As noted earlier, other non-HIV-related chronic medical conditions may also complicate care. "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted" is the 5th Amendment. Which of the following is a distinguishing feature of the inmate society in many women's prisons? A national survey of a parole board members said that the most important factors in the decision to grant or deny parole was the _________. The power, right or authority of a court to interpret and apply the law is called? Since you've received 80% or better on this quiz, you may claim continuing education credit. The idea that people are motivated by pleasure and pain and that the proper amount of punishment can deter crime is called? Early release after a time period specified and set by law is called ____________. [26,69] Individuals taking antiretroviral therapy at the time of discharge should receive an adequate supply of antiretroviral medication as a bridge from jail or prison release to an appointment with a community provider. While blacks account for 12% of the U.S. population they account for _____ of the correctional workforce. The mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners occurred at _________. In some situations, an investigation may involve an external investigator. Assist the inmate with scheduling an appointment with the community care provider. Factors that, although not justifying or excusing action, may reduce the culpability of the offender are called? The tension between prison staff members and inmates that arises out of the correctional setting is called____________. A previous judicial decision that judges should consider in deciding future cases is called? [11,12,13] Available data suggest that for persons with HIV and a history of opioid dependence, receipt of opiate agonist therapy within an HIV clinic upon release from prison improves HIV treatment outcomes in the community. A financial penalty used as a criminal sanction is called a? A Latin term that refers to the state as guardian of minors and incompetent people is called? [11] Incarcerated women with HIV have an even higher prevalence of psychiatric disorders than their male counterparts. Referral to an HIV provider or specialist depending on the HIV medical providers experience, the stage of HIV, and complexity of medical issues. Criminologists Richard Hawkins and Geoffrey Alpert observe that the work of correctional officers is characterized by both ________. Therefore, the functions are exponential. having to admit more inmates than there is available space. The recidivism rate in the United States is ______. Instances of prison sex can be divided into three basic categories. Inmates skilled in legal matters are known as ________. The next day, while discussing the incident, one of the arresting officers mentioned that the prisoner had said something about "have to kill myself" while being [26]Althoughthe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended in 2006 that correctional facilities perform routine opt-out HIV testing, the HIV testing practices and policies in correctional setting continue to vary from state to state. A. a type of sentence in which the offender must submit to intensive supervision in lieu of imprisonment, A. an opportunity to confront and cross-examine people who testify against them. The first written laws of Rome were called? In 1972, the case of__________ruled that the application of the death penalty, as it was then carried out, was unconstitutional and set aside 40 death penalty statutes. Which of the following statements best describes the term parole? Supervise the Activities of Inmates: Correctional officers supervise the daily activities of inmates, ensuring that inmates obey the rules. The Supreme Court has ruled that censorship in prisons is legal only if it furthers one of three substantial government interests. signed by an officer. Some officers become alienated, cynical, and withdrawn. Easy Quiz 2. Although injection drug use may directly result in transmission of HIV, it is also associated with sexual activity that can increase the risk ofHIV acquisition. Those officers who are responsible for supervising inmates in housing areas are called __________. After release from prison or jail into the general community, persons with HIV may engage in sex activities that may increase their risk of transmitting HIV to others, particularly with their pre-incarceration sex partners. [24] Other strategies include access to condoms, regulated tattoo parlors in prison, and facility-based needle exchange programs. In a retrospective review involving 882 prisoners with HIV in the Connecticut Department of Corrections system, virologic suppression (less than 400 copies/mL) improved from 29.8% at entry to 70.0% by release. Emergency release options for special docket offenders, generally used to relieve prison overcrowding are called? [16] In addition, when compared with men, incarcerated women have higher rates of unemployment (45.8% versus 26.7%), homelessness (17.4% versus 12.1%), and psychiatric comorbidities (43.6% versus 21.6%). The first reformatory to implement an extensive parole program was ___________. Juveniles can never be held in adult jails. [12] The same meta-analysis noted above in the Georgia state prison system also reported an intra-prison HCV transmission rate of 0.75 per 100 person-years, which was significantly higher than the intra-prison HIV rate. Some inmates with newly diagnosed HIV may require outside expert medical consultation. Intensive supervision probation(ISP) involves? April 2020. To conduct themselves as professionals, jail staff must have all except which of the following? If an inmate is suspected of forging an officer's signature, the pass should be verified immediately. "The taking on of the ways, mores, customs and general culture of the penitentiary" is known as? [41] Prisoners may have concerns about confidentiality and/or lack trust in the prison health care system; these may compromise adherence and deter inmates from acknowledging their HIV status and accessing HIV care.