that until we see an FAQ or errata saying otherwise, these units areoff-limits to Thousand Sons and Death Guard. Stillprobably not durable enough for how hard it is to hide and the cost, but much, much closer to something you want. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. OK, there are three major things to note here. Our full review and unboxing is up over on #warhammercommunity #warhammer #warcry #miniatures #miniaturespainting #soulblightgravelords #vampire #paintingwarhammer #painting #gamesworkshop, Our Sunday evening painting stream is live on YouTube and Twitch! of Forge World units that, at the time of printing, are supported. Such a fun and nostalgic time painting this up - used @redgrassgames wet palettes, @duncanjrhodes and @thearmypainter paints and can't wait to paint up some more! Change). The Kannonwagon and Kustom Stompa are the two that miss out, but its nice for the rest. TheMagaeraandStyrixboth get a boost, with their siege claws gaining a sweep attack thats straight up better than stomping feet, being flat damage three and otherwise identical. I never expected discontinued units to get rules in this book, its an unfortunate truth that we are only ever really going to get current tournament ready rules for models that Games Workshop still produce, however I am a little surprised that some units that you can still buy on the Forge World website do not get rules in this book that said, even with that small caveat there are an absolute truck load of units in this mighty tome! He is still the only leviathan remaining with WS and BS 2+, but even at his new lower points cost doesnt offer much. (LogOut/ Moreso than almost any other faction, Chaos Space Marines have leaned on Forge World units to stay competitive in days gone by. If youd asked us to pick units that were at real risk of just getting nuked from orbit in a re-write this would have been high on the list, so it getting to keep doing its thing, only even better, is a huge relief for nid players. While it only has 32W, its got T9, a built in 4++ against shooting and the right keywords for Lightning Fast, making it extremely non-trivial to kill at range, especially if you stickFortune on it as well. Finally, the dark horse that I am hoping doesnt turn out to go anywhere of the units in this book with titan in their name, the Revenant Titan is probably closest to being decent in a Strike Force game. If you are a fan of Forge World models and want the chance to use them in your games of 40k then you really should pick this book up, and while I understand that for pure Tyranid players it may seem a shame you have to fork out for the entire book, for those who collect multiple armies it is great having all these profiles collected in one place! These headers then drill down further into the various factions within that bucket, detailing any specific rules or codex interactions, all the datasheets and then the points values collected together at the end of each faction in the much easier style seen in the other Codex releases for 9th edition! Theres a clear set of principles running through all the changes in this book, which are generally very healthy for the game but might make owners of a few units a bit sad. On the plus side, almost all of them saw points drops, except the Castigator. Moving over to cool giant monsters, theDimachaeron gets an astounding glow-up. At the moment this profile only applies to the Macharius twin variant, however it would not surprise me to see that profile in the new AM book! All of them can outflank, too even better. Generally, this replaces the old Relic rule now each time you include a unit with this rule in a detachment the Command Cost of that detachment is increased by 1. Like with the other forces, the Xenos factions also see some tweaks and adjustments to their datasheets, along with some points updates We will be digging a little deeper into each of these factions later in the week in some more detail, but theres some great changes across the board. Telemon Heavy Dreadnought: Besides the Plasma flamer bumping up to 12 range, the stats/weapons are unchanged (still T8 baby, WOOOOOOOO). Enh the smaller daemon princes here seem OK but not great. Now it only ignores modifiers for Combat Attrition meaning it is still possible to force you off an objective from shooting. It did pick up the ability to use the previously 30k exclusive Twin Volkite Culverin, a heavy 8 volkite gun. Being able to drop in a caster from this discipline without having to use an HQ slot on a Warlock is something that can plausibly come up. Finally,AdMech get the same incredibly busted improvements to the Termite as everyone else, and keep their two Secutarii datasheets. Additionally they are now only 26 wounds instead of 27 (including the Lancer). The good news is they might do OK at that up front, they are now a real psyker, getting access to smite and knowing one power from the Rune of Battle discipline. Out the gate as our first winner we have theHornet,because all the reasons they used to be good have pretty much stayed the same or improved. The bad news is, the Kytan went up 10 points. Weapons were all simplified, with the Macro weapon type no longer existing, and the Blast ability added where needed. At that point, slap an ATS on it and the main guns are straight up better heavy burst cannons on a chassis thats tougher than a Riptide, so while you do trade off a bit of flexibility, its at least a usable option. All the titans are winners. Pallas Grav-Attack: Lost the -2 to charge grav ability, but is 10 points cheaper. It changes a reasonable amount the weapon goes to D2 rather than D3but the Nova charge mode is now just a flat 9 shots per fun (so 18 total), it goes up to S7 when you Nova it, and the whole package has come down a cool 110pts. