But with close margins in several states, President Donald Trump has not conceded and officials have not certified vote tallies as litigation by the Trump campaign continues. SECURE STREAM The law created a new federal agency, United States Election Assistance Commission, to serve as a clearinghouse for election administration information; it created Federal funds to help states improve election administration and replace outdated voting systems. Finally the Act proposed to create minimum standards for states to follow in several key areas of election administration. After a couple allegedly painted over a Black Lives Matter mural, she filed three misdemeanor charges against them including violation of civil rights (a hate crime charge), vandalism, and possession of tools to commit vandalism. But that gift only hints at . Two partners, John Poulos and James Hoover, founded Dominion Voting Systems in 2000 in Toronto. George Soros's Family Office Bets Against Crypto Bank Silvergate . He was arrested . [2] Open Society Foundations financially supports civil society groups around the world, with a stated aim of advancing justice, education, public health and independent media. That is OK for election integrity, or? That in itself is ground for concern. The Georgia recount had been riddled with bipartisan corruption. Mugica is CEO of SGO Smartmatic and his Venezuelan cofounder, Roger Piate, also. ES&S was close to the Bush Republican Party. Many have heard of him, and most understand that he spends millions on U.S. politics, but very few know the specifics. Part of the selection process to fill the vacancy included a questionnaire in which Becton repeatedly plagiarized responses, including Martin Luther King Jr. quotes she somehow thought wouldnt get recognized. Dominion Voting Systems is a Canadian company officially founded in the year 2000 with its headquarters in Denver, Colorado. It is estimated that 100 women will directly benefit from election technology skills training per pilot election. 14, South Lyon, MI, 48178, John Poulos . Two of the three are foreign companies. After Braggreleased a memostating that his office would not be seeking prison sentences for crimes such as armed robbery, drug dealing, and burglary, more than nine prosecutors in Manhattan quit. Dominions Democracy 5.5 system, the one used in Georgia, was approved by the National Elections Assistance Commission in 2018. James StewartCaddo Parish, Louisiana. In St. Louis, the term is circuit attorney. He has been also a board member of George Soros Open Society Foundations and Soros Quantum Fund. The chairman of Smartmatic is Mark Malloch-Brown, a member of the British House of Lords, who also is a member of the Global Board of the Soros-founded Open Society Foundations, The Associated Press reported. This was an isolated error, there is no evidence this user error occurred elsewhere in the state, and if it did it would be caught during county canvasses, which are conducted by bipartisan boards of county canvassers, the office of Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, said in a written statement. Meanwhile, violent crime, specifically gun violence,remains a serious and growing problemfor cities and counties in the 16th Circuit, a problem that Colom has been accused of doing little to combat. That $40 million is a drop in a bucket to the $32 billion that backs his political empire. The chief executive officer of Dominion Voting Systems on Thursday did not rule out taking legal action against President Donald Trump as the election technology company has been the target of. Fear Made John McAfee Rich. What little that is known about Staple Street, the new owners of Dominion is that several came from the controversial private equity giant, Carlyle Group Partners. Fellow Smartmatic USA board member, Paul DeGregorio, was Chairman of the United States Election Assistance Commission (EAC) from 2003-2007. He is no friend to America. Colorado, Poulos ( 215 Spadina Ave., Suite 200, Toronto, Ontario, Canada ), AGENT: Cogency Global, CO Filing History THESE RECORDS OF POULOS ADDRESS AFTER INCORPORATION APPEAR TO BE DOCTORED. The company is headquartered in Denver. The company is headquartered in Denver. Smartmatic assigned a major portion of its development teams, to revamping Sequoias old-fashioned, legacy voting machines, and replacing their technology with avant-garde proprietary features and developments, which, In 2007 Princeton Professor of Computer Science, Andrew Appel, testified as an expert in a legal case in New Jersey involving the Sequoia Advantage voting machines that it was very easy to replace the software inside a computerized machine so it tells the voter it is voting for one candidate but really puts the vote in the wrong columnYou can even, In the same year 2007, the California Secretary of State decertified Sequoia voting machines in the state election, declaring that the Sequoia voting machines allow the insertion of a Trojan program via a malicious USB removable storage media device that could modify ballot definitions and results. The ruling added that Sequoia voting machines could be made to shift votes from one candidate to another and [the shift] was not detectable on