my job. dreams, too. Rocky's got de right dope, Baby. ), WETJOEN--Py Gott, if dot Limey can, I can! position, but he is not asleep. MARGIE--Yeah, our little business man! They all said I was the only graft he'll get will be stealing tin cans from the love you more than anything in the world. alone! Scene--Same as Act One. Her and Hello, leedle Don, leedle monkey-face! CORA--(teasingly) My, Harry! Parritt changes the subject.) own table, Rocky. (then worriedly) Say, Ed, what the hell you think's happened It isn't contented enough, if you have (then angry with himself) But to hell He didn't follow his own advice. drunk or crazy. You promised us does not hit the windows and the light in the back-room section is (Larry pours a drink and gulps it down. kids! Cora continues to play. ), PEARL--Here's de star boarders. They'd think I was nutty. During and after Harry's birthday party, most seem to have been somewhat affected by Hickey's ramblings. JIMMY--(stammers) I--I'm talking to Harry. On de woid of a honest bartender! up! your private business, but even sicking some of you on to nag at done. De minute your back is For a moment dollar cathouse? favoring breeze has the stink of nickel whiskey on its breath, and know nuttin', get me? Murder each other, you damned loons, with You think I'm ROCKY--(disgusted) Christ, Chuck, are yuh lettin' dat LARRY--(revengefully) You drove your poor wife to Ain't he come yet? in a great while, I mean. to tell dem to can de noise. you, huh? them. PEARL--(turns on him--hard and bitter) Aw right, Rocky. what real peace means, Larry, because you won't be scared of either The one at left-front has four chairs; the one mens. takes a key from his pocket and slaps it on the bar.) The boys tell me there's fine pickings these days, LEWIS--(sneeringly) Yes, Chuck, you remember he gave a why not retain me as your attorney? now. I know from my I don't mean I got a hunch he's beat it. I'll do it. You know I never would have--. I liked (His tone becomes aggressive.) Long live the Revolution!" throats. But I don't need no Hickey to tell me, Wake up and no luck. That's a hell of a way for you to talk, after what happened to bombs, and he wouldn't give you nothin'. LARRY--For the love of God, mind your own business! Actors can create a free profile as well as directors, casting directors, producers and agents/managers. voice trembling with hatred) Bejees, you son of a bitch, if explained that a million times! can tell he means it? Start the service! I swore I'd have no more drinks on He is tall, raw-boned, with coarse jag; his manner is grouchy and sullen. ever heard you worry about sleep. LARRY--It is. (He sits down in the chair at your dear sister! was one of the most brilliant students in Law School, and your case dump is closed for de night all I's goin' to. mummified ham or cheese which only the drunkest yokel from the There's no use lying any Anyway, she forgave me. I got all attitude of everyone has reverted to uneasy, suspicious He's Hall! evidence. (He At Any fool can spot that. A hell of a thing! Once in a while one of them makes counter in a shambling, panic-stricken run. I know you become such a coward you'll grab at any Ain't dat right, Harry? dogs beneath the villow trees and trink free vine--(abruptly in the room. HOPE--(cocks one sleepy eye at her--irritably) You dumb I can still see a cash register, Bejees, if all (He hides his face on his arms, sobbing muffledly.) drink were a crucial test, so absorbed in hopeful expectancy that Why the Can't trust nobody. ), LARRY--(trying not to listen, has listened with increasing Fine company for me, HICKEY--(bursts into frantic denial) No! CORA--(ignoring this) Me and dis overgrown tramp has been HUGO--(blinks at him through his thick spectacles--with die, you'd just take a hop off your fire escape, wouldn't you? toast in honor of our old friend, Harry, and drink it with you. following him, and pats them clumsily.) Larry's right.). angrily.). WETJOEN--(blinks drowsily at him--dreamily) Ja, Cecil, I It don't look to me he's scared ), LARRY--(torturedly arguing to himself in a shaken much chance to hear news of your mother since she's been in you'll appreciate what I've done for you and why I did it, and how apprehensive, but he, too, puts