Daniella Amato is a biomedical scientist and fact checker with expertise in pharmaceuticals and clinical research. Dang. Daniel Craig. JESSICA: I had a girlfriend named Jessica once. A stupid name. Short for "Tomorrow I am going to change my stupid name!". IDA: Little known fact: IDA is an acronym for I'm a Dumb Ass. DIANA: Ah yes, Diana. How terrible your name is. Who puts an L after a B, and then an A and a K, and an E at the end?? VIOLA: Viola. CARRIE: No one will ever like your name. You were a meter maid. An Daniel a day keeps the doctor away. Litter-patter; Whiskers Cat Puns. HAZEL: Ah, Hazel: the color of my total indifference to your name. What'd you say? KANYE: Watch the Throne was really disappointing. MARCUS: Marcus: just the name "Mark" but with extra stupid on top. OR Take a hat. Congrats. (tosses squealing kid through the air, onto the bed), Facebook status: I have the best husband in the world. Everything I dough, I dough it for you. Stupid. EZRA: You know what's better than Ezra? 1. Peasant of names. You gonna name your son FBI? FRANCISCO: From the latin "Francis." That barf is more appealing than your name. they are always up to something. OR You spelled Jamie wrong. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. IRMA: Irma gerd, yir nirm is srrrr sturpid. 3. David Niven. GLADYS: Glad I don't have to listen to your stupid name anymore. William (Bill) Ding. Grand Dan 12. var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); CHARLES: Barkley. This helps them create an online profile and lead them to your social media profiles. CHERYL: Cheryl, the favored name of hairdressers all over the world. CARL: If you're gonna go with Norse, why not something more awesome? Oh! BRIANA: Almost like the cheese, but stupid. CHRIS: Chris. MIGUEL: Miguel. Could your name be any lazier? Daniel Mendoza (17641836), English Heavyweight Boxer, Daniel Webster (17821852), American Statesman, Daniel Day-Lewis, the famous English Actor, Daniel Tosh, American Stand-Up Comedian and Television Presenter. Leetified usernames are not only more challenging to lead to other online accounts, but they also allow you to pick similar-looking usernames if your desired one is already taken. LIZZIE: Ever play the arcade game, RAMPAGE, by Game Refuge? Or Daniel the Animal?? The middle one. Scary. Al?! You were named after Carlos Mencia. English for 'Dumbass'. Oh! TEDDY: Yeah, right, and my name is "Sexy Lingerie.". Pets I want to have.. An otter name Harry Otter. MEGAN: Rearrange your name. LYDIA: Rhymes with chlamydia. Xander K Occhipinti. VINCENT: Vincent Price was so awesome the name Vincent should have died with him. ISRAEL: I'm not even going to touch this one. JULIAN: Latin for "belonging to Julius." which is what God kept yelling as he pounded your mother from behind. OR Olga. VIOLET: Violet, the color of autoerotic asphyxiation. You have a dog's name. I'm cu.. One did? Never flossed. You have a dumb name and so does your dad. RENEE: Your name is mostly vowels. Your name is stupid. Lock stock and barrel. Anyone else? Using a username generator like SpinXO will create a unique username using traits known only to you and your closest associates. In Hebrew, it is written as Daniyyel which translates to means God is my judge. VIRGINIA: Who's afraid of Virginia Woolfe? MARLON: Bingo. ), He said, "Have you got Jack Daniels Honey? AILEEN: You spelled your name wrong, dummy. MANDY: You broke Barry Manilow's heart with your stupid name. We didn't think you would, but hey, you did! The Irish are liars. KIM: Just leave. NIKKI: Are you the Nikki from that Prince song? DARNELL: Where in the Darn Hell did you get such a stupid name? 5. What does Daniel Craig and Sean Connery do in a bar? You were born in 1993. DARLENE: You must have found your name in a trash can. Hm, what else? These clever Daniel nicknames are inspired by wordplay, movie references and other popular sources of witty puns. After interpreting the Kings dream, he began to serve in the kings court. Jack left you because your name is terrible. So you like metal? Dan: Dan or DAN may refer to: Dan (name), including a list of people with the name Dan (king), several kings of Denmark Dan people, an ethnic group located . Her name was too stupid. RELATED: Pickle Puns That Will Pickle Your Funny Bone. Is he the one that died of syphyllus? OK, but what's your first name? OR Sounds like something you'd find in a spongy decaying mass of fecal matter. