Lori realised what she rejected and started histerically crying out of regret. ", "How could Bobby not want be back", Lori cried, "I'm so hot.". - Bobby arrived in his car next to Lori's house. Lori felt awful after ruining Lincoln's present to Ronnie Anne. She was excited about her new more attractive body and activities she was banned to do under 18. - Bobby felt sorry, - I need to go to bathroom. "Wait", Lori said, "he has a runny nose.". The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. My friend drunk too much and he got stupid. She painted her lips with pinkish red lipstick, her eyes with shiney silver and her nails on feet and hands with ruby red shiny paint. Both Santiago siblings have first names that start with an R and middle names that start with an A. ", he shouted. - Lori said with smile - Now let me eat in peace. His absent-minded nature can also cause turmoil and conflict. Luan: Oh my god Lincoln, she is so gonna like what you're giving her! - Leni said, - That would ruin whole surprise. Lori: Hold on a minute. Lori's Redemption (Hiatus) Fanfiction. lori:YOU MOSTER! What if the bag is to heavy? He sometimes shows fear that he may not be good enough for the people he cares about, or that they might ditch him and leave him behind altogether. Morning sun was rising. Ronnie Anne and Lincoln get together, that's all. Maria Santiago: Is everything alright? As Lincoln gets to the steps, he hears a commotion from Lori's room, and he decides to go check. I'm going to the bathroom after all that dancing." "Wanna do what they're doing", Lincoln asked. - Leni asked confused. Loud House: The Break up Fanfiction. - In your position I'd focus on studies and not count only on your music skills. That day, Lori made the announcement that Bobby had proposed to her, and naturally, she had agreed to marry him. The wrestling began, both the combatants tried to push each other. - Now, sorry but Bobby has just arrived for me. She met her boyfriend Bobby. He is 3 years old! We'll go over to Bobby's and make him apologize to you! Bobby's ideal superpower is telepathy, so he could always know what Lori's thinking. Character information She borrowed her mother's perfume and sprayed it on herself. [Wails]. - Guys, stop this hugging! I couldn't decide because I enjoyed it very much so I declared them both winners. - What final preparing? "W-Wh-What, Bobby?" : https://at.nick.com/TVSchedule #TheLoudHouse #TheCasagrandes #LoudCasaGET MORE LOUD HOUSE \u0026 CASAGRANDES: Like The Loud House on Instagram: https://at.nick.com/TheLoudHouseInstagram LikeThe Casagrandes on Instagram: https://at.nick.com/TheCasagrandesInstagramGET SOCIAL WITH NICKELODEON: Like Nick: https://at.nick.com/Facebook Follow Nick: https://at.nick.com/Twitter Nick Instagram: https://at.nick.com/NickIG Nick Snapchat: https://at.nick.com/NickSnapchat Like NickRewind: https://at.nick.com/NickRewindFacebook Follow NickRewind: https://at.nick.com/NickRewindTwitter NickRewind Instagram: https://at.nick.com/NickRewindIG Nick Tumblr: https://at.nick.com/Tumblr Pin Nick: https://at.nick.com/Pinterest Visit the Official Site: https://at.nick.com/Official Get the App: https://at.nick.com/App Welcome to The Loud House \u0026 Casagrandes YouTube channel! Furthermore, he has been shown to be generally friendly towards Clyde, despite the fact that Clyde hated him and often tried to sabotage his and Lori's dates (but Clyde has gotten over his crush on Lori since then, as evidenced in Exchange of Heart and Brave the Last Dance). (Lori is holding the baby boy in her arms.) Lori has 18th birthday and she gets a harsh lesson about adulthood. - I've never been there. - I'll tell you what you missed and what I gained thanks to you. Roberto "Bobby" Alejandro Martnez-Milln Luis Santiago, Jr.[n 1] is a supporting character in The Loud House and a main character in its spin-off The Casagrandes. It can be a new interesting experience. Roberto Alejandro Martnez-Milln Luis Santiago, Jr. "I did not know a dog could blow it's nose", Ronnie Anne said. Its implied that Bobby has inherited this trait from his father[8]. After he said that, he ran right out of Lori's room and into his own, slamming the door. She tried to rub her face, what lowered her guard. Leni: AND NOW HE'S CRYING IN HIS ROOM NOW! She removed her shoes to quickly run to her bedroom. Using the light on his cellphone, he checked to see if it was booby-trapped. Watch Lincoln try to navigate a LOUD household with his 10 sisters, while his best friend Ronnie Anne explores life in a new city with her lively family! This means that his paternal grandfather or one of his other ancestors is named Roberto Alejandro Martnez-Milln Luis Santiago. It was a box of chocolate with some flowers with it. It's from a user called Immatureboys. - Lori commented - Thank you. Signature . Lincoln: (thinking) What is Ronnie gonna think of me when she see me like this and what is she gonna say when I don't have that present I promised her? The box broke open, spilling all the chocolate everywhere and the flowers were crumpled and the petals flew off. (Everyone enters the room.) - I've never thought you're such immature and reckless! Nothing much. However, Lincoln tries to explain himself about what happened, but of course, Lori won't listen. Bebe is Bobby's female counterpart. - Lori commented depressed - What about gifts? Uh-oh, Lincoln was mean to Ronnie Anne and in return Bobby broke up with Lori! Lincoln: Oh, it's nothing. - I won't cover him anymore. Lori closed the bathroom door, she removed her pijama and soaked herself in bath, enjoying it very much. It reads Lori's note: Listen Lincoln, I know you hate me now but I don't blame you. - Lori said and stood up. - said Luan enthusiastically - Wow. He likes oranges, but will get very disappointed if he doesn't get ice cream on Christmas. - Lori admitted with great shame - But I beg you don't hate me for this. Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride, Episodes focusing on Ronnie Anne Santiago, Inspiration for this fanfiction comes from the. Luna:(sarcastically) What did you get now? - Lori said in rush - This year I have a matura exam to pass. She just kept staring at the chocolate and flowers, Lincoln worked hard for to get it himself. "He won't take you back", Ronnie Anne said, "apparently, it's because you only want him to wear what you want him to wear. All he did now was thinking what Ronnie Anne would react to this. "Maybe if you did something nice to him, he'd love you again", Ronnie Anne said. - Nice, saphire my favorite jem. Lori: It's literally so cute to think Lincoln to succeed in this date. She thought the worst of herself. I can't wait to see her reaction! Portrayal I know, I'll pass the time by playing video games. *this book is going under refurbishment so don't mind if some beginning chapters are different than After finally getting tired of Lori, Luan and Lynn constantly making his life miserable, Lincoln de (A Loud house x Ben 10 Ultimate Alien crossover) - This birthday party is different than my previous ones. She became a center of interest but she was ignoring this and was walking towards her class room. In this one, he has a more urban outfit, including a bonnet covering his eyes and headset. Guys who invited me were childish and they splashed me with champain. Lori threw the box of chocolate and flowers on the floor. - Mom commented dissapointed - How did you enjoy your "mature" party? Bobby is Lori's super cool boyfriend and a man of many jobs. - That's better because you're tastier now. - Luna said - I keep writting my songs and singing them to be more popular and recognised. As soon as she look at Lincoln once more, she instantly regretted everything. - Lori asked with angry glare. College studentPizza delivery boyPool lifeguardMall security guardGrocery stock boyDepartment store clerkTour GuideDry CleanerEmployee at the bodega - Lori said sarcastically - Now excuse me but I must hurry. - Lincoln complained - We spend a month of planning and collecting all those things and she just left. "Look", Leni said, "I'm sure he didn't." Other names Lori casually headed toward the refreshments then looking around she slipped into the back door. - I am not criticizing you, but trying to make you aware that grades are very important in career. - But we put a lot of effort to make your 18th birthday unforgetable. "Save the Date". He is also very protective of his younger sister Ronnie Anne, even going so far as to break up with Lori when he heard that Lincoln had insulted her. There they detected Oscar and Simon and joined them. Thanks for everything! They then put Mr. Santiago in the ambulance. - Lori asked - Explain me now! - Leni to hugged Lincoln with tears - I promise, I won't be like Lori. One who makes me laugh more wins. [Source], Boo-Boo Bear (by Lori, Lola, Lisa, Devon, Henrique and the Manager)Bro (by Lincoln and Par)Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater (by Lincoln, Luan and Clyde)Bobsled (by Luna and Lynn)Stud Muffin (by Lisa)Too-Tall McSkinnyPants (by Clyde)[1]Dude (by Ronnie Anne)Big Brother (by Ronnie Anne)Mijo (by Hector and Arturo)Mr. Lincoln: I can't believe I have a date tonight with Cristina. Good work. - Luna answered satisfied. It's literally very hard." - You acted like an ungrateful jerk. "Would you forget about the stupid kite", Lori said. "Alright", Ronnie Anne said, "what's really going on?". I never meant to hurt your feelings. Lisa: Normally I don't show human emotions but [angry] Bobby has no right about breaking up with you! ", "Because I'm your girlfriend", Lori said, "I'm the only Loud you should be hanging out with.". "So, I get a teenaged friend and a broken kite", Ronnie Anne asked. Bobby generally has a relaxed and carefree attitude and is similar to Leni in terms of perception and intelligence. He also was going to have freckles on his cheeks and more scruffy hair. Ronnie Anne sighed and opened the door to Bobby's room. - Lincoln gave Lori a plate with a boiled egg with cinnamon and a glass of multi-layered cappuccino on a board. Lincoln came downstairs and did the bro handshake with Bobby. I gave him lyrics to read. Whenever Bobby is nervous, he does very badly academically. Lori: AHA! I have a ring for her. - Luan said, - We collected our pocket money for a special gift for you. Lincoln: (sarcastically) I wonder what this "surprise" could be? - Thank you, Bobby. The part where Lori tries to makes her breasts larger comes from my favorite scene in the YouTube Loud House parody,The Science House. I don own anything but the storyline. - Hey, enough of this! - After what you did forgiving takes time. "Alright", Ronnie Anne said, "I'll go talk to Bobby.". We can't let her crying! - I know you're jealous for her but don't pretend her. Not much is known about Bobby's childhood, but in "Pranks for the Memories with the Casagrandes", its mentioned that his younger sister Ronnie Anne used to prank him so frequently that he now cannot grow hair on the right side of his face. - Thank you both but I still have a school to attend to. ", "No", Bobby said, "I came here for Lincoln.". - Carol, take it easy. You wson of a gund! "Why do you need my help", Ronnie Anne asked. it's all fine because her brother Bobby, broke up with Lori. I'm going to the bathroom after all that dancing." replied Bobby as he headed toward the men's bathroom. Lori received a pair of dark blue high heels that exposed most of wearer's feet including toes. The Loud parents and Sisters gain powers from one of Lisa's experiments blowing up, Lincoln was awa An alternate ending of the episode Making the Case in which Lincoln learns that the girls were faki genderbent!loud house x reader (A Loud Life). He passes Lola, and she notices the huge smile he has. (Lori grabs Lincoln by his shirt) Bobby broke up with me! This is my first fanfiction when I use supporting character Bobby. She was trying to figure out how to make up with Lincoln. ", "Dog", Bobby asked, "my dad is in there!". Lincoln: (talking to viewers) (voice break) I know Lori wasn't the nicest sister..(sob)..but I never knew she could do something this awful to me.