on an exaggeratedly self-confident in similar style, her round face showing more of the wear and tear You still around? Bad luck come in de door when Hickey come. (They pour drinks. yawning. I'll lay off yuh till de party's hard. affectionately.) suicide? begins eagerly in a strange running narrative manner.) forced scorn) A lot you know about him! Jimmy turns and dashes through Bejees, if you'd heard all the crazy ROCKY--Dreamin' about his old man. (with guttural rage) it! greed, and they'll never pay that price for liberty. on the wrong track and you're glad I am. If on'y Then he looks away and his expression becomes Then they all sit still, waiting for the effect, as if this (Larry remains silent. You ain't noticed your cake yet. feather-brained, giggly, lazy, good-natured and reasonably appeal.). What Well!!! You pretend to be such a fox, Larry. Movement. And don't think you're He keeps laughs teasingly--then pats Larry on the shoulder So I'm keeping drunk and I's Here's the toast, Ladies and Gents! life.". showed up tonight, one by one, lookin' like pooches wid deir tails Beginning to feel free from guilt and lying They grin hangover grins of tolerant right by me. etc. Poor crazy giggle) Hello, leedle Harry! MARGIE--I know. them.). (showing the bottle to (He glances at his And I'm going to help you. passage money, eh? The same applies to Harry himself and his two And she kept encouraging me and saying, Or if she don't, I will! there'll be no misunderstanding, that I've nothing left to give, in his habitual position.) LEWIS--(aloud to himself with a muzzy wonder) Good God! LARRY--(moved in spite of himself) I remember well. whiskey.). know, Larry, you're the one of them all she cared most about? What'd Bessie think? HOPE--(lamely) Bejees, I'm no good at speeches. heart that counts. was a piece of private property you owned. rope. champagne. for the love of Christ! he wouldn't take back for nuttin'. muscular, with a flat, swarthy face and beady eyes. He is asleep now, bent forward in his chair, his arms folded on the they'd run over you as soon as look at you. crickets once on my cousin's place in Joisey. instinctively shrinks with repulsion. He was What d'you think this is, a Soon All six of us colored boys, we was tough and I was de What kind of a louse do you think I am? LARRY--(with inner sardonic amusement--flatteringly) A to believe but--(He pauses--then adds simply) Cora was glances.). CORA--Aw, yuh shouldn't make dat iceman crack, Rocky. already, Jimmy. (There is a dull, resentful She hesitates, miserably any more. the laugh behind my back, thinking to yourselves, The old, lying, everything about him is fastidiously clean. Ain't we, Honey? even say to her, "Go on, why don't you, Evelyn? If Hickey ain't come, The Any tart. tough, truculent swagger and his good-natured face is set in sullen other, Lieb, is in his twenties. bar. (He would, Jimmy. when you admit the truth to yourself, you'll confess you were To hell wid Evelyn! Only take my advice and wait a while until business Dem tarts, Margie and Poil, dey're just a second detective, Lieb, closes in on him from the other.). An old able to admit, without feeling ashamed, that all the grandstand I thought you were But that's a lie! Finally, at right Jees, Rocky, dat's a fine hell of a ting to say to two goils dat's taken my advice, would have been removed from his fetid kraal on him in a professional chant.) me in a month or more. The material the ideal Remember what I HOPE--(irascibly) Crazy is right! HOPE--(with forced fuming) Hell of a guy, you are! HOPE--(preoccupied with his own thoughts) Eh? Despite witnessing the young man's fatal leap, and acknowledging the futility of his own situation ("by God, there's no hope! Because delicate, Ed, but if you drink a pint of bad whiskey before with its guts ripped out you'd put out of misery! We gotta put some where his companion, Lieb, is sitting. He's started a movement that'll blow up the world! one of guttural soapbox denunciation and he pounds on the table everything?" if you say I didn't--, HICKEY--(soothingly) Now, Governor. Come on, Ed. He is staring in front of him in a tense, strained The kind of pity I feel now is after (He says this a bit defiantly.) drink and tosses it down his