You should signal at least three or four seconds, 100 feet, ahead of the turn. When driving slowly on an expressway you should stay on the? At equilibrium, there is 0.16mol0.16 \mathrm{~mol}0.16mol of PCl3\mathrm{PCl}_3PCl3 in the flask. Look at the posted speed limit for the road you are entering. 3 When entering an expressway your cars speed should? should plan for fuel, food, and rest. - 55 MPH. - the number of vehicles in front of you. Operates any motor vehicle with the intent to annoy, harass, molest, intimidate, injure or obstruct another person. Learners permit practice test prep includes traffic signs and signals questions almost identical to the real test. - When a motorcycle is rear-ended by a car. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Yes. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". pull onto the shoulder or median. What are the 3 parts to an expressway entrance? Enter when it is safe. Stop if pedestrians are present and contrinue if clear. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Hygiene and safety 5 Injuries, diseases and p, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Hendrick Van Ness, J.M. Just faster than the speed of traffic on the freeway. Home Travel Question: When Traveling At A Safe Speed On An Expressway. 7 What makes merging into a highway so easy? When to move into the gap on an expressway? Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Hendrick Van Ness, J.M. you should speed up to. ANSWER: be adjusted to the speed of the traffic on the expressway. a minimum of three seconds. c. [A]=0.0250M,[B]=0.0400M[\mathrm{A}]=0.0250 \mathrm{M},[\mathrm{B}]=0.0400 \mathrm{M}[A]=0.0250M,[B]=0.0400M - Passing is permitted when safe to do so. Copyright 2015 The Our Teen Driver Foundation. where both lanes flow traffic in the same direction. Rural driving 2.) A school bus with its flashing red signals on has stopped on a non-divided highway; you must: When we traveling at a safe speed on an expressway, select a lane that others to Pass You On The Left. - False. - slow down and proceed with caution. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. When driving at night you may use your parking lights instead of headlights: The driver of car 2 mis going north be careful to avoid a conflict with car? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like When entering an expressway behind several other vehicles it is MOST important to?, When entering an expressway you should begin to speed up?, if you are on an expressway entrance and notice that there is no traffic on the expressway you should? intended for vehicles to get up to the speed of traffic. - stop, regardless of time or place. Does Georgia Law require you to stop before turning right on a red light? You are entering an expressway, and are in the acceleration lane. - Stop signal; hand and arm down. - come to a full stop, look in both directions, and then proceed. adjust your speed to the flow of traffice in the right lane. ANSWER: be adjusted to the speed of the traffic on the expressway. Your email address will not be published. __ as far off the right shoulder possible ___? The best method to exit a freeway is to begin slowing down only after entering the exit deceleration lane. Suppose the concentration of H2O is increased. when approaching a curve when should you slow down? - Move into the median. What is the speed limit in the Philippines? Motorcycle riders are required by law to? You should: Using the acceleration lane, look for an opening in traffic, signal and accelerate to or near the traffic speed, yield to traffic already on freeway. - When you see other drivers with their headlights on. They should be looking into their mirrors to see if theres a gap between vehicles to fit into in the near lane. - Super Speeder. Upon entering, accelerate fast in order to avoid slowing down other vehicles. If you're going a little slower, that's okay, but the idea is to avoid disrupting the flow of traffic. - Use your low-beam lights. Keep the the firght slow down and pull off the road if necessary. Use the length of the acceleration lane to get up to speed, put your turn signal on to indicate that you are merging, wait for a large enough gap in traffic, and merge when safe to do so. slow down and exercise caution before proceeding through the intersection. Without exception, never drive a vehicle through, around, or under any railroad gate or barrier. When entering an expressway, you should: Answers. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. __ is the most abused drug on our highway? you should have the gear shift selector for a automatic transmission in __ when starting the vehicle? When traffic on the highway is flowing freely, you must merge into the right-hand lane without slowing down or stopping. slow down and use emergency flashers. when approaching a sharp curve that has no posted speed limit you should_______? 35 mph. - activate your hazard lights, raise the hood to indicate difficulty. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". (Deceleration lanes are expressway lanes used to slow your vehicle without blocking vehicles behind you.). to faster oncomming traffic. Where does the licensed driver riding with a permit holder need to ride in the vehicle? Free and unlimited practice tests questions and answers. When entering the freeway using the acceleration lane or on-ramp, youll want to accelerate to the speed of traffic on the freeway. Always leave room for emergency stops. I hold one end of a spring of spring constant k, the other end of which is attached to a mass m which rests on the edge of a long, smooth table. You should speed up to the speed limit, or the speed of all the drive slowly on the shoulder. Avoid merging onto the freeway too early by crossing over solid white lines or driving over gaps in the lanes. Ste H-206 San Diego, CA 92126 ; 562-305-3187 highway merges down to one lane the person in the merging lane has When driving into fog you should: You should speed up to a safe speed close to the flow of freeway traffic. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. be slower than the traffic on the expressway. When using your windshield wipers and 30 minutes before_? When entering an expressway, a driver in the acceleration lane must decrease speed in order to not obstruct expressway traffic. - stand behind your car to warn traffic that you have stopped. - False. When it is safe and legal move into the gap after you are past the solid white line of the acceleration lane. When driving on an expressway If you want to change lanes you should? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Unless absolutely necessary, you should always avoid bringing your vehicle to a complete stop before entering a high-speed expressway. What was an immediate effect of the Reformation in Western Europe? Five to 10 mph slower than the speed of traffic on the freeway. - No signal is needed if the lane is open ahead. The same is true with exiting the freeway. The minimum speed on Georgia interstates is: - Use your high-beam lights. It is more dangerous to drive at night than in daytime, because: Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. When in the acceleration lane getting ready to get on the expressway which of these is important to do. - You will be permitted to drive only in emergencies. When passing on the expressway, it is generally safer to pass on the left. limit lower than the freeeway speed limit. when changing lanes you can check your blind spot by___? Question #18 When entering an expressway, your car's speed should: be adjusted to the speed of the traffic on the expressway. 1 What part of the expressway entrance allows you to increase your speed to the speed of vehicles already on the expressway? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If you are convicted of operating a vehicle while under the influence alcohol or drugs: to make a left turn when going north you should be in lane numbered __? 1. - When a car backs out of a driveway into the motorcycle's path. a minimum of three seconds. activate your hazard lights, raise the hood to indicate difficulty. Just below the speed of traffic on the freeway. 1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before sunrise. When approaching an intersection for a left turn, you should approach the intersection: Enter slow, accelerate fast Before you enter an expressway, signal your intention with the turn signal, gradually increase your speed in the acceleration lane, and pay attention to other vehicles. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The merger (or accelleration) lane is When entering the freeway using the acceleration lane or on-ramp, youll want to accelerate to the speed of traffic on the freeway. Green Flashing Light Lesson # 02 - Expressways "In other words, an imaginary line that travels across the roadway where the sign is posted . It does not store any personal data. 55 MPH on two lane undivided highway. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". - stop and back up past the crosswalk. When merging onto an expressway from an acceleration lane, you should: Yield the right-of-way to all traffic already on the expressway. c. the efficiency decreases. What should you look for when merging into traffic? Find the answer to this question and an explanation below. a. - Use your parking lights. When you're a new driver, it can . - by cutting into the left lane immediately before the intersection. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". If it harder to ____ a vehicle going down a steep hill? While it's important to take your time in the acceleration lane and take extra caution while merging, it's equally important not to hesitate. However, you will see this question in the DMV test like this. When entering an expressway What should you do? Check for cars and reduce your speed to 25 mph before entering the traffic lane. - Operates any motor vehicle with the intent to help someone else.