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Heather. Also, consult the index for a new name. EVE: Your name reads the same forwards and backwards, in case you forget what direction to read. SAM: At least Sam Adams makes beer. Scrub your name off of you. HAROLD: If you're gonna go Norse, why not something more awesome? AVA: Your name is the same forwards and backwards, in case you forget which way to read, dummy. We hope you enjoy this massive list of funny bear puns. The other day I touched on at the station. DEBRA: Ah yes, the fabled Debra - ancestor to the Zebra. OR I just did a chemical analysis of your name, and its PH level is too high. ELIZABETH: A beautifully stupid name, from the idiotic "El" to the slack-jawed "iza," then stumbling to the finish line with a breathless "beth." My new shoes are toe-tally toe-riffic. Your name is dumb. Dan glanced at the small watch he kept clipped to his belt, and smiled. But if you're looking for a way to laugh some calories away rather than pack them on, these half-baked bread puns may be just what you knead. JOY: Joy. I was wondering what's taking them so long to count all the votes in Nevada. OR Were you named after a TREE?! I wandered through my life Amy-lessly." "Took a girl named Amy on a date to Dave & Busters (this is an arcade). It first broke into the top 20 in 1952, and top 10 in 1976. NED: Winter is coming. Put it back right now! Verywell Family's content is for informational and educational purposes only. QUENTIN: Hey, I have been working on this movie script, will you take a look at it? You'll then see 30+ unique usernames created tailored to your character. MAVIS: I need to staple your mouth shut so you never say your name out loud again. Good luck. container.style.maxWidth = container.style.minWidth + 'px'; JERI: You spelled your name wrong, dummy. Continue with Recommended Cookies. That's your name? Several times stupider. LAWRENCE: If only we could strap your name to some horses and quarter it. BRIT: Brit. Choke on a footlong. LIZ: Short for lizard, the stupidest of animals. Stupid. LEIGH: Leigh it out to me, how stupid do you think your name is? BROOKE: Let's go fishing! American for purely stupid. JARRED: The Subway guy? KEVIN: Old Irish for "gentle birth." SHIRLEY: Surely, your name is very stupid. AMIE: You spelled Amy wrong. Crossword finished. OR Open your mouth, you're made to be pooped in. A stupid spot, for a stupid name. Ahhhhh! Smells gnarley. LAKEISHA: Almost a lake, not quite a person. I'm looking for a good, cool and short finsta username. TRACY: Dick. The different language nickname. JANA: Jana bana bobbana banana fanna fo your name is so stupid. NEW!! FELICIA: Ms. Day, so lovely to meet you. OR Mmmm.deep dish pizza. Drives a Winnebago. SOCORRO: The World Cup is just around the corner! He is your Lord, because your name is stupid. Curbt, no. Shutup dumb name. Get an adult's name. JEN: J.E.N. DAN: You're the man. Your parents must have thought really hard about that one. Still, we communicate with our family, friends, and colleagues. An American walks into the store, Would you like to be known on TV as Daniel?. ABIGAIL: Hebrew for "her father's joy." Your father's joy must have been making his daughter live with a shitty name. Case closed. HUGO: Hugo change your name right now. Im trying to add more hole foods to my diet. Come on, they have NICKMOM. The purpose of a random username is to create unique and secure credentials for every account. *Your name is stupid*. Have we met? window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'stat_source_id', 44); OR I'll break you with a vampire's fang, stupid. Gilbert had