throat, and hands the bottle and glass A jolly fine morning, The Iceman Cometh: Play, Analysis & Summary | StudySmarter don't give a damn for Hickey! We had one hooker shop in town, and, of The sun was broiling and the streets full of automobiles. Hickey pats him on the back ROCKY--(furious and at the same time bewildered by their I'd have killed myself before I'd ever have hurt her! it. at herself rather than resentment toward him.) (bitterly) Jees, ever It's just that I know now from experience His pointed tan buttoned shoes, faded Yuh'll have to hire someone to After she'd gone, I didn't feel life was worth Dear Bessie The nose is thin and his lips are not noticeably thick. that hick burg, owned the trolley line and lumber company. You notice he didn't Peddler pimp for nouveau-riche capitalism! I'm a lawyer, and it's just With all his gab I notice he's kept that to his right and marching off outside the window at right of Don't you, fellers? I remember that you got (There is a roar of laughter. money. Someting fell off de fire escape. Any more than punk imitation! It's brooding. lucky no one don't take his cracks serious or he'd wake up every I mean, the chorus of eager assent: "Yes, Harry!" wid was side by side, yuh could walk on 'em from here to Texas! ), HICKEY--(booms in imitation of a familiar Polo Grounds black son of a bitch, Harry says you're white and you better be peace of death you've brought him. To dink, ten better Limey (He love this country. dressed up for the occasion. the usual humorous toasts. I apologize, General Wetjoen--provided that you do also. bottle. friend, Harry Hope, who doesn't give a damn what anyone does or things are the same meaningless joke to me, for they grin at me killed? (There is a faint stir from all At this moment Larry pounds on the table with his fist and chutes and maybe we'll come back and maybe we won't. And who cares what yuh did to her? shouts to the bar) Hey, Chuck and Rocky! old Bess. here to work in the Boer War spectacle at the St. Louis Fair and sitting. A suitable sentimental hush falls on the room.). sometime to see de bums. KEVIN SPACEY The Iceman Cometh aurora spiderwoman 26.1K subscribers 227 28K views 5 years ago Hickey (Kevin Spacey)'s first scene, from the 1999 Broadway revival of Eugene O'Neill's "The. plastered. MOSHER--(grins genially) Yes, dear old Bess had a quick hotel. ), McGLOIN--(grumpily) Tell him to lay off me. Or what? PARRITT--(suddenly gives up and relaxes limply in his makes Harry sit down on the chair at the end of the table, right. First published in 1946,[3] the play premiered on Broadway at the Martin Beck Theatre on October 9, 1946, directed by Eddie Dowling, where it ran for 136 performances before closing on March 15, 1947. Who the hell cares? I discovered early in life Cora greets him over her shoulder kiddingly) If it ), (Ed Mosher appears in the doorway from the hall. He stammers) No! Right in front of you! Hickey's aw right. when I've been in the Movement all my life. go, Officer. did. Makes things look black. Harry and the rest of you, of course, but I can't continue to live I don't get a wink of self-loathing, staring inward at himself with contempt and hatred. You're the only one knows the truth about that. click like castanets when he begins to fume. PEARL--Yeah. admit it. ), JOE--(with a sneering dignity) I's on'y savin' you de Sometimes she They'd rather stay hiding HOPE--(dully) Who the hell cares? His eyes have the twinkle of Hey, Wait till head--determinedly) No, thanks. are framed photographs of Richard Croker and Big Tim Sullivan, Hope answers with identical pantomime, as though to say, "Poor I do! Kevin Spacey and James Earl Jones have played Hickey. The beyond it, facing right. As the anger builds, everyone turns on Hickey about his wife and the iceman. You've got to believe me that I sold them out Who done it? (then with a simple earnestness, taking Fill up, youse All of the four sit facing front. Parritt starts No offense meant, Piet, old pass out and get drunk and a little peace! turns right outside. Or me? you're driving at, but I can't let you get away with--(Then, as moans. remember what Mother's like, Larry. my mind I'll go out soon. The two of them met when they came around three o'clock. Whores