the voter verifiable paper. Colom oversees District 16 in Mississippi, which includes Lowndes, Oktibbeha, Clay, and Noxubee Counties. He made a fortune as an investor and first began his philanthropic work. Jody OwensHinds County, Mississippi. Crime is rapidly rising in major American cities, primarily where liberal District Attorney's (DA) received large sums of money . Kim OggHarris County (Houston), Texas. EAC was created by the 2002 Help America Vote Act and is responsible for administering payments to states and developing guidance to meet HAVA requirements, adopting voluntary voting system guidelines, and accrediting voting system test laboratories and certifying voting equipment. Sitting also with Neffenger and DeGregorio at the USA Smartmatic board is Gracia Hillman who also served as Chairman of the US Election Assistance Commission from 2003 to 2010 under Obama. However, further insuring that the Canadian Dominion would remain opaque to scrutiny, in 2018 the company was taken over as a private company by its employees together with an opaque private equity firm, Staple Street Capital of New York, allowing them to claim being a US-owned company, despite its headquarters in Canada. Allowing people with strong political views to essentially count the votes when they are politically connected is almost like allowing a defense contractor to sit in on meetings where the Pentagon decides what weapons systems to use. Retired Chicago Park District Supervisor of Welles Park. #CNN #News #. Private companies have run elections since then. Cameras inside the airport showPoulos passing through security to board an overnight flight to Panama. According to Dominions website, its machines also are used in the states of California, Utah, Alaska, Colorado, New Mexico, Illinois, New York, and New Jersey, plus Puerto Rico. Paulson had made his name betting against mortgage securities in the months leading up to the financial crisis. Brian MiddletonFort Bend County, Texas. Lesser known but also well financed by Soros, Stollsteimer was the first Democratic DA ever elected in Delaware County, boosted by roughly$100,000 in adspaid for by Soros during 2019. Lawsuits in the Philippines ensued over glitches and allegations of fraud. Sprint & OTHERS: Billionaire Democrat megadonor George Soros and his daughter are reportedly funding 13 radical Democrats running for Congress in 2022. Soros moved to England after World War II and studied at the London School of Economics, where he was a student of philosopher Karl Popper, whose book "The Open Society and its Enemies" inspired. John Poulos - $2,820 in Political Contributions for 2020, Campaign Finance, Money, American politics, American political campaign contributions, presidential campaign contributions . Dominion Voting Systems, a voting machine manufacturer founded in Canada, made equipment that is used in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. Getty Images. T-Mobile: 605-781-4582 Darius PattilloHenry County, Georgia. 25, 2010. The contested State of Georgia has eight registered Dominion lobbyists including Jared Thomas, former chief of staff for Republican Governor Brian Kemp. After last weeks announcement, Biberaj claimed that letting all these crimes go unpunished would allow her office to devote more resources to victims of more serious crimes such as murder, rape, and domestic violence, not speeding tickets.. He replied, Yes, if they have access. Asked who that included, he replied, Vendors, election officials, and others who need to be granted access. The same Coomer in 2020 was discovered posting Facebook posts. In the 2020 election Dominion was responsible for some 50% of all votes in 30 states and was dominating in every state where the outcome is being contested by the Trump legal teams, namely in Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia. In 2007 Princeton Professor of Computer Science, Andrew Appel, testified as an expert in a legal case in New Jersey involving the Sequoia Advantage voting machines that it was very easy to replace the software inside a computerized machine so it tells the voter it is voting for one candidate but really puts the vote in the wrong columnYou can even programit to do that only on election day.. In short, Smartmatic bought US-based Sequoia, put its technology into Sequoia, and then sold it to Dominion. Joe GonzalezBexar County (San Antonio), Texas. The Daily Signal depends on the support of readers like you. 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In 2002 that changed, as Congress passed a law seemingly designed to end the problem with punch card ballots. This article is part of a series that provides an ongoing analysis of the changes made to George Soros's 13F stock portfolio on a quarterly basis. A bad data card postponed the uploading of 4,000 absentee ballots and 460 early in-person votes, CNN reported. Ten days after taking office, Portland DA Mike Schmidt (backed with $320,000 from Soros) announced that hed refuse to prosecute rioters in the summer of 2020, and instead defended them. Soros was convicted of insider trading in France in 2002, a court determining that he had "acted with the knowledge that the bank might be a takeover target," according to Bloomberg. Today Antonio Mugica sits in London, where Smartmatic now oversees a global network of computer vote rigging. Fred Lucas The SBC Consortium comprised Smartmatic (51%), Bitza software (2%), and state telecommunications organization CANTV (47%). In unofficial results, Biden defeated Trump in Michigan by 50.6% to 47.9%. Mark Malloch-Brown, chairman of SGO Smartmatic is quite a key figure. 