To help you out, weve compiled the locations of all eleven smart telescopes here so you can find all 11 Tower of Fantasy constellations! Fantasy Lepus Constellation Tower Simply connect each blue star to the nearest orange one to solve the Constellation Lepus puzzle. On GGRecon, smart voices & original ideas take centre stage. To unlock Navia in your game, you, must progress the story past Chapter Two and complete the Banges main plot point. Tower of Fantasy: Lucky Tarot Event Explained, Tower of Fantasy Black Stone Tower: How To Unlock, Tower of Fantasy Black Truffle: All Locations, Tower of Fantasy: How To Find the Hidden Smart Servant, Tower Of Fantasy Fiddlehead: Where To Find. To solve this constellation puzzle, complete the line in the middle. There are 11 telescopes in Tower of Fantasy that show players unfinished constellations. There is a nearby spawn point and a settlement marked on the map, guarded by two high-level harlequin enemies. Hotta Studios open-world game includes plenty of secrets and puzzles to encourage exploration, but some may be more difficult to spot than others. TOF, is a Sci-Fi-Themed Open World MMORPG from Hotta Studio. The first Smart Telescope is located in the northernmost part of Raincaller Island, to the left of the Spacerift; the second is in the south near the World Boss. It stands near a small building with satellites on top of it. Three Smart Telescopes are located in the Navia region of the Aesperia map. Also, be sure to check out the rest of ourTower of Fantasy tips and tricks articles while you're here, like our guide to getting the Maglev Stalker, how to dodge, how to reroll, and how to break cracked walls. For more guides, check out our pieces on how to change the in-game language in Tower of Fantasy, as well as our Tower of Fantasy codes page. An activity that you can do is to complete the constellation links. You need to complete it to get a reward like a black nucleus. Trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. Here, you should be able to find the telescope! This was all about the locations of all Telescopes & their respective constellations in Tower of Fantasy. Its five new lines in total. Libra Coordinates: 782, -346 Strangely enough, the easiest way to reach this telescope is by. You can find the Bootes constellation North-West of Cetus island in Navia, on the land near Ruin C-03. The Taurus constellation can be found all the way at the top of Area 4, south of Parliament in the Crown Mines. Each house has a puzzle in which you must join stars to make a specific constellation. For best in class sports news & features, visit our friends at. Tower Of Fantasy Code Guide: ToF Promo Codes August 2022, Tower of Fantasy Lepus Constellation Guide, If you want to know more about how Tower of Fantasy's gacha system works, check out our, Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever, The Simpsons Hit and Run Designer Wants to See a Remake - IGN Daily Fix. Begin at The Lab Spacerift and begin your ascent to the immediate right after crossing the bridge. Completing each unfinished constellation is fairly straightforward simply connect the blue and orange dots to match the completed constellations shown above. Be mindful that the telescope is actually situated upon the cliff /above/ Lucia, as illustrated on your map. For the Leo constellation, start off at the fjord cliff spacerift in the Warren Snowfield. Use the Tower of Fantasy food and recipes guide we have here some useful buffs to get the best out your Tower of Fantasy character while you're adventuring. The smart telescope may be found on a cliffside in the southern portion . Start at The Lab spacerift and run on over to Area 4, then start climbing. To get the tower online again, you must find the passcode for the data terminal. Head to this statue, then walk just east of it towards the cliff face. Again, its five lines in total. We've provided the solutions for each constellation below. Get acquainted with upcoming games while also receiving in-depth information about evergreen ones. The constellation Lepus, the hare, is located in the southern hemisphere of the sky. No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. Coordinates: 798, 512 Welcome to a place where words matter. To activate the Lepus Constellation puzzle, locate the Lepus smart telescope on the map at coordinates -276.4, and -515.9. To reach the capricorn constellation, start at the Warren Snow Peak space rift. TOWER OF FANTASYHOTTA STUDIO, A PERFECT WORLD COMPANY. If it's correct, the line will turn yellow-ish and if not, it'll be blue and you can press the button on the right side to restart the puzzle. Please note that the Tower of Fantasy Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 2.0. Leave a comment if you can't find Lepus Constellation Link Tower of Fantasy location. All Weapons in Tower of Fantasy belong to 1 of 3 roles: Attack, Defense, or Support. We eat, sleep, breathe gaming and we'll keep you updated with the latest right here! Then link the bottommost orange dot to the blue dot adjacent to the right. Here, youll find a giant red tower with a satellite on top of it. Attack. The biggest news of the day airdropped to your inbox. The goal of GT is to be the best source of easy-to-understand tips and tricks, reviews, original features, hidden cheats and gaming tweaks that will help players worldwide. In return for solving the telescope puzzles in Tower of Fantasy, you can get rewards and XP. To remove all incorrect lines, press reset. Then connect the four dots at the top to form a tiny square. Strangely enough, the easiest way to reach this telescope is by starting from the mountainous region in the very northeast of Crown Mines. Finding the Tower of Fantasy Lepus Constellation is part of a puzzle where you find telescopes and complete their constellations. If you click on a link and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. Our guide will show you all constellation locations and solutions in Tower of Fantasy. The smart telescope can be located on the roof on the side facing The Lumina. Tower of Fantasy has a rich, open world that players are encouraged to explore. Tower of Fantasy is. Connect the gap in the upper-middle section of the dragon's body in Tower of Fantasy. Coordinates: -733, -557 Use your jetpack to traverse the bridge, and the cliff