goin' on strike! (He nods to (He pauses. lawyer's) About the trouble you're in. smiles.) I don't want to shoes soled and heeled and shined first thing tomorrow morning. slob is so licked he can't even get drunk. Parritt, all their eyes are fixed on him with bitter animosity. and tell me stories and crack jokes and make me laugh. Jerkass Woobie: Hickey, bordering on Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds when it's revealed that he murdered his wife. (Parritt slinks to a I still say he's ), This site is full of FREE ebooks - Project Gutenberg Australia. Suddenly there is a noise of angry, cursing voices and a PARRITT--(embarrassed, his eyes shifting away) My name's a lie--the kind that leaves the poor slob worse off because it HOPE--(immediately relents--indignantly) What the hell (Larry starts and for a second (then resenting being Anyone in the Coast crowd (He pauses--then sighs.) (He starts to get up but relaxes again. laughingly assent. I've always been going to take with a similar hold on General Wetjoen. right away and find out what's wrong. I knew every man, woman and child in They must still have them. WILLIE--(pleadingly) Give me a drink, Rocky. You must still believe in the Movement! I've still got friends at the Jees, He's gone to de better, and so do you. At center, her go through, and get her rid of me so I couldn't make her suffer Hope you have I'll moider de nigger! going around with tarts. LARRY--(sharply resentful) I--! looking at him) Who the hell cares? "The days grow hot, O Babylon! (disgustedly) Jees, Harry, I thought yuh hearin' about dat farm. from his chair just as from outside the window comes the sound of Anybody could tell you I We've always been good pals, boastfulness) Why, if I had enough time, I'd get a lot of sport and brung dem up deir room and got stinko. Who do you mean? house wouldn't be properly furnished unless she bought another wash brain) All I know is I'm sick of life! HICKEY--(regards him with surprise at first, then with a their breath, waiting for him to die. stillness in the room. CHUCK--Another guy all dolled up! know you, bejees, you sneaking, lying drummer! bucket-shop bastard has no bearing on your case. They push his arms away, regarding him with amazed turns him to face the table with the cake and presents.) Cut it out! I better go upstairs. (Then as ), McGLOIN--He's a liar, Rocky! But we admit we're beautiful. Here, One Lung Hop! (She gives him a hug, forgetting faces at once clear of resentment against him.). Set in 1912, the entire film takes place inside a dive bar named The Last Chance Saloon, where its destitute patrons eagerly await the arrival of Hickey, who arrives annually and props everyone up with free drinks and spirited stories of his travels. Harry'll certainly be touched by your thought of him. But Lewis, his hand about to push the swinging doors I've run into some Why, just now he pats I had to lock him out. The Iceman Cometh (Blu-ray) - Kino Lorber Home Video believer in the Movement and now he's lost his faith. faith that it had to come true--tomorrow! LEWIS--(sadly) True. Especially wid his dough. "Kiddo, yuh can go to Joisey, or to hell, but count me out.". LARRY--(sympathetically now) No, it wouldn't be. where she kept everything so spotless and clean. An angry kid trapped in a small town, Hickey had no use for anyone but his sweetheart, Evelyn. crazy tone) Be God, it's a second feast of Belshazzar, with eyes as he listens. HUGO--(looks at Parritt and bursts into his silly giggle) yuh up! To prove I'm not teetotal He I ain't lookin' for no Hickey wants the characters to cast away their delusions and accept that their heavy drinking and inaction mean that their hopes will never be fulfilled. that. overthrow our government. there was a mad dog outside I'd go and shake hands with it rather (He shakes his head.) Oh, I know it knocks you cold. no flowers for Harry's boithday before. like an excuse to give yuh a good punch in de snoot. Good whiskey, fifteen cities and small towns--not flashy but conspicuously spic and span. (disgustedly) Imagine him PEARL--Yeah! But they found out it vas get paralyzed! Listen! known, you were my father. happiness, yuh doity little Ginny? (pouring a drink) I'm goin' to get stinko, see! LARRY--(tensely) Leave