[41,45]. It also been observed that the functions have only one asymptote. In one instance, a single case of tuberculosis rapidly spread among the inmates living with HIV in one facility and ultimately 31 individuals developed tuberculosis. Acorrectional agency that has the authority to grant parole is a called a ________. Cultural restrictions on behavior that forbid serious violations of group's values---such as murder, rape and robbery are called? -New offenders are socialized into the prison subculture through a process known as prisonization. According to BJS, _______ percent of the people discharged from parole in 2006 completed the terms of their community supervision without returning to prison or jail or absconding. An adult offender receives a verdict; a juvenile offender receives a? answer choices Home confinement Some officers become intrusive and pry into the personal lives of inmates. Inmates should mind their own affairs and do their own time., Inmates should not inform the prison staff about the illicit activities of other prisoners., Inmates should be indifferent to the prison staff and loyal to other convicts., or Inmates should follow the prison rules and not cause trouble. After the American Revolution, England sent its prisoners to Scotland. What is described as the secret exchange of goods and services among inmates? True or False? A slower tempo can be experienced by a person who mentally stretches the duration of time. The ________ is a theory that states that the inmate society arises as a response to the prison environment and the painful conditions of confinement. b. consensual sex for gratification, sexual assault, voyeurism, or prostitution. Depending on the nature of the complaint, investigations can be criminal (if the officer broke the law or violated an individual's rights), administrative (if the officer violated department policy), or both. Branding has been in use as a punishment since at least Roman times. Which of the following is sacrificed so that prisons and jails can continue to operate in an efficient manner given the budget cutbacks? As a rule, prison inmates are prohibited from practicing either conventional or unconventional religions in prison. High rates of turnover among corrections officers are the result of? Time taken off an inmate's sentence for participating in certain activities such as going to school, learning a trade and working inprison is called _____________. Because individuals with HIV in the correctional system often perceive that accessing HIV care may increase their risk of being subjected to violence due to stigma or homophobia, maintaining adequate privacy measures within the correctional system is of paramount importance. The Panopticon was designed to allow prison staff to observe inside each______. Which of the following is usually not a characteristic of women's prisons? [76] Inadequate data exist regarding HIV prevalence in community corrections and HIV testing rates are low in this setting. Inmates should mind their own affairs and do their own time., Inmates should not inform the prison staff about the illicit activities of other prisoners., Inmates should be indifferent to the prison staff and loyal to other convicts., or Inmates should follow the prison rules and not cause trouble. Barriers to successful antiretroviral therapy within the correctional setting include high rates of substance use and mental health disorders, lack of continuity of medical care, distrust of prison-based medical care, and concerns about confidentiality and safety. The correctional officer that believes that close association with inmates will make it easier to control the inmates is called a ___________. A person appointed by the juvenile court to serve as a special guardian for the youth being processed through thejuvenile justice system is called a? Pretrial officers utilize discretion in making pretrial release decisions. A correctional officer who provides commodities to the inmate population is a called a ________. [7], The higher prevalence of HIV, hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV) within correctional facilities can partially be explained by the high percentage of inmates with a history of injection drug use. The typical offender has been convicted of? The other major goal of probation and parole . They have considerable discretion in discharging their duties within the constraints of rules, regulations, and policies. The country of_______was known for burning people alive. [29,30] Jails, prisons, and community corrections are important settings in which