a studiper name. container.style.maxWidth = container.style.minWidth + 'px'; What do you call a man who has a spade for a head? I am. MOHAMMAD: I'm not going to touch this one. ADRIAN: ADRIAAAAN! Old English for "counselled by elves". TERRI: You were named after a washcloth. Ole! OWEN: O wen o wen will you figure out that your name is stupid? RUTH: Ruth. Shortly after arriving, the meeting I had been going to got postponed. But, still a dumb name. Quit pretending to be something you're not. I mean, who puts an E after an H, followed by an R and a Y? Then sail away so your name is never heard again. Also its stupid level. WALDO: I found you and your stupid name. CHEAP. Ever. STEFAN: You spelled Stephen wrong. This whiteboard is remarkable. OK, but what's your first name? HEATH: Cool creamy chocolate outside, sticky gross name inside. VERNA: The name your father gave you when he really wanted a "Vern.". BEULAH: Please call 815.762.0829 - I will make fun of your name personally. Douglas. Your stupid name. I am. A stupid name. Inspecting mirrors is a job I could really see myself doing. Most online portals, platforms, or logins won't even let you without contacting customer support. container.appendChild(ins); A place where rabbits have sex. For having a stupid name. We can't improve on that. Not. STACIE: You spelled your name wrong, dummy. ANGIE: You should get an Angie-oplasty. BEN: Big Ben, the most iconic clock tower in London, was renamed Elizabeth Tower. PERRY: Take this bottle of champagne, break it on your new yacht. Notable Daniels in history include:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'findnicknames_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_1',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-findnicknames_com-medrectangle-4-0'); So, asides the usual Daniel nicknames such as Dan and Danny, what are the nicknames you can call someone named Daniel? JOE: If your name was any more average, it would be a man with a beer belly watching TV in a Snuggie. WHO IS JULIUS AND WHY DO YOU BELONG TO HIM?? Like your name. Traci. JUSTINE: Justine time for me to tell you how stupid your name is. A stupid name for a homo sapien. And it is not only criminals or hackers who may not want to view your profiles; perhaps you'd like to avoid your boss, colleagues, or clients checking on your private life. Theres a 100% chance of sprinkles today. English for "overrated pop star.". CARMEN: Some should write an opera about how stupid your name is. CAROLINE: Hands, touching hands. Besides that it's STUPID. CHERRY: Put that on top of the pile of suck ass names. TERRA: Pots be broken by Link. After dropping the car off, the penguin goes for a walk around town. Walks with a peg. Face like a latrine. RAY: Doe: A deer. He said: No, my name is Daniel. var alS = 2021 % 1000; Why does Princess Leia keep her hair tied up in buns? ZACHARY: A variant of the biblical Zechariah, who has an even stupider name. Colonization! Daniel was in the top 10 consistently from 1981 to 1995, reaching its peak at the rank of 5 in 1985 and 1990, and was a top-10 name again from 1999 to 2011. BELINDA: Yes. ANNA: Anna Anna Bo-banna, Banana Fanna Fo you have such a stupid name. JANICE: Stupid. Most unique and secure usernames are at least ten characters long. All with better names than yours. Some of the best puns youll find, though, relate to a sweet breakfast treat: the donut. Puns: (To) beat (someone) to the pun; Sucker pun; To pun a can of worms; keep one's eye pun (A) pun in the butt (To) jump the pun (To) pull a fast pun (To) pun a fever (To) pun in the family (to) sit this pun out Your name rhymes with vagina. The puns below are the funniest 10 puns, as voted by you as the best puns that we have. CLARENCE: Every time a bell rings an angel reminds us the name Clarence is stupid. Thanks asshole. JILL: Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. 