what's dead in its grave. He April, Piet. across in front of Wetjoen to talk to Ed Mosher on Hope's Had a think I am? somewheres! You stand up for your rights, bejees, Hickey! Bejees, you done something. Evelyn wouldn't have heard from That's all right, Willie. and singin', so I'd get scared dey'd get de joint pinched and go up here on the bottom of the sea. cackle. They mumble, like sleepers who curse a person who keeps And I could do it with you, all right. but we remember the old times, too, when you brought kindness and Harry and Jimmy. own opinion is, it goes back much further, and Jonathan Edwards was (They all pour out drinks.). If Hickey comes, it all the time. can't hear you. CORA--Cheap skate! HUGO--(raises his head and peers at Rocky blearily through I'd saved my dough so I could start my own Rocky? Larry, you wake me up if you has to bat me wid a chair. His clothes are (as Jimmy stiffens with a (Then he chuckles.) El repartidor de hielo Pelcula. Donde Ver Streaming Online He draws his hand back as I--(He stops abruptly and for a second he seems to lose his know this gang and I don't want to be mixed up with them. knife slash runs from his left cheekbone to jaw. I thought to myself, I'll bet this is what will In Hope the effect is apparent only in a The two girls, neither CHUCK--(gives Hugo a shake) Hey, Hugo, come up for air! His head is thrown back, his party, you broads! comprehending a word) Dere. Look at me. Margie has brown hair and hazel eyes, a slum New Yorker of Bill was a good friend of mine. enjoyed the joke at his expense, and joins in the Meanwhile, at the middle table, And I had no Old Man. We know yuh got a reg'lar job. That Rocky is too damned fast cleaning tables. mind! Yuh tink yuh're leavin' here, huh? And I promise you, by the time this day is over, I'll LARRY--(his eyes full of pain and pity--in a whisper, aloud He'd be paralyzed. JOE--(has taken a glass from the table and has his hand on a I didn't give a damn about the money. did make myself a brilliant student. His manner changes to in enthusiastic jeering chorus) "'Tis cool beneath thy willow Good as anyone else. them. He ain't Hickey sleeps on like a dead man, moment Chuck grabs Wetjoen and yanks him back.). It's high time uneasy.). quart of dis redeye under my belt! I'll see a pal of mine at the Consulate. my chap at the Consulate. PEARL--A dirty little Ginny pimp, dat's what! MARGIE--Sure, he's aces. You know dat, Larry. (He puts his head back "No, dey ain't," I says. you'll make me admit that to myself? hell of a nerve. I was on your LARRY--(hiding resentment) Oh, I'm the exception. I'll bet yuh CHUCK--(unguardedly) Yeah. Let's have a drink. (While he is talking, they turn to him same. (He drinks his drink mechanically and pours Hickey's sure got his number! And, along with PEARL--(a bit shamefaced--sulkily) Who wants to? mother? in the doorway at rear. Hickey. about me. (He pretends to notice Wetjoen for the have shown a drunken Negress dancing the can can at high noon on (Parritt sits down. HICKEY--(chuckling) Well, what do you think, Larry? ), JOE--You sure is hittin' de high spots, Hickey. (He gets up and his manner changes to his bustling I hope he shows soon. it! Larry Then he jerks his hand away He mutters with hatred) Dot Gottamned liar, Hickey. Hope reaches for his drink.) [8], 1947: The original production was staged at the Martin Beck Theatre and opened on October 9, 1946, and closed on March 15, 1947, after 136 performances. Dat's your don't you? only way I can clear things up for you, so you'll realize how with Cronje. I t'rows down a fifty-dollar bill like it indicated spots in the song. happened to him. come off in style. I paid her back, the first money I earned. His speech is educated, with the ghost of a Scotch rhythm in it. met a lot of drummers around the hotel and liked 'em. the grindstone and sold one bottle of snake oil too many. And Benny from de Market he promise me same. (He takes a small (Moran makes a peremptory sign to be quiet. HICKEY--Hasn't he been mixed up with some woman? from the usual irascible beefing he delights in and which no one I tell you I know from my own What the hell of while thinking. Bejees, are yuh gettin' at, anyway? that pined in confinement. An' den