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. The Dreadspear melee attack is now 3+D3 damage, vs D6 minimum 3, which is a nice boost, but it does lose Impaling Lunge so no more chance at mortals on the charge. Tau also do very well in the points department with the Rvarna getting a big points cut, we also see a number of weapons tweaks too, with increased damage and strength here and there across the range, perhaps pointing at any future upcoming changes in a new book on the horizon. At a high level, you generally see: With that out the way, on to the factions. Also the only weapon that costs points now is the Arachnus Storm Cannon (which costs the same as before effectively), so every other weapon load out is cheaper now, which is cool. The double shooting Spiculus if you didnt move ability moved to the weapon, so functionally the same, and gained the dread -1D ability. Terrax-Pattern Termite. At least they are 10 points cheaper now for every build except double claws (which stayed the same). The impact was, shall we say, uneven plenty of choices were fine, but there were frequent issues with Forge World units having unintended interactions with newly released rules, and a few choices that were just a bit over-pushed that tended to be over-represented. The Infernus puicks up a big functional improvement too, with its Inferno gun going up to 3d6 shots! We also get a nice two page spread telling the tale of the Death Korps of Krieg and the hellish world they herald from. Then theres theGreater Brass Scorpion,which dropped 75 points while going up to 28 wounds It now also degrades in WS and BS, and so will always have 6 attacks to whiff with as it loses accuracy. They overly complicated old void shield rules have disappeared, now using the new rules we talked about for the Astraeus. Imperial Armour Compendium. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. While the dream of reloading a Deathstrike is there, and re-upping hunter-killer missiles nottotally irrelevant, we all know what this was used for re-rolls on a Baneblade and it doesnt do that any more. He did also get whats probably a downgrade in being declared a Terminator, but if you were planning on warping him in anyway its much of a muchness. Now it can be done every turn (which is a pretty nice change), pick a spot on the board that it moved over, and every unit within 6 takes D3 mortals on a 4+ (-1 to the roll for non vehicle/monster characters). Time will tell. as well. On top of that, they got 1pt cheaper each, and got built in deep strike, and I think the latter point combined with the fact that their new big shots are perfect Gravis killers, especially underExpert Crafters, makes these worth a look. Sicaran Omega. This isincredibly bad;for some units itll just limit to your ability to include multiples but more than likely itll just make some units unplayably bad, since theyre likely to be overcosted before you include the CP. Really like the changes so far! Boo. Credit: Jack Hunter. Falchion/Fellblade As an unapologetic lover of all forms of BIG TANKs, I had to take a look at these too. Cerastus Knight-Castigator. It doesnt cost half as many points its dropped from 235 points down to 170. With the new edition of the game now out in the wild, Forge World have released a similar book this time containing the rules of nearly every unit they currently produce. None of them.and all of them. Its much easier now to drop in a single thing without needing to fill out an additional slot, but youre less likely to be taking multiple. The second thing to note is that this section includes a single new Stratagem: The SmokescreenStratagem from Codex: Space Marines makes an appearance here, allowing units with the relevant keyword (mostly tanks) to pop smoke when shot at for 1 CP instead of having that ability for free in a more proactive use way. Each void shield is a 3 wound pool that has to be eaten through before the vehicle itself takes any damage, and that pool cant overflow so if a lascannon hits for 6 damage the void shield will absorb 3 damage, and the other 3 will just vanish. Now, sure he's a bit less survivable with t7 (and not a 4++ in cc, oh noooo) but his guns are sort of better and he's so cheap. The flamer shooting profile is up to 12 now, like most of the flamer archetype weapons. These rules are better than what we used to have, and their costs do sit in a more realistic range than before, but paying 3 CP to take a greater daemon with no exalted abilities is weak sauce. Goonhammer and Stat Check are Teaming Up! I have been crying out for the Augmented Mount to be usable on any strength of attack, as previously this was locked to S4 and below only, which was a little situational. Shane: The Golden Boys come out mostly on top, which considering half of their unit choices are coming from this book, is quite important. will find the Warhammer 40,000 datasheets for the entire