Boycott the United Church of Canada! It is something more than a miracle that this report has survived the many years of official lies, misinformation, violence and intimidation waged by these churches and governments against their surviving victims and a handful of truth-seeking Canadians. A residential school survivor by the name of William Coombes has spoken out about his experiences. An indispensable weapon for those fighting wrongdoing: Truth Tellers Shield: A Manual for Whistle Blowers, The third book in a series by Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Kevin Annett, To price: $10), I found the Manual an immensely helpful guide for navigating pitfalls and attacks from powerful adversaries. As a state-led campaign, this culmination of the Canadian genocide has judicial sanction, as is evident in not only the refusal of anyCrowncourt to prosecute any person or agency for genocidal acts, but by the active victimization by the same courts of anyone who exposes these crimes. We call for the arrest and trial of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Governor-General Richard Wagner, and all their accomplices in the concealment of crimes at the former Kamloops Indian residential school and similar Christian death camps across Canada. This state-level attack on a genuine missing peoples inquiry was prompted by the fact that by this point, in early 1999, startling new evidence began to surface that tied the identity of some of the present-day killers of native people with men and women who worked in the Indian residential school system. This disruption became especially active after the Tribunal gave a public airing to the first reports of organized murder and child trafficking among northern B.C. Where Did The Claim That "97% of Scientists" Believe Climate Change Is A Man-Made, Urgent Problem Come From? Kamloops school Principals received financial incentives from the federal government, the Catholic church and various drug companies for providing batches of children for vaccination testing. Those of us who have revealed and confronted these crimes within Canada have been assaulted, harassed, imprisoned and censored by every level of government, the police and the courts, and have been prevented from operating freely within our own country. But the crime remains, and the dead still cry out for justice. Witness to Williams murder -. The report is entitledA Report on the Continuity of Genocidal Crimes in Canada:An Appeal to the People and Governments of the World. And having found that endurance they become more than victims amidst the usual woe called history. Issued by the first court to successfully prosecute and convict the Vatican, Canada and the Crown of England for Crimes against Humanity, the Common Law Training Manual is a weapon to educate and mobilize the people to reclaim their freedom from arbitrary rulers and their tyranny. (2 Corinthians 6:17)For background listen to last weeks program Sovereignty and Re-Formation at this link: Closer to home, Combes described At the school they had a furnace going twenty-four seven, but it was totally out of bounds. Under international law it is an indictable offense for the perpetrators of genocide or their agents to conduct the investigation and compose the official narrative of their own crimes, as Canada is doing with the active collusion of the media, the courts, and aboriginal people, who are all co-conspirators in an ongoing Genocide. Public opponent of state-funded, drug dealing native politicians in Manitoba. Sadly, this collusion by tribal chiefs included helping to conceal the deaths of children and dispose of their remains in secret graves. These tests included denying children food and vitamins and monitoring their physical degeneration; inserting experimental birth control devices into girls as young as seven; involuntary drug testing in conjunction with Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Bayer and other pharmaceutical companies; pain threshold studies in which children were burned, eviscerated, electrocuted, starved to death, immersed in ice water for prolonged periods, and subjected to chemical and biological warfare agents; mind control programs using electric shocks, prolonged sensory deprivation and hypnotic barbiturates; experimental sterilization methods including tubal ligations, surgical castration, prolonged genital exposure to X-rays and indiscriminate drug testing; and dozens of other tortures all of which are Crimes against Humanity under the law. Obtainable atamazon.comand Eyewitness to the fatal beating of Johnny Bingo Dawson. The ITCCS report documents meticulously the November, 1910 plan by Canadian church and state to exterminate non-Christian indigenous nations through special internment camps deceptively named Indian residential schools. Posted inTruth and Reconciliation Commission,9th circle,Action: What to Do,Canada,Catholic Church,Charges Laid,Child Trafficking,Chuch of England,Church of Rome,common law,common law court of justice,covenanters,Crimen Solicitationas,Crown of England,England,Genocide in Canada,Historical Background,Holy See,home rule,ITCCS,Jesuits,Jorge Bergoglio,Joseph Ratzinger,Legal Background,Mass Graves in Canada,Media,Ninth Circle,Occupy the Vatican,Ottawa,Pope Benedict,Pope Francis the First,Press TV,Public International Court of Justice,Public Summonses,queen Elizabeth,radio free kanata,Republic of Kanata,Rev. (12) That is, the vast majority of missing aboriginal women are from matrilineal clan led families that traditionally controlled the resources and land bases of the different Indian nations. According to a former Kamloops school employee, Its a fair estimate to say that a third to a half of those kids didnt survive their use as lab rats. This was and remains a common practice, since under Canadas apartheid Indian Act, it is a punishable offense