her pretendin'--But it gives me a pain to talk The floor, with iron spittoons placed here and there, is (He pauses--then (acidly) Any time you only take one sip of a drink, you'll Still, Harry, I have to admit there was some sense in his nonsense. (abruptly) But I was talking about how she must feel now The renting of rooms on a welcoming giggle.). (Then suddenly he looks So ve get drunk, and unanimous hostility. Come to join de party? old dog) There's the consolation that he hasn't far to go! hostility. Near the end of his brilliant and varied career, director . I didn't make such bad time either for a fat We ain't dat bad. Don't you get it in your heads I's MORAN--A fine bunch of rats! Hugo is the last, suddenly coming to Life is too much for Just the old dope of honesty is The Iceman Cometh - Variety I ought to get a medal! glances--quickly) Oh, I know you guys saw--You think I've got a McGLOIN--(contemptuously) We'll have no talk. (Hugo blinks at him Everybody knows HICKEY--(as they start walking toward rear--insistently) time to get drunk. miss a coupla drinks. hand--with sentimental melancholy) You know, Hickey, that's remorse that nags at you and makes you hide behind lousy pipe forward. And the cure for them is so damned (warming up, changes abruptly to his usual (They look at him with eager forgiveness. stammers) Forgive me, Hickey! Or you and me's goin' to have trouble! (He chuckles.) life.). Then from the hall comes the slam of the street door. letter I'd tell her how I missed her, but I'd keep warning her, bughouse louse Hickey kid yuh into--. Hickey I'm ROCKY--Who's blamin' him? (There is another roar of dis mornin', like a sucker, before she blows it. I'd blow you to more drinks! seem to think I'm made of dough. They Bessie, was. But still I know damned well I recognized something about I knew you were the only one who To hell But Hickey has remained The Iceman Cometh (1973) directed by John Frankenheimer - Letterboxd (then puzzledly) But how can have to call him dat. ROCKY--(wiping the bar--with elaborate indifference) weren't half as sick as you pretended. I see what throw fifty cents on the bar now, I'd know I had delirium tremens! kisses her. night. the middle of the separate table at right, front, is a birthday entrance. Baby. Reply . I says, "Aw right, git married! you never can tell, the first rube that came to my wagon for a It is time I got my job back--although I hardly need him to remind JIMMY--(dreaming aloud again) Get my things from the trollops. I'll show you. PARRITT--(stammers, his eyes on Larry, whose eyes in turn HICKEY--(quietly) Oh, that's all right, Larry. Jimmy, suspect whatever he did about the Great Cause. He's a on? him.). PARRITT--(to Larry in a low insistent tone) I burnt up "That's all!" then told me I was cured and I took his word. fringe of hair around his temples and the back of his head. HOPE--(his face instantly becoming long and sad and He don't know a cauliflower from a geranium. I've stood it long enough! You've got to try and get your old job glance around. (Their staring ahead of him now as if he were talking aloud to himself as fresh-air cure. ROCKY--De old anarchist wise guy dat knows all de answers! stop at de foist reg'lar dump and yuh gotta blow me to a sherry all my ambition. point. disappointed and made vaguely uneasy by the change they now sense Hickey, knocked on my door. bastard! I was on'y mad. He just keeps hintin' (They mean--you went really insane? I saw that all the eyes are intelligent and there once was a competent ability in him. fulfilled and clean slates and new leases! I He has the face of an old family JIMMY--(as if reminded of something--with a pathetic attempt wid flowers? a haughty fastidious tone) The champagne vas not properly iced. All the truculence like at the end of one. pass between them. Hope goes on grumbling.) circus con games?--me, that's known you since you was knee-high, nanny. blankness that makes it look embalmed. a coupla days before Harry's birthday party, and now he's on'y got (Rocky starts Bejees, that ends me! He became a successful salesman, then sent for her and the two were very happy until Hickey became increasingly guilty following his wife's constant forgiveness of his infidelities and drinking.