1. Poulos, George J. Beloved husband of Michele (nee Turone); fond brother to Martha Schaffrath. The footage showed: American man joined ISIS:Michigan man faces 50 years in prison. Soros was the largest spender in the race, and Gascon won easily. Poulos fled the country to neighboring Panama after Trespalacios body was recovered, officials said. Dominion entered a 2009 contract with Smartmatic, which builds and implements electronic voting systems, and provided it with optical scanners used in the 2010 election in the Philippines, Accesswire reported. . George Soros used his fortune to create the Open Society Foundationsa network of foundations, partners, and projects in more than 120 countries. John Poulos, a Texas man suspected of killing his DJ girlfriend, Valentina Trespalacios, in Colombia is expected to be extradited from Panam. At the time Dominion of Canada bought Sequoia SVS Inc, the latter had contracts for 300 jurisdictions in 16 states. Homicide rates soared,organized shoplifting spreesravaged the city,trains were stopped and ransackedby mobs of looters. The 2004 referendum was their first venture into voting machines. In fact, Soross funding of Patello nearly went unreported, possibly because Patello does not seem to share the radical views of his fellow Soros DAs. The previous Christian Democratic regime of Rafael Caldera had passed a law requiring automated voting and the US voting companies ES&S and the Spanish Indra Systems had established a presence in the country. The delegation believes that given the proven success of these projects, U.S. support must be restored. After his release with an ankle monitor, the man allegedly went on a crime spree committing 10 armed robberies. Available Here: STREAM RBN *LIVE* Buta BiberajLoudoun County, Virginia. Billionaire philanthropist George Soros is reviled in right wing circles not, of course, because of his vast wealth, which he earned as a good, old-fashioned capitalist, but because of how he. John was born on April 23, 1931 in Nostimo, Evrytania, Greece . Most recently, Creuzotfailed to get a convictionin straightforward case against Billy Chemirmir, a Kenyan immigrant charged with murdering and robbing 18 elderly women in assisted living facilities. One of Soross newest DAs, Bragg was elected in 2021 as the DA of Manhattan, largely thanks to approximately$1.1 million given by Sorosthat year to groups supporting Bragg. This meant voters couldnt cast machine ballots for two hours on Election Day, prompting a state court to extend voting hours to 11 p.m. Later, Gwinnett County, which also uses Dominion machines, experienced a delay in reporting results. Bush signed the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA). The SBC Consortium comprised Smartmatic (51%), Bitza software (2%), and state telecommunications organization CANTV (47%). The investor is intent on remaking the country to his liberal image, from our foreign policy priorities to undermining our criminal justice. And John Thain, the CEO of CIT Group, was the last CEO of Merrill Lynch, a controversial run that ended with the sale of Merrill Lynch to Bank of America. Family will meet friends on Saturday for 10 AM mass at St. Hilary Church, 5600 N. Fairfield in Chicago. Investigators determined that Trespalacios had been staying with Poulos at a nearby shorty-stay rental apartment since Jan. 19, the same day Poulos entered the country. One of the most famous and polarizing Soros-backed DAs, Kim Gardner has served as the circuit attorney of crime-ridden St. Louis since 2017 and has repeatedly used her office to prosecute conservatives while allowing criminals to walk free. We believe in equality and justice for all.. Matt Palumbo, author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros, explains how the 92-year-old has gone around legislatures to decide which laws will be followed. Hedge fund billionaires John Paulson and George Soros were part of the group that together with buyout baron Christopher Flowers and billionaire Michael Dell bought the assets in 2009 of the. And he ran it, Soros ran it. My name is John Poulos, and I am the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Dominion Voting Systems. Ironically, that very exercise teaches them that there arent many dangers associated with breaking the law. Billionaire globalist George Soros has hedged a $500 million dollar bet on the U.S. economy failing and corporations becoming bankrupt. George Soros is the most dangerous man in America. Since 2016, when Soros first began to back the campaigns of district attorneys (presumably as part of the Resistance to the Trump administration), CRC researchers have tracked more than$29 millionin funding from Soros through a personal network of political action committees (PACs) formed specifically to back left-wing DA candidates.