range. The basic and command squad variants go up to three wounds a pop with a 5+ FNP for 15pts each, and get slightly improved in melee from their previous incarnation, with their mounts getting a point of AP on their attacks. A WS/BS 2+ contemptor dread, hes a 9 wound character, has a 4+ invulnerable save, and can do a few mortal wounds when he completes a charge. Credit: Jack Hunter. With recent 9th edition books making this change as well, the points cost of each model is at the end of each section. This has changed somewhat from the previous incarnation, and arguably is a little worse for your foot slogging troops. Lets start with my beautiful special explodey boy, the Kytan Ravager. Warhammer 40k . The good news, however, is that all the various flavours of Death Rider actually might, theyre good with strong Serberys Raider energy to them. It does get cheaper, dropping to 1000pts, but the BATTLESUIT keyword is nowhere to be found on its datasheet, leaving without its primary means of defending itself. I've been working on some seriously unwell looking vampires! Cool, but nothing particularly good. If youre going Krieg, its because you love the models or want to declare cavalry charges! The Necrons get a new fortification in the form of the Sentry Pylons these have made the move from the Heavy slot freeing up some precious Heavy choices for more Doomstalkers! Its unfortunate that these are just presented as a recommendation, as they effectively mean nothing and people will continue to play with whatever rules they want. Solomon Lok never really saw play anyway, but Hector Rex was a popular choice because of how high you could juice him when you added a trait. Innocuous but also undeniably winners we have Tetras, which trade out their one shot, three tokens markerlight for a markerlight that just has heavy 3, while going down 5pts each to boot. A nice little boost overall. The Kustom Stompa not only gets a decent points cut to 800 points, but also gets ome much improved weapons such as the Belly Gun now getting 3D6 shots! Join us on from 7pm - 9pm each Sunday! Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. While the main gun remained essentially the same, both types of sponsons got a shakeup. Goonhammer Reads Science Fiction: Women! Loyalist Knight Atrapos. Someone out there was listening, because this was always the fix it needed. Otherwise it keeps its 5+ invulnerable save, regeneration, and the ability to move over enemy models. Back at the launch of the 8th edition of Warhammer 40,000 we saw a series of volumes from Forge World collecting together all the rules for Forge World units in the new edition of the game. Offensively, the melta cutter increased from d3 shots to 5 shots and picked up the new melta rules, and the termite drill loses the complicated mortal wound thing in exchange for a straight damage increase d3+3 against most targets, and a colossal d3+6 against vehicles. Definitely seem fine here, as you reduce the variance risk a lot. #warhammercommunity #StreamingLive #PaintingWarhammer, Blood for the blood god!! First up, the Warboss on Warbike revs his motorcycle and pulls a sick wheely straight out of legends prison mostly. There are some changes in weapons as well stormcannon arrays trade 2 shots for an extra 12 range, melta lances gain blast but swap from 2d3 to d6 shots, and the grav-flux bombard doubles in shots and has a more standard grav weapon statline. I think it is fair to say however that there was a wide gulf in the balance and efficiency of these units. The 5 included chapters are as follows: Red Scorpions Ultramarines with Inheritors of the Primarch. In this book you. So this makes the bombs way better against an MSU style list that huddles up as it moves around (see MARINES), but makes them much worse vs hordes. Unfortunately, both of these get hit hard by being forced to take theInspiring Leader warlord trait. Finally, for winners, theKill Tank looks surprisingly pushed at its new price, coming down 100pts for the bursta cannon build and a mighty 155 for the giga-shoota build. The one sting in the tail here is that hes returned with theSpeedwaaagh! Grab all the rules for your Forge World collection in one place with the Imperial Armour: Compendium. Likewise their Dreadnoughts also get the same damage reducing abilities to bring them inline! Unfortunately for Tau players, the Yvahra finally gets knifed in the back, fulfilling a long-held vendetta festering in the hearts of many players who ran up against them in early 8th when they were actually good. RIP. Hazardsalso seem OK they get a substantial point cut in exchange for losing a single wound and thats probably a net positive, just about. The premium it pays for having built-in deep strike is massively lower than it used to be, and being able to deploy from the webway removes the worry about it getting punked straight off the board. Minotaurs Imperial Fists with Duellists and Stalwart chapter tactics. Forge World formed a key part of competitive play in 8th Edition, offering a wide range of additional options for some factions alongside some very cool models for players who wanted to try something different. Definitely usable. Depending on how the meta moves, this could help or hinder the Ares. Unless youre set on bringing fancy weapon options, stick with the codex version. Games Workshop provided Sprues & Brews a copy of this book for review purposes. Leviathan Dreadnought. **Somebody give Forge World a camera**My first look at the Imperial Armour Compendium from Forge World.Price 40EnjoySave on Warhammer 40K here: - Elemen. Ultimately, it does still get hard-countered by some flavours of hordes, and any game played with it is going to be a knife edge of making sure you dont get charged by a melee killing machine, but in a similar way to the Taunar in 8th I can see people picking it up and running it to 3-2 finishes or the occasional 4-1. This mighty 224 page book collects together the rules for the majority of current Forge World kits that are available to buy over on the Forge World website (It doesnt include any discontinued models so keep that in mind if you have any older kits, these will receive separate Legends support over on Warhammer Community allowing you to use these in friendly games). Credit: Jack Hunter. Over the next few weeks, well be diving much deeper into these new rules and how they shake things up for each faction and make no mistake, theyshake things up in some pretty big ways. How many wounds? Most notably, its aura now has a 6 radius, making it even easier to use it to shield your forces. Finally, theWasp Assault Walker is justgone, which is a blow to some configurations ofExpert Crafter go-wide builds, as you lose the option of essentially taking three more deep-strike War Walkers. Blood Ravens Ultramarines with Stalwart and Knowledge is Power. This is a great introduction for people who may have missed out on the Siege of Vraks series and gives some brilliantly grimdark flavour to this most dark of regiments! It also helps that the statline is still fine theyve gone to 9W rather than 12, but are at least non-degrading, and get the always-on ability to ignore AP-1, a nice extra upside. Like the Rvarna, they do get a massive point cut, but here it comes with correspondingly massive decrease in capabilities. I hope this is something we see for other less known chapters in the future, even if it is in White Dwarf articles. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Just like the other 40k Codexes it includes a code in the back of the book that unlocks these profiles in the Warhammer 40k app too giving you an easy way of accessing the content on the move. Vindicator Laser Destroyer. But usable. Fundamentally, the ability to build yourself an incredibly deadly melee missile at a cut-down price is restored, so I guess enjoy that! The second rule isnt really a rule its a set of recommended traits and parent chapters for various Forgeworld created chapters. 2 - Space Marines and Forces of the Inquisition, War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes (Second Edition), Vol. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Venatari Spear is now flat 2 damage (fuck you D3 damage) and grants an extra attack. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. These certainly exist, and you can use them. Fundamentally, you spend 130pts on a unit and they have a very strong chance of popping out of DS and immediately picking up 100pts+ of Gravis models. Theycould be OK spammed withGunnery Experts. Warhammer 40,000 Imperial Armour: Compendium is available now from Forge World for 40. Also the Adrathic option is slightly cheaper, so basically everything about Aquilon got better, except for the claw. The Sentinel has historically been the better unit, but the Stalker is nowso cheap that I actually might give it the nod as the superior option just as a throwaway push unit. This seems a really fun way of making Titans useable in a normal game, and Im looking forward to seeing how my titans fare as soon as we are able to film battles again! #warhammercommunity #warhammer #warhammer40k #khorne #angron #worldeaters #40k #arksofomen #paintingwarhammer #paintingforgeworld #painting #paintings #miniatures #miniaturespainting #warmongers #ad. Brayarth Ashmantle keeps his strength 8, but drops from toughness 9 all the way to toughness 7. Why are there no pictures of the vehicles. People are sad about the leviathan, but before the compendium he was approaching a Knight in points, had terrible rules, was more expensive than the loyalist version and his guns were average. [ [2] Description This compendium includes 222 datasheets, including super-heavy units and highly specialised troops. Its great to see all these characters represented still, as a lot are from very old IA books. Sicarans in general also bumped up to a 2+ save, making them surprisingly durable, and took a substantial points cut. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. TheMeka-Dread andMega-Dread both get quite a lot cheaper and that definitely works in their favour they dont have as many weird and wonderful options, but their defensive profile is just way more proportionate to their price if you feel like taking them. for open , narrative and matched play. The Imperial Armour books have also featured a few less well known successor chapters over the years, and Imperial Armour Compendium features suggested chapter tactics to best represent the way they fight I love this and gives players a framework towards designing their chapter to best fit the lore and narrative of the army as reflected in Warhammer 40k literature! The first is that the units in the Chaos Space Marine section reference the