immediately beside it. If a connection is correct, the line turns orange. Wild Hearts Review: Wild Gameplay Held Back by Terrible P Honkai Impact 3rd's 5th Anniversary Rewards Include Focus Hi-Fi Rush Review: Adrenaline-pumping Hack-and-Slash Rhyt Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Walkthrough Wiki, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Walkthrough Wiki, Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) Walkthrough Wiki, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Walkthrough Wiki, Super Smash Bros. And, if you are planing on doing some exploring, why not tick off the Tower of Fantasy Scenic Point locations while you're at it. Since it is located on a hill, we recommend you glide with the Jetpack from, The Bootes Smart Telescope is just west of Cetus Island. Finally, the Lepus Constellation can be solved by linking the topmost left blue dot to its adjacent orange dot. Here, you can enjoy this Anime-based game in an expansive world while completing the storyline or by just adventuring. Head south from the Warren Snow Peak Spacerift, past the Co-operative Joint Destruction Challenge beacon, to the ledge at the base of the ice bridge. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, You can also check out our other guides like How To Get & Use Magcore in Tower of Fantasy. For the Bootes Constellation, start by connecting the topmost orange dot to the blue dot on the right. Nat Smith If Nat's not starting anew playthrough of Elden Ring, then she's probably disappeared into the latest roguelike, horror game, or wishing on bannersinGenshin Impact. GamerTweak is where passionate gamers like you will find everything they need to know about video games - new and old. Tower of Fantasy has been out for a few days now, which means weve been slowly trucking along the lands belong Hykros and finding all manner of puzzles and treasure. There are numerous ledges and pipes to climb, so keep an eye on your stamina bar as you progress. Tower of Fantasy has multiple activities that you can complete for rewards. You can do this by finding the smart telescopes in the game and interacting with them. It is situated right on the cliff behind this tower/stronghold. After that, simply interact with the telescope and the puzzle will pop up. The smart telescope is near the UFO-shaped floating structure. This game is. Lepus is a small constellation occupying an area of 290 square degrees. That concludes our guide on how to locate and solve all the Navia Smart Telescopes in Tower of Fantasy. Walk all the way to its Eastern edge, then the telescope is all yours. You can do this by finding the smart telescopes in the game and interacting with them. Coordinates: 987, 956 Tower of Fantasy has multiple activities that you can complete for rewards. Form a Dipper-like square to create the head of the beast in the upper-left corner. Constellation Link Puzzles are located at Smart Telescopes all over the world of Tower of Fantasy, in which you need to connect stars to form a constellation. For this final Libra constellation location, youll have to head back into the Warren Snow Fields. Note that your search for telescopes might be hindered by the progression cap. Chadley is a Journalist and Editor at GINX. Should You Do Interstellar Exploration Every Day? Coordinates: 760, 863 Lepus constellation link location in Tower of Fantasy Location: Southeast of Navia Bay Coordinates: -276.4, -514.7. Use your jetpack to ascend up this arch, then climb up the ice wall to the East. For the Virgo constellation, youll need to head to the small island at the South east corner of the Crown Mines, just below The Lumina. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Puzzle solution for the Navia Lepus Constellation. Tower Of Fantasy New Endgame Free Dark Crystals Vera 2.0 Level 70 Raids Legendary Gold SSR Gear See more posts like this in r/TowerofFantasyMMO 6263 subscribers Tower of Fantasy is a free-to-play anime MMORPG, and with the limitless possibilities in the game, you can play as a number of unique and exciting characters. Sometimes, its represented as Orion or Orions hunting dogs chasing a hare. It translates to . Libra is located in the Southern celestial hemisphere. The MMORPG features a large open world, sci-fi themed Anime aesthetics, fast, smooth action combat, the ability to interact with your environment, an active PvP system and so much more. The passcode is hidden within four Password Storage robots, the locations of which are detailed below. Also Read: All Electronic Lock Passwords in Tower of Fantasy Draco Constellation Link See the pictures below for the location of the telescope and the puzzle solution. Below given are the solutions to each Constellation in the game. However, for this one, even without the numbers, it'll tell you if you connected the dot correctly. Unlike Genshin Impact, where the focus on gacha is mostly on characters, Tower of Fantasy's gacha mostly. This time, head south down the peak past a Chow Chow until you see a giant ice arch overhead. After clicking it, there should be a popup on the right side of your screen where you can click a button named "Go". Game8 - Your Go-To Platform For All Game Walkthroughs and Strategy Guides. Tower of Fantasy Dailies: What should you do every day? To find the Draco constellation, make your way to the cliffs at the south end of Raincaller Island in Navia. All rights reserved. What to Do When Lava Pits Aren't Working? Read on to see all Smart Telescope locations and how to solve the Constellation Link puzzles for the Lepus Constellation, Bootes Constellation, and more! The telescope that triggers the Lepus Constellation puzzle can be found southeast of Navia Bay. | Locations and Rewards, List of all Vending Machines and Service Station Locations in Mirroria, All Smart Telescope Puzzle Locations and How to Solve, World Boss Locations, Drops, and Respawn Time, Pokmon Sword and Shield Walkthrough Wiki, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP) Walkthrough Wiki, Animal Crossing: New Horizons Walkthrough Wiki, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion Walkthrough Wiki, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) Walkthrough Wiki, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Walkthrough Wiki, The Lepus Smart Telescope is located southeast of Cetus Island.