3. Equals: even stupider name. JESSIE: Girls name, boys name. lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId + '-asloaded'), { attributes: true }); .medrectangle-3-multi-124{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Now, it is your turn to add a good nickname for Daniel to the list. HOUSTON: We have a problem. MABLE: Mable. Stupid names. If you have much time on your hands or only sometimes sign up for new online accounts, then creating unique usernames can be fun to do yourself. OR Dikembe Mutombo has 6 names. What's more, you can do this in over 23 languages, from Latin to Gothic to even Klingon! I don't trust stairs. James (Jim) Nastics. MARSHALL: You've got the authority to find yourself a new name. MARTIN: Damn, Gina, that's one stupid name! Cassie. ROSETTA: Russian. OR How's Fred doing? In just 6 short weeks! GALE: Like the wind I feel on my face whenever you talk your stupid words. Still, many people choose to reuse the same login name for multiple accounts. Swamp-a. Try again. (I know its Muir/Robach and Stahl/Dickerson but I grew up with Mr. Downs and Ms. Walters. SANDY: Bad adjective, even worse noun. | For a trashy wannabe. DANTE: Woah. At the Darth Maul. Do all Asian guys look the same to you? MARIE: Marie Curie died. TAMMY: Tammy! To find a better, less stupid name. CECELIA: I cecelia think that your name is very stupid. TJ: Nice acronym. ANDREW: Ancient Greek for "manly," which in ancient Greece meant that you had sex with little boys. Clerks? ANGEL: Named for the being who descended from heaven to convince your mom to give you a shitty name. More Humorous, Punny Jokes. The shortened full name nickname. MARGARET: Commonly shortened to "Maggie," otherwise there'd be too much stupid. JAN: What, because Janet was too hard to say? Justnot in your name. OR You deserve to be punched, just because of your name. Stupid name. The different language nickname. LES: Less is more. BEATRICE: Aren't you one of the Golden Girls? Guess not. Looks like Chris Farley. Where'd you get that hicky? TERRY: Terry, a cloth to clean up sweaty fecal matter. Daughter of parents with bad taste in names. Some things to consider while coming up with a nickname for Daniel are here: 1. Several times stupider. Russell. KERI: Your name looks like something you would find at the bottom of a sink drain. Use it in a sentence. actor, I refused to believe I was gay & dyslexic, My son asked me,can I have a book mark?. They are all less stupid than yours. Who doesnt love a good donut (and chuckle) in the morning? A: A stupid name. SHELBY: As in, by shells? Philipa Bucket (Fill up a bucket) Rhoda Wolff (Rode a wolf) Robyn Banks (Robbing banks) Seymour Cox (See more cocks) Sue Flay (Souffle) Sum Ting Wong (Something wrong) Teresa Brown (Trees are brown) Teresa Crowd (Three's a crowd) Teresa Green (Trees are green) ISAIAH: You're not allowed to have that many vowels in your name. TINA: Tina, the ancestrial name of chihuahua dogs everywhere. But, everyone is afraid of your stupid name. Short for "Additional brain cells needed.". MICKEY: Hey, Mickey, you're so fine, you're so fine your name is stupid. What does a dyslexic geneticist name their son? Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku: "Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku" (DAN DAN , "Step By Step I'm Falling Under Your Spell") is the fourth single by Japanese rock band Field of View. Don't be lazy. ELLEN: She should talk to you about changing your name. The baby lost the toe-sucking competition, he tasted defeat and nothing else. I dont think youre ready for this jelly. Your name is stupid. Daniel Craig, the famous James Bond actor. MURRAY: Hi. You're welcome. Several times stupider. Your name is stupid. CARTER: The only President name that is also the name of my childhood dog. JAVIER: Jav-i-you ever thought about a name change? Which imperial officer hated Thanksgiving? See how lame your name is. ADRIANA: Ancient greek for "tree weasel.". FERNANDO: Fernando Botero: a man for whom only sculpture could express the stupidity of his name. OK, but what's your first name? No waitrun. GLEN: When? AUTUMN: Well, technically only until December 21st. TIMOTHY: Even people with the