to test individuals for HIV, especially given that many persons involved with the criminal justice system may be hard to reach with routine community-based testing and incarcerated populations have a higher HIV prevalence than the general population. The Wickersham Commission was appointed by President__________________. The term Lex Talionis means "Let the punishment be just". [77] Nevertheless, the community corrections population represents an important target for HIV screening and prevention services. This graphic illustrates the concept that on any given day in the United States, there are significantly more individuals incarcerated in prisons than in jails. Life is typified by insecurity, stress, and unpredictability in prison., There are rarely opportunities for educational achievement in prison., There is little privacy in prison., or Deprivation of personal freedom and material goods is pronounced in prison. emdjay23. According to your authors, the Three-State Recidivism Study concluded? A crime which is a violation of a local ordinance and is punishable by only a fine is called an? Psychology - The Biological Perspective, Communication - Writing Negative Messages Quiz level 3, Pre Exam Quiz 5; Human Development and Family Studies, Quiz Preview 10/ Psychology - Principles of Social Psychology, Quiz Facts 7' Psychology - Cognitive Functioning, Quiz Lot 2. Pseudofamilies exist in men's prisons in the same manner they exists in women's prisons. A search of a prisoner's cell is called a? QUESTION 68 The process of civilian gang members with no prior criminal history being recruited to apply to become correctional officers is called: a. testing recruiting O c downing a duck O d. empathy QUESTION 62 Why do some scholars say that the criminal justice system is designed to fail? Which of the following statements is true? Which of the following is NOT one of those categories? [2,7,8] The prevalence of HIV among inmates in state prisons varies significantly by geographic region, with New York, Louisiana, and Florida having the highest prevalence (3.0% or greater) (Figure 10). Branding as a punishment for a crime was never practiced in the American colonies. The process of making the offender a productive member of the community again is called? Majors, captains and correctional officers charged with maintaining order and security are called_____________. A particularly mean device for whipping, called the Russian Knout, had fishhooks in it. These cases typically involve police officers, jailers, correctional officers, probation officers, prosecutors, judges, and other federal, state, or local law enforcement officials. An executive act that removes both punishment and guilt is called a __________. The fundamental difference between jail and prison is the nature of their. Court litigation is a very slow, expensive, and piecemeal way to reform prisons. [. If possible, allow the community care provider to visit the inmate before release. . This system called for silence but allowed the inmated to work together in groups. a. Source: World Prison Brief: Highest to LowestPrison Population Total. The _______ likes to give orders and seems to enjoy the feeling of power that comes from ordering inmates around. A punishment that is grossly disproportionate to the offense as well as those that transgress today's broad and idealistic concepts of dignity, civilized standards, humanity and decency is said to be? The author of On Crimes and Punishments was? April 26, 2018. Most systems provide 30 days or less of antiretroviral medications, which is problematic since the wait time for an appointment at many community clinics often exceeds a month. Utilitarian ethics is a normative ethical system that is primarily concerned with the consequences of ethical decisions; therefore it can be described as a. teleological theory or consequentialist theory. Instant death was usually reserved for members of the poorer classses and not the nobility. The most common cause of death among the world's prisoners is? The transition from a correctional facility to the community is a critical event for persons with HIV. , which are essentially the same thing, both having a notion that the consequence of the act is the most important . The special language of the inmate subculture is called? Punishment options for initial sentences more restrictive than traditional probation but less restrictive than jail or prisons are called? 1 officer for every 6.35 inmates. [38] The CDC has released a comprehensive document to guide the implementation of opt-out HIV testing in the correctional setting. (2) Words such as SOMETIMES, MAY, GENERALLY, and POSSIBLY soften a statement and leave more room for the statement to be correct. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), The National HIV Curriculum is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $1,021,448 with 0% financed with non-governmental sources. Funding to various correctional agencies has been cut since 9/11 and has been allocated to? [26,68] Multiple potential interventions can improve linkage to care, including HIV education during incarceration, careful discharge planning, securing stable housing, availability of transportation, employment opportunities, and care for substance use and mental health disorders. [69,70] Adherence counseling is particularly important, as studies have demonstrated that adherence to antiretroviral therapy is low in persons who have experienced multiple incarcerations. The principle of least eligibility holds that? If you want to skip this dialog please Always allow popup windows for the online course. There are fewer women working as correctional officers than there are working as police officers. "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted" is part of the____Amendment? In some states, if you are convicted of a felony it is grounds for an uncontested divorce. In addition to charging inmates housing and medical co-pay fees as a way to offset jail operations, some jurisdictions have added pay-to-stay jails. Typically, at any single point in time, the number of incarcerated adults housed in prisons is approximately twice those in jails. Option A is correct. A committment to a set of agreed-upon values aimed at the improvement of the organization while maintaining the highest standards of excellence is called? . [10] Unfortunately, few correctional facilities currently offer medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction, and many inmates continue to use illicit drugs while incarcerated if they are able to access the drugs. What is defined as a constellation of values, norms, and roles that regulate the way inmates interact with one another and with prison staff? At times, obtaining a release of information from a patient to discuss their care with the community corrections officer or parole officer is an important step in coordinating medical care. More recent studies show that whites generally see misconduct as episodic and confined to individual officers, while blacks tend to see misconduct as a more entrenched aspect of . Jake is an inmate in a large state prison. The inmates' perception that certain correctional officers have valuable skills gives rise to ___________. In the case of In re Gault, Gerald Gault was charged with? Automatically remove your image background. All of these infection control strategies would also provide an opportunity to address prevention of infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV), which is important given that as many as 41% of inmates have chronic HCV. Which of the following is NOT one of those ways? The __________ advocated a prison system which shifted the emphasis from punishing the body to reforming the mind and soul. [31,34,35,36,37] One HIV testing project that included more than 33,000 inmates in four states (Florida, New York, Wisconsin, and Louisiana) identified 269 (0.8%) previously undiagnosed HIV infections, and 40% of them were among inmates whose only reported risk was heterosexual contact; this study underscores why HIV testing based only on reported risk factors will fail to identify a significant proportion of incarcerated persons with HIV. Alternatively, send information to the community provider after obtaining written consent for release ofinformation from the inmate. Research has shown that face-to-face contact before release results in increased likelihood of continuity in the community. Assume the male role in a homosexual relationship. Indeed, for some individuals, the structured environment of incarceration may lead to better adherence to antiretroviral treatment than with their adherence in a community setting, regardless of how the medications are dispensed. Directly observed antiretroviral therapy is less convenient, decreases patient control, and may inadvertently jeopardize confidentiality. The case of Gates v. Rowland dealt with the issue of? A ________ usually interacts little with other officers and does the minimum necessary to get through the workday. Your text shows Tom Hanks in ___________ as an example of these movies. For persons with HIV, the community or parole officer can often play a key role in keeping an individual engaged in care. Bureau of Justice Statistics: Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. A message will be sent to your email address with instructions. In 1840, British Navy Captain ____________ was appointed superintendent of Norfolk Island. Which of the following is NOT a value or norm of the convict code? [20], The landmark Supreme Court Estelle v. Gamble decision in 1976, which established that all incarcerated individuals have the right to adequate healthcare, provides the constitutional mandate for HIV care and access to treatment within the correctional setting. [25], In the United States, upon entry into jail or prison, it is estimated that approximately 22% of HIV-seropositive individualsare unaware they have HIV. The CDC report on HIV Testing Implementation Guidance for Correctional Settings includes recommendations on linkage to appropriate medical care upon release from custody (Table 2). They can replace any officer who is absent. Treating HIV and AIDS in prison is difficult for all but one of the following reasons? Living in prison is fundamentally different from living in the free community in several ways. [14,15], In the United States, the absolute number of men with HIV in state or federal prisons is consistently greater than the number of women by a ratio of more than 10 to 1, which is not surprising given the prison population is predominantly male. [4] Among all persons in prisons, the state prisons account for nearly 90% of