for people on reservations to refuse medical or drug treatment. Where does this Annett fellow get off calling our honorable Prime Ministers drunkards and robber barons? The general purpose and consequence of the Chretien state terror directive has been to protect these men and camouflage their links to the residential school era and present day corporate power brokers. With this in hand, media outlets will have to evolve. He passed his early years at Meadgate, Somerset, England, the property and for many years the residence of his uncle, Rev. Every level of government and church in Canada has continued the active destruction of indigenous families and their culture, including child welfare and family court systems and the state-funded aboriginal band councils themselves. It is now the responsibility of every lawful man and woman to stop these murderous churches from harming any more children. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. RIP. They have also lived in Orange, TX and Arlington, TX. It shows that at least 65,000 children died in these camps in less than a century because of deliberate policies of germ warfare, starvation and systemic violence. It's time we raise consciousness around the mechanisms used in media to mislead the public. And that battle is far from over. This point was established by our own investigations as early as the spring of 2003. . Eyewitness to mass burials and murder of children at United Church Alberni residential school. No proof or sources are provided to support the claims in the. Itwas issued by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), a human rights coalition that has spearheaded the campaign for judicial action against the Vatican, the British Crown and their churches for genocide and child trafficking. We are issuing this Memorandum and statement to the governments and people of the world. Maybe she's facing William right now in the afterlife. William died suddenly in hospital shortly before he was to go public about the abduction and permanent disappearance of the ten children. 15. 7. She wasnt breathing. For Huxley's reality to take place, two components needed to happen. William was a witness to the abduction of ten children by "Queen Elizabeth" Windsor on October 10, 1964 at the catholic Kamloops Indian residential school. She went falling down the stairs and just lay there. Chiefs and Councils were notified by Indian agents and the federal government as early as 1922 that their own children could avoid confinement in the Kamloops school if they rounded up the other tribal children and brought them to the school and tracked down runaways. William Combes, died of lethal injection, St. Paul's Catholic hospital, Vancouver, February 26, 2011; Genocide survivor. William is related to William E Coombs and Willie E Coombs as well as 2 additional people. I dont know who the doctor was, he was from somewhere else and we never saw him again. Kamloops school Principals managed this aboriginal slave trade and personally profited from it, with the knowledge and collusion of Indian Agents and their bosses in Ottawa. See Their memory and witness, along with the lives of 65,000 children and those who continue to disappear and fall, will always be honored. Like for instance, one or all of our seven recently-published books on such matrix-shattering themes as Genocide, home grown war crimes, common law training and how to be a whistle blower and win? The TRC indemnified the churches and allowed them to whitewash their archives, censored out of its records any names, references to deaths or actions of a criminal nature, and prevented any lawsuits to arise from testimonies. The pseudo Inquiry is actually halting genuine efforts to reveal the crimes and who is responsible for them, and is silencing eyewitnesses who dispute theofficialaccounts of the disappearances. Is It True? 22. This work should be in every college curriculum.Murder by Decreereviewer Dr. Archibald Sayers, This is the ultimate David and Goliath story of official crime and heroic integrity. 10 1964 Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip were seen taking ten native children . A copy is appended to this news release. Christian churches have led the genocidal slaughter of untold millions of people and continue to traffic, rape and murder children with impunity, armed with your tax money. In the weeks ahead, our delegation will be bringing this appeal and our evidence to the people, governments, educators, jurists and media of the world. (1) This plan was set in motion and maintained by the Crown of England and its Privy Council Office and the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, along with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the judiciary and private corporations. The government of Canada, its churches, and their sponsors in London and Rome have been tried and convicted of the Indian residential school genocide in common law court proceedings held during 2012 and 2013. Six Martyrs of the campaign to expose and prosecute, Posted by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS). But me and a friend saw Brother Murphy and a nun take some little bodies and shove them into the flames. The incinerated included the living, specifically the newborn babies of schoolgirls who became pregnant from staffers.Fellow Kamloops survivor Eddy Jules corroborates, When I was in Senior B, the girls would get pregnant, but theyd never have their kids, you know It was scary, youd hear the incinerator door being opened and hear the big clang and wed know theyd be getting rid of the evidence. The report also reveals that a continuity of crime continues to exist against Canadian aboriginal women and families through state-sponsored child trafficking and terror designed to secure indigenous lands for resource-hungry American and Chinese corporations.