keyword, and where they do, they tell you to refer toCodex: Chaos Space Marines. What stats do the turbolaser have? It got both cheaper and bump in firepower, making it an interesting option for someone who wants to go in on vehicles. Cerastus-Knight Lancer saw not only a 20 points drop, but also gained a souped up melee attack profile for when it charges. Thanks, guys. The Imperium section of the book is fairly chunky and contains a shed load of new profiles and rules! Shane: No major rules changes, mostly sweeping points drops. This makes the Exalted Daemons much easier to take in a game, and I cant wait to include them in lists again as they are some of my favourite models and deserve to be on the battlefield again! Wings:Its Xenos time, and as the chief elf-liker/army understander, Im taking the wheel from here, starting with Craftworlds. The Stormblade andPraetor stand out a bit as both get a signifcant bump to their main guns, with the Stormblade going up a point of damage and the Praetor getting an extra D6 shots on the firetstorm mode. Across the rest of the Astra Militarum section we seem some great Quality of Life updates as well as weapon and profile updates that make for some fun changes to these units! Fast, durable-ish units that are OK in melee is absolutely something the guard range is badly missing for 9th, so it does feel like a Krieg Vanguard or Outrider to use some of these is a genuinely plausible option. imperial armour compendium 9th edition pdf trove. Finally, in terms of really big mean things, the Hierophant is an actual unit you can kind of take now, down to 850pts instead of its previous, comical 2K price tag. Their Gas Bombs are still excellent and with the Grenadiers stratagem will be painful for anyone on the recovering end! All flavours ofMalcador also go down a lot in cost, and while it probably doesnt make them competitive, like a lot of things it stops them being as hateful to use. Ares Gunship: ARES-GATE continues, with a 20 point increase, and the attack changes from the Orion. 800 pts, but what do you get for that? The Hellcrusher claws have added a sweep mode for clearing out smaller units very helpful and the Scorpion cannon now fires 15 S5 1 damage shots instead of 10 S6 2 damage shots. 44.3M . Well be following up further on some factions over the next few weeks, so make sure you keep an eye out for those if youve got a particular set of units in mind. None of these losers should be at all surprising to anyone keeping an eye on what was showing up in competitive lists. Thats especially true because. Meanwhile, the Tantalus gets ahuge price cut in exchange for trading out the weird warlord no one cared about and is also pretty strong as Covens. Also randomly lost 1 point in base strength characteristic, not that is was any good in melee anyway. They all picked up a substantial number of wounds, with a warhound now having 50 wounds and a warlord 120, but dropped in toughness, with the warlord the only titan at T9. Grab a brew and paint/chat with us! [[2], This compendium includes 222 datasheets, including super-heavy units and highly specialised troops. Learn how your comment data is processed. Imperial Armour Compendium is an Imperial Armour book for the 9th Edition of Warhammer 40,000. The Astra Militarum were the OG beneficiaries of Forge World units, and they retain a prodigious range, though some of their options have been archived off as part of this update (mostly very similar variants on existing units). In an edition that prioritizes having bodies to take objectives and keep your opponent off theirs, spending several hundred points on a single tank thats going to have trouble moving around is already a tough sell, and adding a big additional CP cost is a tough pill to swallow. The big fliers all get slammed to BS4+ without much changes in their prices, and thats a pretty bad look for them. This iteration of the rules really gets rid of that, and while there are still good or bad units theres a lot less room between them. Across the board most special rules have moved from being specifically written out on datasheets to referencing back to Codex: Space Marines. 1 - Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy, Vol. I reckon the Studio have done a great job here at bringing together all these profiles updated and tweaked for the new addition with baked in compatibility to their parent Codexes. The Tarantula Battery also makes the move to a Fortification slot, making taking 3 units of these very tempting for some objective defence! Finally, theHades Breaching Drill looks kind of great now its been detached from the mandatory tag-along veterans, so you can take them as a separate squad as desired, and its melee attacks have been charged up, both getting d3+3 instead of d3 and being flat D3 against most targets and flat D6 against vehicles. The Gatling Cannon is unchanged, and the Cleavers Slash profile gets a helpful boost moving to 2 damage from D3. So what do I think of the new book? That makes them kind of losers overall. The Reaper has been dialed back abit from its absurdly pushed position in Chapter Approved, going up a few points and being standardised to the Raider profile, but it keeps the ability to be Covens so can still abuse Dark Technomancers to your hearts content, with the big profile of the main gun even getting a damage boost.