those in prison and the majority are males (Figure 6). Correctional officers dispense both formal and informal sanctions to induce cooperation among inmates. If you're the victim of cyberbullying behavior, besides contacting your teacher or the school, Learning Resource Center can you go to find information. Let Quiz 3/Business - Business Communications, Criminal Justice - Crime Violence and Schools QuixDoc 2, Quiz Facts 8. A special court that is given responsibilty to handle cases involving drug-addicted offenders is called? In which of the following years did the first female correctional officer begin work at a high-security institution? True or False? Question: Which of the following statements is true? [47] Financial barriers also prevent timely initiation or continuation of antiretroviral therapy in correctional settings. Sentences that are served together are called? ___________ officers are experienced correctional officers who know and can perform almost any custody role in the institution. [50] In this setting, however, the use of universal precautions should negate the need for correctional staff outside of health services to know the HIV status of any individual patient. [22], Many have called for a comprehensive strategy to help stop HIV transmission within the correctional system, through interventions such as voluntary counseling and testing, disease prevention education, and treatment for substance use disorders. Sellers should focus on being helpful because buyers are powerless and need help to buy. Inmates under the care and custody of a local, state, or federal correctional authority are generally housed in one of two types of facilities - a local jail or a state or federal prison. Which of the following is NOT one of those states? Many prison movies have been made in recent years. Until the middle of the twentieth century, courts followed a(n) ________ philosophy toward prison matters. What is one of the newest forms of prison contraband? As of 2012, unions represented correctional officers in adult institutions in ________ states and the federal system. John Irvin said in 1986 that the purpose of jails was rabble management. In the correctional context the relationship between inmate privacy and institutional right-to-know remains contested, since correctional institutions are not alwasy considered covered entities under HIPAA. For more than 200 years, England practiced a form of criminal exile known as transportation. Q. Provide the inmate with date, time, and location of first post-release appointment in writing. Until the middle of the twentieth century, courts followed a(n) ________ philosophy toward prison matters. Depending on the jurisdiction, convicted felons lose a variety of civil rights. These officers are an underutilized resource, perhaps because of the public's misunderstanding of their role. According to the philosopher, the duration of a 'second' is precise. 2. These include untreated mental illness, medication side effects, lack of trust in the medical provider or in the benefit of taking antiretroviral medications, and social isolation. [76] At the end of 2016, approximately 4.5 million adults in the United States were in community corrections (Figure 17). See Answer See Answer See Answer done loading. A. A. What items most often assumes the symbolic value of money in the sub-rosa economy of a prison? ___________ is/are the common denominator for most offenders in the criminal justice system? c. The case of_________ruled that "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt" should be the standard in all delinquency adjudications. The privacy of the individual inmate should be protected to the greatest extent possible, which typically means that medical interviews of inmates should be conducted out of earshot of correctional officers, and the disclosure of protected health information should be limited to situations that directly impact the health and safety of other inmates and/or correctional staff.[51]. According to the text, which of the following statements about corrections officers' unions is true? a) They have considerable discretion in discharing their duties within the constraints of rules, regulations, and policies. What Latin term is defined as a court order requiring that a confined person be brought to court so that his or her claims can be heard? To this end, we subscribe to the following principles. Tempo is the time that events last. To deal with the growing prison population England used floating prion ships called hulks. [45] Some prison-specific barriers include unauthorized medication confiscation, medication theft, medication stock-outs, and inability to access medications during lockdowns. [7] The relatively high HIV seropositivity rates among incarcerated women has been associated with higher rates of specific HIV risk factors, including past sexual abuse, exchange of sex for drugs or money, multiple sex partners, low rates of condom use, and injection drug use. What case launched the prisoners' rights movement? The use of an opt-out HIV testing approach increases the number of persons tested for HIV when compared with use of opt-in HIV testing approach. Collaborate with state and local offices administering benefit and entitlement programs to facilitate pre-release applications and benefit reinstatements.