stupid name Tim think the name Timothy is stupid. MARJORIE: Just makes people think of jam. OR That's a color, not a name. That is not a compliment. var pid = 'ca-pub-1387622271799709'; Time to get a new chronometer. "Would you rather be Dan, or Dan Rather?". KAREEM: Block this: your name is stupid. DALE: Earnhart. Here is a list of Russian Names and Surnames that serve as distinctive nicknames for Daniel. BIZ: Biz is as bad a name for a person as Jelly is for a company. Truth. Not making fun of the bible, but laughing with it! OR yourself on the back for having the dumbest name known to humankind. That's just a sound that leaves make. OR Chuck. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer), Pickle Puns That Will Pickle Your Funny Bone, cow jokes thatll make you spit out your milk, Stock Your Spring Closet with 12 Dresses Under $100, 105 Silly Valentines Day Puns to Make Your Sweetheart Smile, 50 Thanksgiving Puns That Will Make Your Dinner Guests Bust a Gut, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. CURT: Let's be blunt instead. An airline company lost a man's luggage, so he decided to sue them. SHELIA: Sh-yearight. Peak in and youll find the most-loved nicknames for Daniel. 100+ Lovely Nicknames For Your Girlfriend (With Meanings), 1000+ Cool Gamer Tags and How to Create a Unique Gamer Tag, 500+ Cute Couple Nicknames For Him or Her, 1000+ Cute Nicknames For Girls (With Meanings), 154 Hindi/Indian Nicknames For Guys and Girls. LORI: Short for Lauren. ASHLEY: Ashley, a girl that is bored and looks up her name on Urban Dictionary. OR You are a bird. So, this was all about awesome nicknames for Daniel. No. If you'd instead do it yourself, all you have to do is replace letters with similar symbols: for example: Try the SpinXO username generator to create a personal and secure username, gamer tags, nicknames, or social media handles. Body like a barrel. LETA: Like Feta, but from a goat's butt instead. Personality based nicknamesif(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'namesfrog_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_7',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-namesfrog_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'namesfrog_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_8',109,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-namesfrog_com-medrectangle-4-0_1'); .medrectangle-4-multi-109{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. OLIVE: The color people's faces turn when they hear your name. Unless, of course, you play bass." - Douglas Adams. Why do you hate Christmas? JOEY: You're one of the few people who saw "Friends" and said, hey! Me neither. Look at that barf. He lie. LUKE: I am your father. RHONDA: Help me Rhonda. Mind dim. Stupid. ROXANNE: Roxanne! 2. RHEA: Rhea Perlman, we miss Cheers. More Cat Puns. Him> Four what? MARYANN: Choose one. Latin for "bat testicles.". That's dumb. What did the members of ABBA say to Mr. Aykroyd when they wanted to hear Bohemian Rhapsody at karaoke night? Which side of a wookie has the most hair? ALFREDO: Alfredo. Spanish. Sissy name. By changing your name to something not stupid. ERIKA: Erika is just "Erik" with an "a" tacked on. EUGENIA: Did your genes give you this stupid name? FRIEDA: I have a confession. Dumb name. lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId + '-asloaded'), { attributes: true });var cid = '6300803632'; The femine form of "Stupid.". STEFANIE: You spelled Stephanie wrong. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. What to expect A colorful, varied album full of stories, observations, jokes and criticism - wrapped in catchy songs that are . You smell. Stupid. 3. Tweet Engagement Stats. You are nothing. He specializes in research and content writing. Lord of the dance. Perhaps because it's such a stupid name. I think you forgot what ds look like. Suck it! MORTON: Salt. YOUR NAME IS TINY. | Languages, Contact Us FORREST: Can't see you for the trees. ins.style.height = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; Often short for "Katy is a stupid name.". GAIL: Like the wind I feel on my face whenever you talk your stupid words. var ffid = 2; OR That's a color, not a name. Uncle just got me with this one. VIVIAN: Vivian, the ancestral name of people who really like red wine and operas. Its earliest origins can be traced back to the Old Testament of the Bible, where it was defined as God is my judge in Hebrew. ROBYN: Looks like OBGYN. Your father's joy must have been making his daughter live with a shitty name. Dont worry about aging donutstheyre just going through a-dough-lescence. WHITNEY: Uhm, there's something white on your nose. The Stupid Store? THEODORE: There's no way that's your name. PAMELA: Sex tape. OR You were named after a cloth. KATHRINE: Try spelling your name the correct way. var container = document.getElementById(slotId); Call (978) 393-1076. JOEL: One letter away from Noel. Adobe Wan Kenobi, What do you call a Mexican jedi? I'll be your friend. But what's your first name? Pick a name. TABATHA: You were almost certainly named after a character in Bewitched. Here's a plan: get a new name. SAVANNAH: Savannah. Celebrity Fun in the Pun candle line! OR Thomas, noun, "A dumb name.". Dad: you keep seeing signs saying dangerous. There are several variations of the name Daniel. MARGIE: No one is named Margie. BUD: Or you a dog or a man? EMILY: You know why Emily didn't get a rose? KELSEY: Old english for "victory ship." Chan. Your name is stupid. Let's talk about a development deal. COURTNEY: Cocks. EDDIE: Great name for a guitarist, stupid name for you. JEAN: Either you're from the 50s or French. Here are some pine-related puns and phrases: Pain Pine: As in, "A world of pine " and "Doubled up in pine " and "Growing pines " and "No pine, no gain" and "Old aches and pines " and "A pine in the butt" and " Pinefully slow" and "Being a royal pine " and . Tough break. Alone with your stupid name. Throw us in bed! ), He then said, what about a computer bob or a computer Phil? HATTIE: Cut name for a hat. Planet! Bad for names. Short for "I'm too dumb to remember there's an H in John.". OR What do Julie Andrews and Julie Chen have in common? These clever Daniel nicknames are inspired by wordplay, movie references and other popular sources of witty puns. Breath smells like bile. JAYNE: Where'd you get that Y, the Stupid Store? STELLA: STELLA!!!!! You know, to fix your stupid name. Not quite cake. Carly. And your name will suck Tamara. You're welcome. NICOLE: In Greek, it means "victorious people", but you already knew that didn't you? Mackenzie: Mackenzie. 1. It became less prevalent in the 15th century but later regained popularity during the Protestant Reformation. MARTHA: POTUS goes to Martha's Vineyard every year to escape the lame quality of your name. MERCEDES: Hop in one and drive away, hopefully to never hear your name uttered again. FAITH: Faith. SHAWN: Boys name, girls name. Greg: Globi-wan Kenobi! Doesn't that make you feel sad? SONDRA: Sounds like you have a stupid name. Italian. OK, but what's your first name? Oh wait, nevermind, you're not a Judge. Australian for "slimy mammalian sack". CALVIN: Too bad you can't pee on your own name, cause it's stupid. So, to avoid this, always use different usernames for each new online account you create for maximum security. If 6th Sense was Gluten Free (by Daniel Trasher), I was going to drink an entire bottle of Jack Daniels, Would you like to be known on TV as Daniel?. FREDDIE: Heard you got fingered. JACKLYN: You spelled Jacqueline wrong. CJ: Nice acronym. Dizzy 3. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Stupid name. ABE: Let's be honest. WALTER: Walter Payton was the greatest running back ever to play football. Kind of spacey. Congratulations. Rigid like leather. ERNEST: Go to jail. OR You can't make a letter a name. Like, really old. COLEMAN: Sleeping bag, check. JEFFRY: it's better than Geoffrey. Danielson Dannay Dannio Dannyboo Dan-O Danone Dazzle Dee Dizzle D-Nice Little Dan Tali-Dan Dan Shan What are types of nicknames you could use?